Hiking to the Top of a 600-Foot Rock: My Labor Day at Stone Mountain

in #hiking7 years ago (edited)

It was Labor Day this Monday in the United States, which meant a long weekend. Since the weather usually begins to cool off in the month of September here in the Southern US, it's only natural to begin to spend more time outdoors.

My wife and I enjoy hiking. Thankfully, the area in which we live allows us to take advantage of many great hiking spots with some spectacular views, so I wanted to share some photos from our weekend hike to the top of Stone Mountain in North Carolina.

Stone Mountain from side

Stone Mountain Park and the Hike

Stone Mountain State Park spans over 14,000 acres at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains in northwest North Carolina. There are a variety of activities the park offers, such as fishing, camping, and 18 miles of hiking trails. But the crown jewel of the park is Stone Mountain itself. Stretching 600 feet (183 m) above the surrounding landscape, the gigantic granite rock is a sight to behold.

Side of Stone Mountain

There are two ways you can go up the mountain. One way is very steep, but a shorter distance. The other way is a longer distance, but not nearly as steep. Both ways are a fairly strenuous hike, though, so it's not for the faint of heart. When we went on Monday, part of the trail was closed due to an accident during a controlled burn which consumed some of the stairs on the steep side. We weren't sure whether we could still make it up that way, so we decided to take the long way up and down. The normal loop of the trail is 4.1 miles total, but starting from the lower parking lot, going up the long side and then coming back down the long side ended up being over 7 miles. Whew.

Along the way, you can see the Hutchison Homestead, which lets you get an idea of the lives of early settlers. According to the park's official website,

The homestead is complete with a log cabin, barn, blacksmith shop, corncrib, meat house and original furnishings. Visitors can play recordings that explain how different aspects of the farm were run. The farm was built in the mid-19th century. Restored in 1998, the homestead is representative of the lives of early settlers in the area.

The hike also goes by Stone Mountain Falls, a very neat waterfall where a small creek spills over the side of the rock face.

Stone Mountain Falls

Note: This photo is from a visit to the park in 2013. I didn't get a chance to snap any pictures of the waterfall on Monday.

The Views

On the way up the mountain, you get to a point where you can see the main mass of rock up ahead (see the first picture of this post). When you reach this point, you're standing on solid rock, which is fascinating, but this is also where my favorite part of the hike begins. As you hike further up, you begin to see some incredible views of the Blue Ridge Mountains. On a clear day, they can be absolutely breathtaking. Here's a view from a point on the way up to the top (click on the image for the full resolution):

On the way up Stone Mountain panorama

The best views are definitely at the summit. At 2300 feet above sea level, the highest point on Stone Mountain allows for even more spectacular views of the Blue Ridge Mountains. This isn't the first time I've hiked Stone Mountain, but I've been fortunate enough to hike it on days when the air is clear, and the visibility is very high. Monday was no different. Here's what the view from the summit looks like, as well as an image of my wife and me standing at the summit. (click the images for full resolution):

Stone Mountain Summit sign

At the summit of Stone Mountain panorama

At the summit of Stone Mountain

Walking across the summit is a neat experience. The mountain gently slopes off, so you can walk a good distance down from the very top. There are signs that provide warnings about the "point of no return," because there is a certain point where it looks like you can keep going, but in reality the slope will become too great, which immediately becomes dangerous. There's plenty of room at the summit for a picnic, or even to set up a hammock if you enjoy that.

Plan Your Visit!

It was fairly busy along the trails. Labor Day weekend is a very popular weekend for camping at Stone Mountain, so the parking lots and campgrounds were full. There were quite a few people up at the summit, and we saw many people at the waterfall. Stone Mountain is a very popular hiking and camping destination in North Carolina. It's always great to see people out enjoying the outdoors and taking advantage of the parks that our tax dollars pay for. Stone Mountain Park is a great place to spend time with family, so if you ever get a chance, I highly recommend planning a visit. You can visit the park's official website by clicking here.

I have to admit, I'm still a little sore from the hike. It was definitely a good workout, so if you like to hike for exercise or trail run, you would enjoy checking out Stone Mountain as well. The trails are in very good shape. You are also allowed to scale the side of the mountain. I have seen climbers there before, and there's a section of the park's website dedicated to rock climbing. Also, if you're interested, there's a small country store just outside the park entrance that has delicious ice cream, which makes a nice post-hike snack.

Stone Mountain will always be one of my favorite hikes. It's also beautiful in the fall once the leaves start to change. Imagine some of these views with bright orange, yellows, and reds spotted across them. I've been on several more recently, so if you've enjoyed this post, I'd love to hear about some of your favorite hiking spots. I'll be posting about other hikes in the future, so stay tuned. More spectacular views of the Blue Ridge Mountains are to come! Speaking of which, I'll leave you with one last shot from near the summit of Stone Mountain:

At the summit of Stone Mountain

All of these images (except the image of the waterfall) were captured using my Google Pixel. The panorama shots were stitched via the automatic assistant feature of the Google Photos app.

