A Week in the Life of being VEGAN!

in #healthy6 years ago

The struggle is REAL

I am currently in the middle of Day 7 of the 22 day vegan challenge hosted by @heart-to-heart, and it truly has been quite the challenge! I thought maybe I shouldn't participate since I'm already a "healthy eater", but I had no idea how much animal products are in almost everything. I won't dwell on this too much because I talked about in my last post, but it is definitely the biggest realization I've had thus far. Some of the things I've loved about the challenge is just that - its REALLY challenging me. HAH! From just little cravings of things, or wanting to grab something to eat on the go and not really having a vegan option. I've really enjoyed exploring new dishes and making new concoctions, as well as having the understanding of what vegans have to go through when having a limited meal selection at a restaurant. The worst part BY FAR has been having to turn down happenstantial meals or offerings - for example I went out with my friends this week, and at the end of the night of drinking we stopped by a pizza place. So here I am at 2 am with a huge pizza in front of me and the temptation was REAL. I wanted to partake so badly, but ordered a side of fries instead. One of my friends ended up crashing at my apartment, and that meant leftover pizza just staring at me the next morning, basically begging to be eaten. SO DIFFICULT! I ended up wrapping it up and putting it in the freezer with all my non vegan food (I HATE wasting food, and refuse to - so the contents of my freezer are now full of things I am not able to eat until post-challenge, or to give away to a friend - since I live alone and there's no one to give it to).

Day 3

I was in a rush waking up for an appointment on Day 3, and still had not been to the store to pick up almond milk, so I begrudgingly made a small cup of granola cereal and used water instead of milk - bleh. Then I scarfed down an English teacake and a couple pieces of fruit, then rushed out the door. I decided that immediately after I was going to the store to stock up on some vegan friendly items and ingredients haha:) I also decided that these pictures were not looking the prettiest, and I am HUGE on presentation, so decided I will prove myself in the next day that I can take nice photos ;p


When I arrived back home after grocery shopping I started right away on making a late lunch, grabbed a snack pack of mixed tropical dried fruits and nuts. Lunch was a mix of cooked brown rice I prepared, mixed with fresh spinach greens and roasted peppers on top , using the roasted pepper juice as a dressing of sorts. I added some of the raisins and nuts on top and it was actually pretty tasty:)


Here is a closer up shot:

I must admit that I'm not that into cooking, so the dinner I made was the real treat. I also dont usually eat such a large supper but I think my body just felt like it was hungry all day, so I decided to make a heavy Italian style meal with my own spin on it. I boiled some gnocchi and mushrooms, and was planning to use some pesto sauce I had, but when I read the ingredients I was surprised to find animal product in it (grano pandano cheese containing milk and eggs). Luckily I had just enough tomato pasta sauce left to add on top, added some fresh cut tomatoes, fresh basil from my garden plants, some spices on top, and it turned out great! I was really proud of it!


Day 4

I had another early morning meeting today and made a bowl of grain cheerios cereal with chia seeds and cinnamon on top ( I much prefer granola, but I had this left over from a while ago when I had friends visiting). Finishing after lunch, I was too hungry to wait to come home and cook, so I picked up a nice falafel and hummus salad. I realized there was a few pieces of feta cheese when I opened it, so I just picked around them (it was literally only a few in the entire package haha, so I dont know why they even bothered;p).



When I got home I was still pretty hungry (again, I eat bigger lunches, or many smaller meals throughout the day instead of 3 normal meals sometimes), and I'm literally a granola fiend so sometimes it's just what I need to satisfy a little mid day snack meal:)


Then a bit later I made a plate of sliced carrots with this amazing healthy peanut butter I picked up at the grocery store. It is so tasty! And peanut butter and carrots are one of my favorite snacks! I can literally eat an entire jar of peanut butter in one setting if I'm hungry enough;p But this time I ate about half the carrots and ended up eating the rest the next day.


Dinner was absolutely deliciousssssss. I bought a tomato basil base soup at the grocery store, cooked up some mushrooms, cauliflower rice, and mixed them into the soup, then added a load of fresh basil and an assortment of other herbs and it was perfection. Probably the best soup I've ever made. I don't usually make a lot of soups but in the UK where I am at the moment, they sell these simple base soups which are fun to experiment and add things into. I love it and it definitely brings out the creative side of me without feeling the pressure of being a pro chef;p



Day 5

As you can see I started getting better at documenting and photographing the foods;)

For breakfast, I made my typical granola cereal (literally nothing makes me happier than jumping out of bed in the morning and relishing a simple delicious breakfast like granola and fresh fruits:



Also this was the day I mentioned on the beginning of the post where I randomly went out with my colleagues the night before and they bought a couple of pizzas and I wanted to eat it SOO BADD. But I didnt cave! Arent yall proud?;p Instead of leftover pizza I made this delicious lunch: quinoa with cooked cauliflower rice, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, with sliced avacado topped with tomato chutney and sliced tomatoes. It was absolutely divineeeeeeeee and one of the yummiest dished Ive ever made!



