The list of publications supported with booming vote (19.10.21 - 25.10.21)
The list of publications supported with booming vote 19.10 - 25.10
The list will be published weekly, to help you search for the best quality content to read and support it with your vote. Remember about our program #travelers-say - when you will upvote the posts and comment using the proper tag, you may win extra rewards. More about #travelers-say you will read HERE
We would like to remind you also about #club5050. Participating in #club5050 you triple your chance for the upvote. Read about club5050 HERE
To increase your chance for booming, remember to VERIFY your account in our community. You may also consider DELEGATING some of your SP to our community.
Besides that, we are willing to distribute some of the booming support votes for the users who participate in the "Stay with Travelers" program. Read about it HERE
As you may notice, we distribute at least 2/3 of booming votes for #club5050 participants and up to 1/3 for the best quality content written by the users who do not participate in #club5050 yet.
Rewarded posts:
Good report, thanks for update.
Thank you for the direction and support..
Great report this week.
Thanks for this update.
¡Good Morning! Thank you very much for the support. ❤️ Thankful to the community for the support. God fill you with many blessings.
Thank you for the report, for the work and support!
@magsolnce congratulations on the first booming! :)
Oh, Thank you!))))
Thank you very much for the support!!!
I haven't had any luck with voting over the #club505 program😥
Hi dear friend
These are important issues, thank you for your guidance
Congratulations to you all whose content we're supported. May we continue to have continuous support from the steemit team so that we will keep on benefitting from the support. #travelers-say