The Painted Ladies of the Old West Cow Towns

in #history6 years ago

howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

I've been talking about the Cattle Drives from Southern Texas heading
up North to Abilene and Dodge City, Kansas in the late 1800's and
what that journey was like for the Cowboys. The sheer number of
men and cattle being moved North created "cow towns"..
predominately located at the end of the trail drive where the railroad
line was.

In these Cow towns sprang up dozens of saloons, dance halls,
brothels, barber shops, livery stables and restaurants to take care of
all those cowboys' needs. The most iconic being the saloons and
dance halls.

Hollywood didn't romanticize the brothels much but some historians
estimate that as many as 25% of the citizens in these towns were
prostitutes! It was illegal of course, but these towns had so many
brothels to service the cowboys.. that the Lawmen just didn't even try
to enforce any laws against them

The only thing the towns did was put the "Parlors" as they were called,
in one section of town. Bytheway they had bright red curtains on the
windows or put red lanterns out to let potential customers know
which building was a brothel. AKA Red Light District.


The nicer brothels were usually set up in mansions with 2 stories and
had musicians, fine wine, expensive liquor and cigars. Some had
dance floors and pianos. The girls with rooms were always on the 2nd
floor. There was also a bouncer to protect the girls in case someone
got drunk and disorderly.

The other houses were not as nice and didn't have all the added
amenities and culture, just a bar, whiskey and rooms. Then there was
another type of prostitute that worked in the saloons, usually giving
the owner a slice of the payment. Lastly, the lowest level of prostitutes
were the independent "street walkers" who were on their own.

As far as prices, the street walkers charged $1 or less, the regular
houses charged from $1 to $5 and the "classy" Parlors charged from
$10 up to $50 per visit. They were all in a dangerous trade though.


Cowboys would get into fights over girls and sometimes several
people were killed including the girl. Diseases were common,
especially syphilis which was bad because they didn't really have the
medical treatments that we have now.

It's a little hard to comprehend why any woman would want to get
into this trade but it's the same reasons you find today. The only thing
that is different culturally speaking is that in the 1800s there was very
rigid code of sexual ethics in what is known as The Victorian Era.

And while the cow towns had more lax behavior, there were still
certain beliefs that were very hard on women. For instance if a
woman was raped, her life as a "good woman" was basically over and
she was considered to be "spoiled goods" and an outcast. Many of
these girls turned to prostitution because they were already
considered trash.

check out that ornate little table, I have a spot for that!

And also, in those days there were few ways that women could make
good money and many came just to do that and hopefully get out
alive in a few years.

The Cowboys of course were ready to let loose and go crazy when
they finally got off the trail which lasted from 2-5 months. Plus, they
were young. Being a Drover on a cattle drive was a young man's
game and most Cowboys were in their 20's and early 30's.

There are several aspects of the women of this time in these Cow
towns which made them trailblazers of sorts and very, even extremely

For one thing, there were no women in saloons East of the Missouri
River, that was unheard of. Also, the term Painted Ladies comes from
the fact that the women wore make up and lots of it, which was
considered to be totally outrageous in Victorian society! lol.


And the dresses the dance hall girls wore..heaven forbid!
Having dresses as short as half way up on the chins or even to the
knees was considered completely scandalous! Tramps! lol.

It's pretty entertaining to read about the outrage which the "proper"
women had at the dress and painted faces of the cow town girls!
The Cowboys loved it all of course but the entire commerce system
was set up to take every penny from them. It make me feel bad for
the poor Cowboys.


On the next post I'll give a detailed explanation of the way the system
was set up to rake in as much money as possible and to talk about the
Dance Hall and Saloon Girls because they were very different from
the prostitutes. I think you'll be surprised. At least I was.

all photos are from

thanks so much for reading folks, God bless you all!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck

ps- ya know, you might just be a redneck if:

your kids are going hungry tonight because you just HAD to have
those Yosemite Sam mud flaps!



Interesting story, my friend.

thank you sir, you have great posts too!

The saddest thing of all is what this profession does to the soul...both of the girls, and the Johns. God can forgive anything, of course, but you can't tell me this is an easy thing to put behind you if/when you ever decide finally to do so.

that's very true, I believe that, I think it scars the mind, soul and spirit and is hard to come back from, plus after being in this lifestyle it is no different from today in that they turned to alcohol and drugs to ease the pain.

