Not your usual diet

in #health8 years ago

So why do we go on diets?

Well, for the most part the only diets I have ever heard about have been designed to help others lose weight. I know there are diets for things like Gluten intolerance and other problems. Today when searching the internet I cam across a diet that is designed to help you gain weight. There seems to be several people out there who do have a problem with weight, just not the way your thinking.

I can say that over the years there have been many people who say they would rather have my problem of being underweight, I do not think that they realize I have tried many things through out my life, from constantly over eating, working out. It seems that nothing I have done has ever really worked. I am 6 foot, and should weight around 160 or at least I would say that would be ideal, well, I am currently down around 130. So you see I have a problem with gaining weight.

My doctor says it is something I should do since my body fat is extremely low. I am no expert in these maters. I can attest that it really is harder than it sounds.

What's a good way to gain weight if you're underweight?

  • Eat more frequently. Best way to learn to eat more frequently is to start eating 3 meals a day, and then begin to add snacks in between your meals, and work your way up to eating around 6 times per day. Snacks should be between 100 and 200 calories

  • Choose nutrient-rich foods. Some desserts to consider are frozen yogurt, oatmeal cookies, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie. There may be other great options as well.

  • Try smoothies and shakes.

  • Watch when you drink. Sometimes drinking before you eat keeps you from eating enough.

  • Have an occasional treat. Things you might consider snaking on could be nuts, nut butters, dried fruit, dense fresh fruits, two great options are mangoes and avocados.

  • Exercise.


I was surprised that exercises beyond just weight lifting were suggested. They included things such as walking, light aerobic activities. There was a suggestion that to much stress can also lead to weight loss, and meditation or yoga could be good ways to deal with stress and help you regain weight. Well I can safely say these deserts are some of my favorite. Guess it may be more fun working to gain weight than I realized.

Image Source 1, 2, 3

Sources 1, 2, 3

Gingerbread Man Contest Update

So far there still have not been any entries, this is an easy contest there are only 2 things you will need in your picture. There is still time to enter the contest.

  1. First A Gingerbread man!
  2. Second a SteemIt logo!

To enter the contest please up load your pictures as a reply to This Post. Contest deadline is Wednesday so please get your entries in.

In Conclusion

Thank you all for having read this far, I hope you enjoyed this, and let me know what you think.

Thanks to and @elyaque

Follow @smysullivan
Thanks to @papa-pepper for the last gif.


Interesting post. Good luck

Thank you will be interesting to see if it works.

Im starting right after new years

That is about the time I was looking to start a diet to gain weight. Good luck on your diet, be interested to see how it works for you.

Great post man!!!!

I wish I would have known about this, I used to train people and help them w plans in and out of the gym

Have you tried a simple but decent weight gain powder and added EXTRA digestive enzyme to it, just break the capsule open and fire it into your shake.

those thing 2-3x/day divided out will help.

So will eating a 50/50 blend of protein and carbs divided out 5-7x/day and that includes before bed for situations like this.

The pre bed meal of protein/carbs activates all kinds of growth hormone.

And make that a bunch of slow digesting caseins -- easiest source - cottage cheese

Boom, there are some solid pointers, I know you have tried a lot of things likely

Nice, I am just starting to look into it, will try to work out a full plan in January, but great pointers. I hate cottage cheese, need pineapple to make it worth eating for me. As for the pills, might look at those later on, I want to try and stay natural.

Digestive enzymes are natural and related --- most all foods have them.

Did you know the papain enzyme in pineapple is directly related to helping the proteins digest?


I do like pineapple! I used to fire it in my cottage cheese at bed time plus the other pill form to get max absorption out of it all

Wow thats awesome news.

I will be naming this post in my POD column shortly, I will come send you the link. I hope others comment here and help you out, that is my goal.

You're a good egg.

Eggs are full of protein too LOL

Great advice thank you.

RS for you also.

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