Urdu community Contest / S2W3 – How did Steemit play a useful role in improving your life during Covid-19? By @msquaretk

in Urdu Community2 years ago

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Hello everyone. Good day to you and I hope you week is going on well. This is the third week in the season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. The past two weeks were glorious.

This post is written in response to contest topic from Urdu Community. We have been asked to write on "How did Steemit play a useful role in improving your life during Covid-19?".

I'm going to be answering this contest topic based on the hints the community provided. So I hope you find my post interesting. Let's get started right away.


How did Steemit play a useful role in improving your life during Covid-19?

In this post, I'm going to be answering the question given by the community on how Steemit play a very vital role in improving my life during covid 19.

I will be taking the hints to answer the question one after the other. Please, I implore you to follow me closely as I take these hits one by one and answer them.


Covid-19 was an epidemic. What would you say about it? Explain in your own words.

It's not news that covid 19 came in and met people unprepared. Nobody knew it's going to be intense like that. It was a shock to the world and the people of every nation.

Covid-19 is a serious pandemic which hit the world and claimed many life. It's called covid -19 because its outbreak started in the year 2019, and hence the number "19" in the name.

COVID-19 is called coronavirus disease which is caused by a virus known as SARS-CoV-2 virus. It's one of the deadly disease which can claim life if it doesn't receive urgent treatment.

The virus started in China in the year 2019. Then afterwards, it spread to many other nations. It spreads easily because it's transmitted.

It's a disease that made the economy of nations to fall, even the most powerful nation with strong economy. Every nation knew the effects of this disease.

Not only does it affect the economy of the nation, but also affect the people of the nations. Many lives were lost due to this virus. Businesses were shut down and people were locked at homes during the intense periods of this covid.


What difficulties did you personally encounter during Covid-19?

There are lots of difficulties of problems I encountered during covid -19 virus. Let me mention few.

When it started, I have a plan to go for internship. I could not go because everywhere was locked. No businesses, company organizations were open during this time.

Also, it was very difficult for me financially. It is difficult to find job or work for the upkeep. In fact, I just finished serving my father land and returned back to my hometown when the COVID 19 outbreak began.

In addition, I could not go to church to worship. Since everyone is expected to stay in door. No church or religion place was opened because the government of each country has declared a close to every organization.

During this period, we couldn't relate with one another as we ought to. You can imagine not be able to laugh or hug people whom you used to laugh with before. Because no one wants to contact this virus, there's restrictions.


How Steemit blockchain helped you during Covid-19 ?

Like I said, it was difficult to see what to do to keep my self busy and do use for upkeep. Sometimes, I will through the internet and see if I can see remote jobs that I can do.

At some point, I started going to google and begin to go from page to page, website to website and check if there will be something to do to earn money online.

One day, when I was going through my WhatsApp status, I saw a post on my friend status. Behold it's about steemit. I commented on it and told him to tell me more about it.

He just put me through and told me about what it's like. How to use it. I first began writing achievement post and getting support from curators.

Steemit changed my financial life during covid 19. The support I received from steemit platform really helped me to stand during the period. In fact, it wasn't only for me, for also for some members of my family. I supported some of my family members even with the support I received from steemit.

Thanks to curators and some people who have supported me so far. Steemit is indeed a great platform where many received help and support during covid 19.


How many people in your household were affected by Covid-19 disease and what was the condition?

As intense the COVID 19 was, nobody in my family or household was affected. Everyone in the my family follow the rules laid by our country, so there was none who was affected.

At a point we thought someone was affected because of the symptoms we saw. But within some days, the symptoms disappeared.

Thanks be to God for protecting every member of my family during the period of Covid 19. It was really disheartening when I heard the news of the lives the COVID claimed.


How did Steemit keep you busy or rely on information when you were home locked during covid-19?

Although before I joined steemit, the COVID has already been reducing. But there are still some organizations which hasn't been fully opened. In fact, some organizations which have opened were strictly follow the prevention of Covid.

When I joined steemit, I was very happy because I could see something I would be doing. You know there was no work to be doing those moments.

Because I am good at writing, I really like steemit. It kept me busy, writing contents, articles and learning about how to effectively use steemit. During those periods, I was learning how to increase my reputation on the platform.

Also, I have passion for crypto, so I was actually working hard to meet the requirements for joining. So that also gave me energy to work more on the platform so as to meet the requirements.

In essence, steemit kept me busy during those moments of Covid 19. Thanks to the brain behind steemit. It's not only a platform where you share your contents, but where you get rewarded for your quality contents.


Did you sell steemit earning during covid-19 to reduce or eliminate the problems you face in your daily life?

Yes, I sold some of my earnings during this period. You know I said earlier that there was nothing I was doing for upkeep.

During those moments, club status had not been introduced. So, I kept some of the earning in my Binance wallet, while I sold some of the earnings.

It was the earning sold that I used for upkeep and to also help some of my family members. Steemit was, indeed, a blessing during those moments.


Did steemit help other people besides you in your country, city during covid-19 global epidemic?

Yes. Steemit helped a lot of people during the covid 19 pandemic. I mean a lot of people. There are many people like me who were searching for what they can do to survive.

And as I came across steemit, they also came across it. Steemit is not a platform for one country, it's for everyone, every country. So, not only people in my country who joined the platform benefited from it, but also people in other countries.

In fact, like I said earlier. I also helped people who didn't join the platform from the earnings I got from steemit. You can see that, even those who didn't join also benefited from steemit.

There are some charities done by people who joined steemit during this period. They went around to do some charities and people benefited from it.

I also invited some people whom I know they are passionate about it. People who can actually write, and publish great content during this period. Some of them also benefited, especially those who can endure the process.


