Steemit Crypto Academy Season 3 Week 2| Homework Summary: Introduction to Charts

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago

Hello Steemians, the 2nd week of Steemit Crypto Academy season 3 which ran from 4th of July to 10th of July has ended. This is my first lesson as a professor in the academy and I'm impressed with the engagement and interaction from the lesson.
I want to thank everyone who participated in this lesson and I believe that you have gained enough knowledge on Japanese Candlestick chart. We are just getting started on the journey to educate everyone on the basics of technical analysis and how to read a candlestick chart.


Image Created in WPS


In the lesson, we covered "Introduction to Charts". This lesson was to prepare and educate students on technical analysis and how to read candlestick charts. Similar, we covered sub-topics under the lesson which includes:

  • Definition of Charts.
  • Japanese Candlestick Chart and its Anatomy.
  • Bullish and Bearish Candles.

After the lesson, students were engaged to test their understanding of the lesson with the following questions:

  • Explain the Japanese Candlestick Chart? (Chart screenshot required)
  • Describe any other two types of charts? (Screenshot required)
  • In your own words, explain why the Japanese Candlestick chart is mostly used by traders.
    Describe a bullish candle and a bearish candle identifying its anatomy? (Screenshot is required)

At the end of the week, we had 181 total entries. The distribution can further be grouped into:

  • 181 total entries.
  • 178 valid entries.
  • 1 invalid entry.
  • 2 late entries.
  • 0 plagiarised content.

This can be shown graphically using the bar chart below.



Grade Statistics


The following marking scheme was deployed to grade the students' assignments;

  • Presentation and Use of markdowns: Presentation band use of markdown: presentation examined the overall structure of the answers, arrangements, sequence of answers, and method of approach. Use of markdowns ensured context arrangement in line with the Steem platform markdown instructions, use of proper elements for intended purposes.
  • Compliance with the topic: Compliance with the topic guides the framework of questions given in the assignment, ensuring that answers correspond to questions given.
  • Spelling and Grammar: Spelling and grammar ensure that a clear construct of grammatical structure, completeness of sentences, and all-around meaning are followed throughout the work.
  • Quality of Analysis: Quality of Analysis ensured that various points raised in the analysis were vetted in line with the analysis of the questions.
    Originality: Originality of content examines the answers in avoidance of plagiarism. Ensured the use of references and citations in the picture, quotes, and other necessary areas.


  • Plagiarized content refer to users who copied someone else’s idea without referencing the origin source.
  • Below average refer to grades below 5.
  • Average refers to grades within 5 and 5.9
  • Good refers to grades within 6 and 8.9
  • Excellent refer to grades within 9 and 10.
  • Invalid is for posts from users who are not eligible to perform the task.
  • Later entries are for students who submitted before the scheduled time which is 11:59 pm UTC, in Saturday, July 10th 2021.


There was a high level of performance from the students. We have 64% of the students scoring above 6 and also, 15% scoring above 9. This shows that the students were well blended in the lesson. Similarly, some students went further to research outside the lesson on Japanese candlestick chart to produce technical and quality content. It was difficult to select the best 3 homework tasks as there were multiple entries to compete for the spot. The following students deserve an additional reward for their effort in performing the tasks.

Top 3 homework tasks

UsernameHomework link
@reddileepHomework post link
@bright-obiasHomework post link
@beckie96830Homework post link


Observation / Recommendations

  • The responses from the students were great and I'm convinced that they properly understood the lesson. However, some were still confused about candlestick anatomy and the colors of the candle. The closing price of the candlestick is the most sensitive part of the candle which determines the momentum in the price of an asset. The closing price also shows if the price of an asset is bullish or bearish. The colors of the candles are just to differentiate the bullish candle and the bearish candle and traders can customize these colors to their style.
  • Majority of the students got their charts from copy-right free images while others used their own charts for illustration. However, this is an interactive lesson and I encourage students to explore and use their own trading chart for illustrations.
  • The students really did well and went outside the lesson to get more ideas and knowledge on the topic. However, I encourage students to make their own research and not limit their knowledge in the lesson. We try as much as possible to cover the important points in our lessons. There is still more information that can be acquired through making research on the lesson.
  • Majority of students lack writing skills and their presentation is very poor. This limits their chances of getting higher grades even when they answered the questions correctly. Similarly, there were a lot of grammatical errors detected in some posts due to the inability of the students to proofread their work. However, I encourage you to use Grammarly]( to help you detect some of these errors before submitting your assignment.
  • Finally, I encourage students to spend time reading the lesson delivered by the professor before answering the questions. Most users are in a haste to submit their task and this makes them confused about some important topics and they end up producing poor quality content.



I want to thank everyone who took part in the 2nd week of Steemit Crypto Academy season 3. The engagement in the lesson was encouraging and I urge everyone to put in more effort and time in understanding the lesson before performing the assignments. The goal of the academy is to teach and mentor everyone on cryptocurrency technology and we are dedicated to providing this service with the highest level of standard.

We will see you in the next class as we continue to learn other useful tools in carrying out technical analysis on cryptocurrencies.

Best regards,


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