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RE: HF21: What Makes Steem Valuable?

in #hf215 years ago

Maybe what people need to see is an example of it actually working, not just talk about it.

This isn't what you say to someone who wants to invent the car. "Well maybe if someone else invents the car, and I see it running, then I'll believe you."

Luke. You've frustrated me beyond words today. Blah. That's all I got.


In your interactions with me, you seem to describe your frustration and how no one seems to understand what you are saying over and over again.

Henry Ford didn't talk about inventing a car for mass adoption.

He went and did it.

I'm simply saying go and do it and then maybe people like me will understand what it is you're trying to communicate, and you won't be frustrated all the time at our lack of understanding.

You come to my blog leaving your comments on my post and then tell me to be quiet. Ugh.

There's simply too much to get into to be able to explain, current issues with the platform that need to be resolved, a playing field that needs turf. Many of these things require a community effort. You've insulted me, shot me down, doubled down on those insults, already proven you're unwillingly to listen. There's no LUKE in team. Therefore, there's no point in having a discussion. You've been disrespectful and that's why you should just be quiet, so it stops, because I don't want to hear it. If you can't respect that, it's because you're disrespectful.

I'm not a disrespectful person. Those who actually know me, know this. Admittedly, I sometimes say things the wrong way and offend people unintentionally, but I just re-read our dialogue here, and I really don't see what was so justifiably offensive to you. You misunderstood my meaning of "serious content producers" and took it as personally offensive.

Disagreeing with someone's points and not preferring their delivery isn't an insult or "shooting them down" IMO. I agree with your premise that the Steem ecosystem would benefit from more content consumers being entertained by valuable content they want to reward in order to see more. That's not a new idea and was mentioned in the original white paper along with how important it is that this can be obtained with an upvote and no loss aversion associated with having to pay for content. This has been said again and again since the very beginning. I read your content and didn't see anything new to me which is what you implied was there.

Maybe we just have completely different personality and communication styles. If you come to my blog and leave comments on my posts telling me I'm disconnected, I will respond in kind. If my approach offends you, please be open to chalking it up as a different style of communication. I mean no offense. No one is entitled to respect. Not preferring someone's approach is also not the same thing as disrespecting them, IMO.

If I see your writing style or your art and am told I should read it and think, "I don't prefer that" is that disrespect? I don't think so. It would be different if I was just passing by, looking at your blog posts. To comment there uninvited and share my personal opinions could be considered disrespectful, but it's also just the result of putting your art on display. Taking that personally doesn't make sense, IMO. For you to come here and say read these posts, the wisdom they contain, and the answers within is a different story. From my perspective, I'm simply disagreeing that something new is being said and you're choosing to take personal offense at that.

I started out my post linking to this for a reason.

If you do care to get to know and understand me, telling me to be quiet in the comments of my own blog is not a way to earn my respect.

I wrote a response to yabapmatt(spelling?) I don't know why you're rambling about this other stuff. Do you see any benefit here, other than trying to make me look bad and yourself look good? Get over it man.

If you do care to get to know and understand me, telling me to be quiet in the comments of my own blog is not a way to earn my respect.

You told me to be quiet and go do it. Without even giving me a chance to explain the things you're missing. And now you're pouting because I told you to be quiet.

I gave you, exactly what you were giving me. That's only fair. Get over it.

You told me to be quiet

I did no such thing.

and go do it.

This, I did do. If you have it all figured out, and you're frustrated people here don't understands you, then my recommendation is going to be take action and show us what you mean.

Go ahead and explain, but what from what I've seen so far, I'm still having trouble understanding your perspective. As I said earlier, it's possibly due to a communication and style difference of preference. I'm not mad at you in any way.

In so many words, you did so. Just go read my response to 'matt.

He asked the questions I felt I could provide a few answers to.

Please stop arguing with me. I don't see why you're going on and on and on. If someone wants to think I look bad in this situation, I'm fine with that. I don't see why you're so busy trying to make me look bad, and yourself look good.

If the 'last word' is all you care about, have it. I truly don't want to argue, which was I said "be quiet". I open up the door, and look. Take a good hard look at yourself. Is what you're doing necessary? Is me responding to your attempts at saving face getting me anywhere? Do I have to close the door again?

Dude, leave. Social media on a blockchain is about free speech, so don't tell people to be quiet or anything like that. Respect free speech or go back to Twitter.

According to your logic, it's perfectly fine for me to say, "Be quiet."

I believe you have a right to speak, yes, but you clearly indicate that you are the type of person that tries to silence others. That can be done on Twitter, after all, that company loves that kind of stuff. Steem is suppose to be a rejection of that mentality, the mentality I see from your comments.

I respect your right to free speech, you should start respecting the free speech of others.

You clearly indicate you are the type to judge and come to conclusions about someone based upon two words. I also don't give a fuck what you think.

but you clearly indicate that you are the type of person that tries to silence others.

And you say that right after telling me to leave. If you want to bitch at me, get your act together. Stop being a hypocrite.

I also don't give a fuck what you think.

This, unfortunately, is why you and I have had such negative interactions on this thread. IMO, there are better approaches.

No. It's because you keep taking cheap shots at me like this here. Do you not see the part where this guy tells me to leave? I asked YOU to be quiet because I didn't want to argue. That's a positive. So just because I said the f word and don't really care if someone wants me to leave, I'm a bad guy? Instead of allowing them to make me feel crap I decided not to give a crap because feeling like crap would have been a "negative".

What's negative is you looking DOWN on me. Look at your wording. "Better." You have serious attitude problems and it seems like you want to be a bully. Are you going to discriminate because of the language I speak? It's 2019. Probably shouldn't do that.

I don't share the same mindset as you. Not everything is black or white. My experience here wasn't "negative". This isn't coke or pepsi. It's not up or down. It's not left or right. It's not team red vs team blue.

You got your negative in one hand and your positive in the other. Stretch your arms out. So now they're nice and far apart. Look at them. That's how you like to see them. As you make your choice, having two options, choosing from what you can see, taking the superficial approach(which is why you can't decipher my writings)... I'll use the thing in the middle. Do you know what that is?

It's your head.

Here's a pamphlet for you.

I do make conclusions about people based on what they say, but it wasn't just two words. It was the repeating of those two words, but also that I took the time to read your comments and found them wildly out of line.

Maybe the word "serious" next to the words content producers offends you, but come on, we all know what he was trying to say. I'm not saying you are not a hard-working content producer, but until this little chat, I don't think I've read or saw a single thing from you. He meant "well known" content producers, like Tim Pool or Joe Rogan. No reason to silence the guy over such a small difference in wording.

I urged you to leave, that doesn't mean I want to silence you. I just find someone with your mindset (my assumption of your mindset) to likely be happier in a place like Twitter where people think the way I believe you to think.

My response has everything to do with why I think anyone would care to put a social media platform on a blockchain: censorship-resistance/free speech. Thus, I assert that telling someone to "be quiet" is quite the faux pas among a community of crypto nerds.

At the same time, I am a staunch devotee to free speech, so, yeah, I might take extra offense to people trying to quiet other people's viewpoints. He has a view that is not yours, get over it.

You know, if you really don't like listening to the ideas of some people, there is a nifty little thing called a mute button. I respect your right to mute me or anyone else. What I don't respect is people trying to get someone to stop saying what they have to say to other people.

Peace & love

Listen. I started out by saying "You guys don't realize the potential." I finished by pointing out the potential, that he was clearly missing. I wasn't offended by those words. I was simply trying to show him something he couldn't see.

You know, if you really don't like listening to the ideas of some people, there is a nifty little thing called a mute button.

According to your logic, you should be muting me.

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