You informed people about steemit during covid-19 so that they too can get out of trouble by joining steemit.

Knowing the situation of things in Nigeria during covid 19, I didn't want to be only person who will be a beneficiary of this great platform, so invited people.

I started inviting people when I have learned how to use the platform. It wasn't long before I was used to steemit because I had a mentor who guided me properly.

I have invited about people batch by batch and I trained them. Some of them were very consistent, although at some point some people stopped they can't cope with writing. But I tried enough to make sure some people stay.

Some of these people did their achievement post and even concluded it.


What difficulties ,major issues,did you face during Covid-19's terrible disease and how did Steemit improve,support and help in your life during Covid-19 and other people around your city or country. (write own experience) ?

Majorly, the main problem I faced during covid 19 was lack of fund. You know during this period every where was closed or shut down, there was no work, no business was functioning.

It's difficult people to see where to get money to feed during this time. It was for me, too. I already spent all my savings during this period and there was no place to get fund.

So, after joining the steemit, I was able to get reward and support in which I was using it for upkeep. Although like I said earlier, before I joined the steemit, there has been reduction in the impact of this virus.


Thank you all for reading through. I invite @jueco, @patjewell, @badmus-offucial, @temitopef, @beckie96830, @ngoenyi , @fredquantum, @nane15, @sachin08, @ebunoluwani, @mesola, @tamighty, @lhorgic and @olabillions to participate in this contest. Thank you.

Written by @msquaretk


When it started, I have a plan to go for internship. I could not go because everywhere was locked. No businesses, company organizations were open during this time.

The coronavirus has affected many lives. I was saddened to hear that the corona virus turned the dreams of your internship upside down. This virus was doomsday for the whole world.

In fact, like I said earlier. I also helped people who didn't join the platform from the earnings I got from steemit.

I'm glad to hear that you helped people and informed them about the steemit. Because people are greedy nowadays and they do not help the others.

Thanks for taking part in urdu community contest. BROTHER please visit my post also about the contest. Thanks

Greetings 🇵🇰

Thank you for visiting and leaving a nice comment on my post. It's greatly appreciated.
Kind regards!

I am sorry hearing that your internship was halted because of the corona virus. It was truly a difficult time for us you know. Out financial problems just double during that period..

And thsnk God for the friend that shared Steemit on his status. That's how I get to recruit my friends. Yo u are lucky no member of your family got the virus.

Good luck in this contest

Yes o. It's through a friend I heard about steemit. That's why it's important to keep contact of those who are special to us, who can help us at any point in time. He was all there to guide me through those periods. It was long before I built my reputation because I had someone who was guiding me. Thank you for visiting my post.

Kind regards!

Nice one, i guess we all benefited during that hard time

Yes. It was, still is, a blessing to us all. Thank you for reading through my post and leaving a nice comment. Kind regards!

The pandemic was a threat to the human race, such that i have never seen in my life and i pray never to see again, the outbreak of ebola wasnt as disastrous as this ebola was contained but this virus claimed millions fo life, and i give glory yo God that we were not victim, am glad you were able to help people financially even those that were not in steemit, it shows how kind hearted you are
Greetings and blessings

Honestly, you are right. I have never seen where the whole was a grave yard until the outbreak of Covid. It was so intense that people, even family members could not relate well with themselves. Thanks be to God for sparing our lives.

I thank God too, I am not different from the dead but still am still alive.

Only an unborn child can not know the adverse effects of COVID-19. It recked havoc in our lives. Thanks to steemit which has come to ameliorate it's adverse effects through the earnings we receive. I am glad you were able to pass through that period. Thanks for your entry

Yes o... How I wish I had known steemit exactly when covid started. Some of us who just finished NYSC when the outbreak began in Nigeria were spending our NYSC savings 😂😂... But we thank God because it didn't claim our lives. That's the most important thing. And we pray that the families of whom the virus killed receive comfort.

The covid19 pandemic was and still one of the biggest threat to human lives, we're still dealing with the after effects of it. A lot of scammers seized the opportunity to defraud many, I wish I also knew Steemit during the lockdown period. But all the same we all benefitted from the platform no matter the time we joined. Thanks for sharing your experience with us here.

Yeah. That's it... No matter when we joined, we all have benefited from it. I also joined when its impact has been greatly reduced. I wish I had known it before the time. Thank you for reading through and leaving a wonderful comment on my post.

Kind regards!

When I joined steemit, I was very happy because I could see something I would be doing. You know there was no work to be doing those moments

It a great thing to see that during the period of such pandemic you ere able to have something doing by staying at home and earnings which has also help to change your life in one way no the other and and I think you love blogging and it a great pleasure brother keep up

Yes o. Thank you so much for reading through and leaving a wonderful comment on my post. It's greatly appreciated.

Kind regards!

You are highly welcome and hope you continue steeemit

Indeed the COVID-19 really came and spoiled so many things in the world as well as you personally. Many people suffered and died but thank God you survived it and your family. That's all God

Steemit changed my financial life during covid 19. The support I received from steemit platform really helped me to stand during the period

It is really nice to see steemit impact your life personally. Steemit is a great place and when you you do the right thing and work hard you benefit a lot. We remain thankful to steemit

Thanks for sharing with us

When it started, I have a plan to go for internship. I could not go because everywhere was locked. No businesses, company organizations were open during this time.

We weren't prepared for that. Suddenly the situation would lock down and take on such a big size that no one could have imagined. But that's what happened and we had a lot of problems.

All of you that have been on this great platform before covid-19 had great advantage than many of us because you will be busy Writing and thinking of positive things, you also did well in inviting your friends on steemit.

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