Wow...I bet you're right. "There is nothing new under the sun."

yeah alcoholism was a big problem back then and the main drug at that time was
laudanum which was a type of opium.

Yea...doctors used to prescribe laudanum at the drop of a hat. Did you ever see the T.V. miniseries based on the John Jakes' novels titled "North & South?" There's a sad sequence where an abusive slaveowner kept his wife tied up and drugged much of the time with laudanum.

no sir I remember seeing the ads for it but for some reason I never did cath any of the episodes but that sounds horrible what that guy did, just purely fiction though right?

Yea. Fiction. It really is an amazingly well done miniseries. If you ever get a chance, take it in. Treats the South fairly too, which is RARE these days.

thank you sir it sounds great, I'll do that!

what do you dang Yankees care if the South is treated fairly??

Interesting post, Johnboy.

The cowboys and the Red Light girls were just doin' a little free enterprise!

lol! yes sir just some harmless fun! hey there was a need and the girls filled it. thanks for commenting willymac!

I know this may go against popular thinking, but after being on a trail for three months without feminine companionship, the young fellas were going to be driven by testosterone. If the red light services had not been available, that pent-up energy would have gone into drinking and then violence, and the cow towns at the railheads would be remembered for their mayhem instead of the more colorfully human places in our history books.

howdy again @willymac! yes sir, the ladies provided a needed service and if that hadn't been available I can just imagine the fighting and trouble that would come about. It was bad enough the way it was with alot of violence and lawbreaking and rowdiness in places like Dodge City where they had to bring Wyatt Earp from Wichita to get things under control. but if the main attention of the Cowboys wasn't the girls it would have been a war zone! lol. thank you sir!

Hi janton. Really rough lifestyle. Will wait for your next post.

thank you sir and thanks for commenting!

Was I the only one who had to Google 'Yosemite Sam mud flaps'?

lol! yes Ma'am that's a totally American culture thing, did you learn about it?
most of these redneck jokes are American stupidity or culture so sorry about that. what did you think of the article, did you feel sorry for the girls or the cowboys or neither? I was fascinated by the photos.

I find all of your articles interesting m'dear but I can't keep telling you that over and over........or can I?
You have a good conversational style of writing with enough details to inform but not to bore.
I can't say I'm not learning a few things from you either!

howdy @deirdyweirdy! thanks so much for the kind words, I wasn't fishing for compliments I was just wondering what you thought of the photos and situation back then but I'll take the compliments since you're throwing them out there!

Now if I could just write like deirdyweirdy I'd have something to show off!
God bless you and God bless Ireland!

Very interesting @janton! I understand why women "get into it", but it is something I just don't get doing...if that makes any sense at all!

check out that ornate little table, I have a spot for that!

I did haha

howdy @lynncoyle1! thanks so much for commenting and checking out this rushed out post between commenting! lol. yes Ma'am, I thought the vintage photos were so interesting and excellent as I studied them and wondered what it would be like to be able to interview these women and what their lives were like, what led them to this lifestyle and if they had plans to get out!
this was the family friendly version, I thought about using some of the
DOZENS of fascinating nude photos which I was shocked to find, and putting the warning letters of adult content on there, those were utterly fascinating also...not in a turn-on way either, just a historical way, I was just amazed.

I can see why you would be amazed @janton! We get the Hollywood version of it, and of course, it's all pretty beautiful, but I shudder to think of the disease, the violence, the conditions all of it, and how it must have actually been for those women. Shocking to find nudes too; mostly because of the times, but like always, there's a seediness that most of us never see! It makes me wonder who was taking the photos (I don't mean the photographer), but who was commissioning them? Were they being sold? Black market stuff? It all makes you wonder though, doesn't it?

yes Ma'am I'm sure the photos were being sold and were very illegal and scandalous and the women got a percentage of those also. some of them, if they didn't get addicted to drugs or booze, made great money for a few years and got out, the higher class clubs or Parlors attracted wealthy cattlemen and such, and some of the women married those men and got out. others took their money and started their own houses of "ill repute" ..the women owners got to choose who they slept with, the regular girls had to sleep with any ugly scumbag that walked through the door.

I'm from close to Dodge City Kansas which was the most famous for the whore houses and saloons and also the legendary Lawmen like Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson and they has their hands full in Dodge. I should do a post just on the famous lawmen like Earp and Doc Holiday but it would probably put kids like you to sleep!

Are you kidding me?! I would love that! Brian and I are huge fans of Earp and Doc Holiday!! Dodge is the place, that's for sure!

