"Steemit Engagement Challenge | S14W6 | Places That Feel Good: Where I Go To Relax"

in Steem4Bloggers8 months ago

Good morning relaxation

Mental relaxation and peace…

“The place where I find my inner peace and mental relaxation is a serene garden tucked away in the heart of nature. Surrounded by vibrant flowers and the gentle sound of flowing water, this tranquil oasis allows me to escape the chaos of everyday life and reconnect with myself. The scent of blooming roses and the soft touch of grass beneath my feet instantly melt away any stress or worries, leaving me feeling rejuvenated and at peace.”

This, my dear friends, is what an AI came up with when I asked it for a text on mental relaxation and peace.
Is this me? Nope, not at all.

I invite you to get to know me better.

The place where I find my inner peace and mental relaxation

I believe that as we grow up and experience different places of living, changes to what we value and the wisdom we have gained over the years affect the place where we will find our inner peace and mental relaxation.

I can remember, as a youngster, how I enjoyed my grandpa’s farm. Growing up in the big city, an escape to the farm was always like heaven to me. I can remember walking long distances on the ground farm road, swinging on gates, smelling the blue gum (Eucalyptus) trees, and hearing the cows coming in for their morning milk session. I felt so at peace and close to nature, even though I was a child. No longer was the pressure to perform resting on my shoulders.

Later, as a teenager, I would sit on the windowsill of my bedroom overlooking the valley while I would listen to the music playing from the cassettes my dad bought for us. I even had a sign I would stick on my door, “Moenie pla nie,” translated, do not disturb.

It was my time! I could cry if a song moved me to tears, and I could move with the music and sing along without anyone watching me.

Much later, as a wife, mother, and businesswoman, I found very little time for myself, let alone time to experience inner peace and mental relaxation. It was all rush and go from the time I opened my eyes until I closed them that night.
But, each day, Monday to Friday, and as long as school was on, I had 15 minutes every day just for myself.

I would fetch my kids from school 15 minutes earlier than expected. In those minutes, I sat in my car, closing my eyes, reflecting on my day, my family, and myself. Okay, I must admit, sometimes I did fall asleep.

"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes…Including you". -Anne Lamott

Writing this post made me remember how valuable those few minutes were and how they gave me the energy to continue with the day.

Eventually, the kids grew up and went to boarding school and university, and I no longer had to fetch them from school every day.

With that, I also grew older, and my expectations and beliefs changed. All of a sudden, I had a clear direction, dedicated staff working for me that I could rely on, and time on my hands. Time for devotion, time for myself, and time for my Heavenly Father. This alone awakens the best of feelings deep inside of me, as each day I find inspiration from my spiritual journey.

I am reminded of our calling to love God and to love each other, to get inner peace by handing our problems over to Him, and to relax as He is in control.

I went from my grandpa’s farm to the windowsill of my bedroom, to my car, to my place of quiet time, wherever it might be. Sometimes it will be in our garden, our study, the lounge, or even our lookout point over the blue ocean.

The AI mentioned “the gentle sound of flowing water.”
For me, the best place is not walking or sitting where the gentle sound of flowing water can be heard but the sound of the waves as they break on the shoreline.
The wide ocean is a magnetic field for me. There is healing in the ocean. It reunites and soothes me; therefore, it is my favorite place to “recharge my batteries.”


The time of the day

There is only one time of the day for me, and that is early morning.

We have this beautiful phrase in my home language, Afrikaans. “Die oggendstond het goud in die mond.” Translation: The morning hour has gold in its mouth.
This means that by getting up early, you can accomplish a lot.

Having “me time” early in the morning has several benefits for me.

  • It clears my mind completely
  • I am more alert
  • I can concentrate more
  • I am more focused
  • It makes me feel revitalized for the rest of the day
  • Gone are the negative thoughts
  • I am more relaxed

Best of all, it is the right time for me to say thank you for a new day, for family, for health… for food on the table. A clear reminder of how lucky I am.

My sharing of this place

The question is,

If you would invite someone to experience that place with you, who would it be and why?”

This is a very tricky question, with the emphasis falling on “someone to experience.”

I would not invite anybody to my “go-to” place, where I find my mental relaxation and inner peace. I believe that when you want to relax mentally and in peace, you want to do it all by yourself. It is your time for self-reflection. A time when you think about your values, your problems, your beliefs, what you must do to overcome your problems and improve your life, etc.

You cannot invite someone to experience your self-reflection and what goes with it.

Now, if it was for a time of relaxing to have fun and laughter, it is a different story, and I would take anyone who would like to come along as long as they are open to having a great time. Relaxing with family and friends can do wonders for you.
My family often tells me that my heart is like a taxi as there is always a place for another person.

"Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths". - Etty Hillesum


All images are my own and taken with intervals during sunrise

I invite: @pandora2010 @alee75 @marito74

Thank you to all the Steemians who invited me to this contest:

@fajrulakmal99 @fadlymatch @rosselena @apnigrich @sushanta83

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I agree with you that everyone has their own place they want to visit when they want to relax. And it is influenced by many factors. I myself will feel relaxed when I am on the beach and look at the blue sea and the fishing boats catching fish. You know, my first date with my wife was at the beach...🤭
Likewise with the next date, which often sat together on the beach. Even now, when we want to "heal", we often go to the beach. Good luck with your contest...

 8 months ago 

Awh this is so special! Your first date with your wife was at the beach. No wonder you return to the beach when you want to recharge.

The ocean can be so relaxing, yet it can never be underestimated. It is a force to be reckoned with.

Thank you! I appreciate your visit and your engagement.

