What is the Condition of the Environment & What Can We do To Improve It?

in #health7 years ago

What is the Condition of the Environment & What Can We do To Improve It?

Speakers Filmed:

Image Source

@LauraKelley: POCCA Cape Cod

I went to film a speech on how if we have no bees, we will have no more food supply by Pocca's Laura Kelley. In this talk Laura describes a world of environmental concerns that no only the bees face but we face as humanity. No bees, no food, no humans.

Not only do you learn about the dangers inflicting the honey bee population and therefore our entire food supply. You also will learn how to bee keep from a local bee keeper.

There is also a ton of really important health, nutrition and life style information presented in this speech by Laura. If you are a big time health nut, or are into fitness and nutrition there is information in here that could help you. Of if you have horrible allergies and hay fever it turns out that honey from a local bee keeper can help raise your immune system, it is fully explained in the film but seriously really good info in here for health, nutrition and more.

More info from Pocca Cape Cod: https://poccacapecod.org/

Connect with Laura Kelley on Steemit: https://steemit.com/@laurakelley

POCCA is a non profit 501C3 Charity seeking donations to pay for a lawyer to continue the fight for food and health safety in Massachusetts at the state level as is mentioned in the video, feel free to send some SBD her way, or donate on the links on POCCA's website. Right now the volunteers are paying for this fight out of their own pockets, help them out.

My Previous POCCA related steemit posts:

  1. https://steemit.com/health/@titusfrost/truth-about-cape-cod-s-water-supply-pocca-s-fight-to-save-our-water
  2. https://steemit.com/health/@titusfrost/water-is-life-pocca-cape-cod-interview-water-and-your-health

Ben Hellerstein of Environment Massachusetts

The second talk was about how to fight for the environmental policies of the EPA basically, with Trump in office. I actually disagree with a lot that was presented in this talk. However it is important to hear information with an open mind, just use discernment as well.

Environment Massachusetts: www.environmentmassachusetts.org

The Future of Energy Production



So at the end of the video I explained to people a couple key facts about energy production and consumption so they might be able to grasp the elephant in the room, volume. See everyone who pushes, solar energy, wind energy, or any "renewable" fuel like biofuel, basically has no idea about this volume issue and dances around it. The issue is especially on mobile platforms like airplanes, there just is no other energy source that produces the way fuel does. There is no viable alternate to jet fuel for powering aircraft, and the amount of energy that is produced daily by fuel is such a large amount of wattage that is impossible to replace with any of the current proposed alternatives except for one.

Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, aka Chemically assisted nuclear reactions, which has been given the misnomer "cold fusion" by the government stooges like Stephen Jones of the "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth". Is the best and most viable option for the future to provide the entire planet with truly free energy that creates only H2O as a by product not pollution. Adapted correctly it could easily power cars, airplanes, power plants, and even spacecraft. I personally think it is being used by the shadow government already, and I believe 9/11 is proof of that speculation, see linked article. However, there is serious science behind it, that is peer reviewed and has nothing to do with my personal theories. This LENR / CANR could provide all the energy mankind could ever need without any of the pollution or cost. This is the solution we have been looking for to replace oil and gas, not windmills, not solar panels that are 90% built in China by slave labor, this is something that could free all of humanity by providing free energy.

Please review the information for LENR / CANR here: www.lenr-canr.org

Enjoy My YouTube Video:

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  1. @BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/9dOS2mC8OWM/
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Music Credit:

Intro / Outro Music: "More than This (Draft)" by Alais Clay: https://soundcloud.com/alaisclay/more-than-this-draft

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Because it would be free energy, I don't see this happening. At least not soon though. The goverments will never allow something that is used by the whole world to be free.

I agree and there lies the problem. The greedy bastards "in charge" so to speak. What about issues such as Fukushima? They've done absolutely nothing with that and are still dumping all that radioactive waste everyday into our planets oceans since 2011'. I mean sure I can have one less car or separate my plastic from my paper but really? On the bee thing, again our powers that "bee" allow companies such as shitsanto.... uh, er Monsanto to exist even though so many are aware and against them but it still goes on? I digress. I did enjoy the post. Great points. I just don't see how it can be changed with psychopaths leading the world.

nice speech from laura and she is right we see around and care thats for ouselves and we save our food problems which increase on every new day..and ur video about envirment is also good to lead on this

@titusfrost you article about environment is full on knowledge i think every person has the responsibility to make sure that environment is kept cleaned by generating more trees is a good idea + take a strict action to industries that produce dangerous smoke and poisonous gases.

I never knew that bee plays such a vital role.. No bee, no food, no humans :o Thanks for sharing

Great speech! I, too, try to protect the environment, and not to offend all life that flies and creeps around us.

It alway amuses me, when I read a well written article, but something mundane gets stuck in my brain (that has very little to do with the intent of the article).

π*107 = the number of seconds in a year ± 0.5% (1.4/1.65 days)

I confirmed using both 365 and 365.26 days.

ur opinion on laura speech is best and good method to share and teach us on this issue nice to share ur new video sir i really like it and then ur post reading

good article. Everything that is happening in the world makes people aware, but sadly this theme has to be related to the power

Great post!
We all should unite to protect our environment as it is very important not only for human but also everything on earth!

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