Remember, I just look young lol but I'm an old soul everywhere else :)

lol! okay then you got a deal. well I really like some stuff that Dodge has in the way of museums and the tourist trap called Boot Hill. That cemetery was knick-named that because alot of people died suddenly with their boots still on. lol.
but Dodge was so wild because of all the crazed young cowboys that the sheriff sent for Wyatt Earp who was in Wichita, Wyatt came and brought his old Buffalo hunting companion Bat Masterson and I'm not sure where Doc Holiday was but he came to.
Actually the movie with Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer playing Doc was pretty accurate in some ways and Kilmer looked alot like the original Doc.

any way I'll do that since it was like my hometown. now it's mostly Mexicans but still it has great history and the Longbranch saloon which was the West's most famous saloon is there, you can go watch the dance hall girls dance in originally styled dresses and get a Sarsaparilla to drink!
good clean fun. I don't think the "Soiled Doves" are there anymore!

the main question is..what are you doing this weekend?

I actually love that move with Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer!

oh you don't say! wow that's very cool, me too.
nice reply. better late than never! lol.

You find some interesting history to share @janton. All I can say is - poor women.

I agree. thanks angiemitchell

Very interesting. Can't help but try to imagine the stories of the women pictured.

howdy there @ginnyannette! I know, I love the old vintage photos that I found and was thinking, "man what if we could interview these women?"

oh ps- you might be a redneck just teasing..what are ya'lls plans for this weekend? boating, beaching, fishing, cooking out? restaurants? sleeping? casino night? yard work? writing?

My plans are pretty much just cleaning and resting. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Wait! I can do better than that! Let me think of something redneck...Ooo, right - I have to clean the chicken coop.

No, really. I need to.

hahaha! clean the chicken coop! wow that is some TRUE redneck work there, great job! that could be a redneck might be a redneck if your weekend plans include cleaning the chicken coop!
how many chickens do ya'll have? you rednecks you.

Eight at present. We've lost a few recently. Chicken husbandry is a sad rednecky task.

chickens are definitely rednecky lol. how did you lose them did they run off?

We've had some predator issues and disease over the years. Sometimes birds die for no apparent reason - they can be a bit fragile.

yes Ma'am one of our Guineas just fell over dead. coyotes got the rest.

I am just engrossed in this story of the old west!

howdy there @squirrelbait! good to see you here, thank you and yes I am too, so glad that you are enjoying these, it means alot and it's such an interesting period in our history.

howdy again squirrelbait..I grew up by Dodge City and they have a big tourist trap on what they call Boot Hill which was originally a cemetery for people who died suddenly, with their boots on, but now has recreations of several famous buildings including one of the West's most famous saloons, the Longbranch Saloon which, if you ever saw any of the tv series Gunsmoke, that was the main set on the series.

anyway if you go there today they have showgirls doing shows in original costumes and you can order a Sarsaparilla drink and watch a video presentation in a theator which I was really impressed with because it details the famous history of the cow town.

Hey thanks! I looked it up, it's in Kansas. That is a possibility one of these vacation days. Awesome!

yeah that's my home turf. I don't think I would choose it as a vacation destination because there ain't nothing around there except Boot Hill, if I was traveling through the area to get somewhere nice like Colorado then it would work, otherwise it wouldn't be worth the destination and Kansas
is a BIG state to cross, you won't think you're ever gonna get out of that place! lol

I told husband about it, he's very interested in going :)

I had read somewhere quite some time ago that the red light district (lanterns) came about when the railroad workers were in town, they would carry their lanterns when they walked through town in the darkness seeking out the saloons (who housed "soiled doves") and the brothels. More or less to find their way in the dark and they would leave their lit lanterns outside; hence the red light district was born.Not sure how true... but I can imagine it may be true.

howdy today @goldendawne! yes I've read that theory also but I wasn't sure about it or at least the details. I don't know why they would be bringing their railroad lights with them instead of leaving them on the train. And I wouldn't think they'd want to attract so much attention to themselves as the regular citizenry weren't carrying big lanterns around.

I've read that the Parlors used red lanterns at night outside the house to let people know where they were but the story of the railroad workers being that dumb doesn't make sense to me but who knows? lol.
when you got one thing on your mind you can be pretty dumb!
not you but men. lol
thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!

when you got one thing on your mind you can be pretty dumb!

lol- Yeah I have to agree there!

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