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These were some amazing photos! It's looks like it was a very enjoyable hike! It would be a hike my oldest son and I could do. I think the rest would opt to just run around and splash near the waterfalls. Thanks for the post!

Yes! Often many of the kids love to splash in the pools below the waterfall. Otherwise, I usually see parents dragging or carrying their small children up the mountain near the top.

Thanks for your comment. Do you get to hike much?

Looks like some great views of the park. How long did it take you to climb? There are numerous mountains nearby my place that can be climbed in less that 4 hours, but my favourite hike is along the coast where they tore up old train tracks and made it into a walking path that stretches about 10k along the coast, not to difficult a hike but still leaves you sweating.

This particular trip I was with my wife and her brother, so we were able to keep up a pretty good pace. We made it up the mountain (3.75 miles, 800 foot elevation gain) in about 75 minutes. Google Fit said we averaged 2.97 mph. On the way down took a bit longer just because we stopped a few times to see views and the waterfall. Around 80 minutes. Probably the fastest I've ever done it. Normally I'm with a group of people who need a bit more time.

So around 7.3 miles in 2 hours and 35 minutes. I like hikes under 4 hours. I've got another one I might post about soon that I went on last fall and might go on again soon.

"...where they tore up old train tracks..."

Sounds like a great use of an old railroad bed. That sounds like a fun hike for sure. Thanks for your comment!

Absolutely beautiful! when I first saw the thumbnail and title I thought you were in Georgia too! There is a Stone mountain here that is a granite outcropping too! I need to get out and go hiking, it's been too long! Thanks for sharing!

Yes. There is also a Stone Mountain in Georgia, and I've been there. I think it's been in the news lately because of the carving of the Confederate generals....

Anyhow, hiking is great. Especially this time of year! Get out and enjoy. Thanks for your comment!

I've hiked that mountain, amazing vistas and well written, nice to meet you by the way

Thanks for your comment! That's great that you've hiked Stone Mountain, too. It's very nice to meet you. I'll check out your blog soon!

Well, you were far better equipped for it than my trek in 1973 in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. I was on a honeymoon with dress shoes and we thought that we were on a pastoral nature trail. At the apex, was a hundred-fifty foot rock scramble after the second most challenging hiking trail in the area. I had to carry her all the way back down.

You got off easy.

I'll say! haha my wife and I actually did go camping on our honeymoon, but no serious hikes!

Second most challenging... You weren't at Dragon's Tooth were you? I'm trying to think of the tough hikes near and along the Appalachian Trail. I've done McAfee Knob, which I think I'll do another post on soon.

I respect you for carrying her out, though! Bravo! Thanks for your comment.

hi @ethandsmith, this is such an amazing place, the scenery is incredible and it's definitely on my travel list now! thank you for putting together such a great post and including all small details - i bet it took you quite some time to write this.

I'm glad my post inspired you to add it to your travel list! I hope you get to go there someday. It really is a fun place that has some great views.

Admittedly, the post did take quite a while to write. The images are always a challenge too, especially when I want to make the full resolution available. I have to make thumbnail versions of the images to include in the post so they don't show up huge.

As for the writing, I just write what I think people would want to know about the subject. In this case, I focused on the park in general, and why I personally enjoyed the experience. It's been fun to blog on here, and I encourage you to do the same!

I'll check out your blog soon. Thanks for your comment!

Really great pictures!

Enjoyed the mountains behind you in the last pic!

Wish I could take my drone there and film that landscape XD

Keep steem'in hard XD

Oh yes. Flying a drone over the mountain would be incredible! I'm sure someone has done it, but it would be great to fly it yourself.

It's a different experience doing it by myself.

There is the fear and excitement mixed together XD

I can imagine. In your most recent drone video when you said you lost sight of the drone, I felt a bit of fear for you. That's gotta be scary knowing that it's up there, but you can't see it with your eyes. Good thing we have technology!

Yes the mobile app accompanying the drone is really powerful.

Had to get a new phone to ensure that it has all the capabilities to handle the drone's app.

Technology has come a really long way!

Wow. Well I'd say it was worth it. I appreciate your comments, and I look forward to more drone videos from you!

Cheers man!

More videos are coming soon XD

I love these photos - especially Stone Mountian Falls - this place is stunning. Cheers!

Thanks for the comment! If you liked the falls, I've been to some other waterfalls you'll love. I may do a post about one of them soon!

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