
I think it's wonderful to try to take your journey to health into your own hands. There are so many wonderful natural practices and wisdom to guide us, but ultimately we have to find what works for us. I tend to stay really cold all winter, too, so I tend to gravitate towards mostly warm foods this time of year myself. Probably why I love potatoes so much--they warm my soul and my body, haha. There's a local woman here who does some Ayurveda workshops on occasion. I really need to look at her schedule to see if I can join in on one soon. Best wishes on your continued path!

I really prefer sweet potato over potato. I guess we ate potato 5 or 6 days a week in Holland, when I grew up. So, I know prefer rice, risotto, couscous or ( less frequently ) pasta when I can :>)

Thank you for your kind words and yes it's pretty wonderful. I hope more and more people open their eyes to natural medicine and feel it will happen.

Did you know ayurveda is the sister science to yoga? Ayurvedic understanding often comes into the classes I attend. I love how these natural msdicine paradigms help us understand our selves a bit better. I hope it helps you get to the bottom of things....

Did you know ayurveda is the sister science to yoga?

I found that out just now :>)

Still need some time ( and do more research / podcast listening ) to get into yoga though. And yes, it's all pretty exciting. Can be a little scary at times, especially when you're not feeling great but hey, aren't prescription drugs and hospitals way scarier? ;>)


I hope you can find a solution and feel better. Must be frustrating not to know what's going on. Take care! ❤️

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Thank you buddy / dankjewel Sander! :>)

If I'm looking at it in the best way possible, it's pretty awesome that I finally feel brave and confident enough to take this route.

Um abraço

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You know we all owe to ourselves to educate ourselves about our bodies, to listen to them and take the signs they give us seriously. I am happy to hear you have found a path to that, and from what you have written about I would like to know more. I have a wonderful book called healing with wholefoods which looks at our body types and the best treatment to take in regards to them, this is so important as we are all so differnt. Know thyself my firnd xxxx

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