I had a little snack by making a bowl of mixed nuts including cashews (my fav), and will munch off this for the next few days:) I also ate the rest of my carrots and peanut butter as an additional snack:)



You can read more about the challenge here:

Are you vegan? Have you ever thought about being vegan? I would love feedback and to know that I'm doing right or any improvements I can make, or suggestions for recipes. I'm not big on cooking but I will try to do a few things for this vegan challenge :)


I love peanut butter on anything, so I don't know why I haven't thought about dipping carrots before! Yum! I'm a huge fan of my girl @heart-to-heart so just wanted to pop in and support some of the challenge participants. Looks like you are doing a great job of making it work! It can definitely be hard when you have a lot of temptation around, but it gets easier the longer you do it. :)

thanks for the support! i feel like I've been in a vegan vacuum as i have no vegan friends where i am and am constantly being "that person with the special diet" which is really hard !its good to think that there are others out there doing it too:)

I have a few vegetarian/pescatarian friends, but really no vegans in my circle. It was definitely a bit challenging when I first started cutting out animal products in my diet because I did feel a little alone. Now I've got such a great group of people I've met online that it makes it just that much easier. Luckily my boyfriend was very supportive. That helps a lot so I don't have to cook separate meals! It's been almost 5 years for me now, and I can't see ever going back. :)

Wow, I am seriously impressed at your level of commitment @itinerantartist :) I felt like I was going to be in trouble at some point with the ingredient lists because as you're noticing, most of the popular items are crawling in animal products and a lot of them for no apparent reason. I'm a label reader fanatic so it takes me a million years to go shopping at a regular store. Thank the heavens above for where I live now and that I get 95% of my food from the farm. I shrivel up when I read what they put in our foods... anyways that could lead to a post here on your blog so I'll just leave it at how excited I am that you're continuing on and I love how creative you're getting, pushing yourself to come up with new ways. I actually don't really even want to help you very much because I think you're doing such a kick ass job on your own ;) Keep it up!

aww thanks so much!!!! I've really tried hard to read menus in detail, check labels for ingredients, and at home its not so bad but traveling it can be quite difficult - especially with a language barrier! yesterday the waitress had to come back and we tried communicating but Im terrible with french and she was trying to explain their vegetarian burger couldn't be made without cheese ( I think ) haha, so the only option was a veggie wrap which is what I ended up getting;p I'll write more about it in my next post!

yea its really disgusting how they filter it into almost everything! and lucky you that you can get food straight from the farm - thats how it is back home for me because I grew up in the countryside in Ohio and my family still lives there. Amish country as well, so all homegrown and no surprise additives;)

OMG IT the sheer willpower that you exerted at that moment when a hot pizza with all its cheesy goodness is presented to you.

Great job in staying the course!

thanks mav! it was some serious torture!;p

Vegan food always looks colorful and leaves you hungry all day :(. Have you done any Indian dishes yet with like lentils and such?

That is just not true :) It depends what you eat. Vegan food is misunderstood! I am actually almost always full and I'm vegan, it just depends how creative you are with the food ;) No one is going to be hungry after a big veggies burger and maybe side of sweet potato fries, that's vegan :)

I dunno. I remember being in an odd state of hunger after eating a lot of yummy vegan dim sum. I'm sure there are certain exceptions that you would feel full, maybe burger and fries would do it yeah...

Ya I think it's definitely how you are eating! Hang out with me, you'll never be hungry. I always have a house full of people and our biggest complaint is that we can't eat more because we're too stuffed ;) I know what you mean though because I used to feel that way before I knew what to eat too! I thought salad was my only option and it was devastating lol

i know what you mean! I've definitely had some that were very filling meals but i think you definitely have to portion it right, because if you eat a pile of veggies it needs to be bigger than a normal meal size. sometimes i find myself finding smaller dishes that are vegan and I've been hungry a few times when not at home, but i think its a learning curve for everyone who is not vegan or learning the ropes :)

Haha you're much braver than I, I wouldn't be able to give up bacon, even for one day.

hahah bacon every day!? i hardly do eat bacon, but if i saw it in front of me i'd miss it !:O

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