That's right. Apart from providing tranquility, the sea also holds potential dangers. I have experienced trauma when there was a terrible earthquake with a scale of 9.1–9.3 on the moment strength scale and IX (Great) on the Mercalli intensity scale and tsunami in 2004 which made me stay away from the sea. But now I love the sea and beaches again.

 8 months ago 

Very philosophical, or should I say poetic, post! This is the first one I read this morning, and I felt like wow! Yes, even I wouldn't ask anyone and disturb my mental peace while sitting or walking in such a place, and yes, I have a place like this too.

I felt like I had gone through an entire journey with you without being there that started from your younger days and covered pretty much a life span. That's what I call a writing genius.

 8 months ago 

Oh wow! This is a great compliment. Thank you!
If there is one person who understands what it is to write from the heart, then it is you.

Life is so beautiful, and we need to make the most of every moment. This we can only do if we start with ourselves.

It is wonderful to know that you also have a place that is only for yourself. Enjoy it!

Thank you; I appreciate the visit.☕

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We are the hope!

 8 months ago 

Thank you!

 8 months ago 

De las cosas buenas que disfrutó en Steemit es poder leerle buena amiga.
Consigo tanto en sus publicaciones para aprender y por supuesto cosas que leyendo su texto me translado y pareciera que vivo en directo lo que usted está relatando con tanta sapiencia.

Es indudable que con el paso del tiempo los lugares de relajación van cambiando para nosotros pero una reflexión que saco de su escrito es que No es el Lugar, es lo que encontramos en el

Debo confesar que Yo también me que dormido en esos instantes de relajación y respiración en el auto jeje je je je

Mamá decía si quieres paz no sea parte de caos.

Bendiciones amiga y éxitos con su genial entrada.

 8 months ago 

Mom said if you want peace, don't be part of chaos.

Bless her heart!! This is so true.

Thank you, my friend, for your visit. You always amaze me with your wonderful comments.

I agree with you that it is not the place that counts, but what we find in the place that counts. So often, the biggest surprises are locked in these moments. Even if we fall asleep. (•ิ‿•ิ)

 8 months ago 

Your journey from your grandpa's farm to the windowsill, car, and now the ocean beautifully illustrates the evolution of your sanctuary for mental relaxation. The morning ocean waves create a magical recharge. Your commitment to self-reflection in solitude is profound. Wishing you many serene mornings by the ocean. Thank you for sharing.

 8 months ago 

It is for me to say thank you to you not only for the visit but also for this great comment on my post. Thank you!

Oh yes, and let me not forget to say thank you for wishing me tranquil mornings at the coast! ☕
I am so blessed to have it on my doorstep.

 8 months ago 

You're most welcome! Your gratitude warms my heart. Wishing you countless serene mornings by the coast! ☕

 8 months ago 

Reading your content is always a pleasure because you are very focused, you always make valid, reasonable arguments. And yes, my dear friend, as the years go by those spaces of relaxation change, time decreases or simply disappear from our lives because we are so accelerated that we forget about ourselves, for sure we are aware of our children, work and responsibilities.

It happens that the space is in your mind, those minutes of reflection are only yours and no one else's, I agree that when it comes to reflect we need to be alone, like you I get up early and those first minutes are to thank God and reflect, when everyone sleeps and I am alone with my thoughts.

A big hug, excellent reading.

 8 months ago 

Ah! So we are two peas in pod! (•ิ‿•ิ)

Thank and reflect! I love how you have put the thank you first. So often, we first think about ourselves, and then we are thankful.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my post and for commenting on it. It is appreciated.

 8 months ago 

I loved reading you, because I totally agree with you in the course of life, our moments of peace and places of tranquility always change... Life itself is thus a coming and going of emotions, feelings and things such as water, the movement of the sea... By the way, the sea is a wonderful place to recharge your energies and reflect. Success in the challenge friend!!

 8 months ago 

At least we can say one thing, and that is that life is never boring... never with a dull moment. It is always changing, and so are we. Is that then not also one of the reasons why we must allow ourselves some quality "me time?"

Thank you for the visit and your kind words. It is appreciated.

Que hermosos recuerdos en la granja, realmente era un paraiso. Mi padre también tenia una y era increíble los momentos alegres que viví en ella. Tenia muchas vacas, un hermoso rio y grandes llanos.

La IA siempre hace de las suyas, un texto que realmente no se parece a ti.

T deseo éxito en el desafío 🙏

Saludos amiga 🤗

 8 months ago 

Ah! So you are also a farm girl (•ิ‿•ิ)
So often, I wish that my kids and now my grandchildren could experience it. It is terrible to think that such uncomplicated lives are now replaced with mobile phones and consoles. Time changed a lot!

Thank you! I appreciated and enjoyed your visit.

 8 months ago 

Hola amiga @patjewell me alegra mucho leer tu participación, la frase que mencionas

La hora de la mañana tiene oro en la boca.

Es como decimos aca en Venezuela
El que madruga agarra agua clara
Que es muy parecida a lo que mencionas, el que se para temprano aprovecha lo mejor del día y logra realizar todo lo que se propone
Las horas de la mañana son las mejores del día para relajarse y encontrar paz interior y no hay nada mejor que el sonido de las olas del mar para relajarse

 8 months ago 

He who gets up early grabs clear water

Haha! I love this and will remember it for a very long time. Thank you for sharing.

I've also found that if I don't have my quality time early in the morning, I get so busy that I don't get to it, and when nighttime comes, I have totally forgotten about it or am just too tired.

Thank you! I appreciate your visit to my post.

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