
I know when I'm feeling a little down or restless, just stepping outside in this COLDER than COLD weather we are experiencing really helps BOOST my momentum.

That is so true! And now to live up to my post, I need to get bundled up and have a little walkabout the farm. haha!

Oh man!!! Stay warm and enjoy the fresh air!!

Nicely written post. I was just thinking how I would certainly much prefer the sweating of summer - it doesn't really bother me. But the cold hands, nose, and feet of winter take some getting used to.

However, it is also about perspective. A few weeks ago, I would have thought that right at the freezing point was cold, now on a 29-degree day I think it is fine to work outside. All it took was a few days at -4 in the morning!

Isn't that the truth! As soon as it gets back up to thirty here it'll feel downright balmy!!!

I really enjoyed this. I love the cold, and appreciated your great perspective! We live in the mid west and are planning to move to the frozen north...this perspective is greatly needed 😁

Thank you! I am glad that I can love the cold now too! Good luck on your journey, that sounds amazing.

this speaks to the core of me right now, in so many ways. winter is indeed underappreciated - we all need time to rest. to be introspective. to let our minds and bodies be quiet in the darkness, so that we may be prepared to appreciate the warmth and brightness of the upcoming summer months.

i too have issues with being dehydrated! i'm on my fifth cup of herbal tea, and will probably have at least 3 more before the day's over with. my day job has me in an office with forced air, and while i LOVE its warmth, i get nosebleeds if i'm not careful. so not fun :(

thank you for posting these thoughts. i have something to ponder for the rest of the day!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts too! I am so glad you liked this post! It is from the heart!

I’m becoming a big fan of wool as well, though a down jacket is hard to beat! I splurged on some wildly colored wool mittens this winter and it does perk me up just to put them on :)

ahh thats sweet, and yes very true. sometimes having hardworking reliable "gear" is essential. My husband is a big fan of Gortex combined with wool underlayers

Great tips! We dont have much cold winters in SE TExas but when It does get cold, I tend to go dark! I do love the smell of really cold freezing air and love the sound of the crunchy snow beneath my feet. (we dont get much of that either)

Thank you! Some of these tips could be for other seasons too I suppose. Anytime is nice for a sauna, for instance!

Although I'm not a huge fan of winter, I love watching fire. And that is something you can do only in winter :) So, I agree with your point. Being able to experience all of the 4 seasons is a big reason for gratitude itself. And this wise man hiding in the tree... could be my only reason to go outside :D

Indeed, what a treasure to find on a winter hike! It is amazing how my eye found him, almost like it was called to it! I really don't know how I noticed him!!! I learned that Barred Owls often hunt during the day!

haha you were really lucky! I'm a big bird lover as you can understand from my nick name, so I will admit I got a bit jealous! I would love to see more if you get lucky again :)

I love your winter coat (poncho?)! I know on days where I’m tiredness of the stuffy indoors, I’ll step outside to breathe in that cold crisp air and just feel invigorated. It’s very refreshing!

Thank you! Yes the fresh air is essential! There's more at :)

I needed this. It’s a great encouragement now that the best parts of winter are past, and a long period of cold and white skies lies ahead of me. I definitely am doing better this winter than usual. Being outside and braving the cold really makes you feel like your riding to the challenge instead of caving. I’m taking longer walks with my dog, and enjoying the time of gathering and stacking firewood. One thing I really love about the winter are the fool moons lighting up the snow covered landscape. Everyone in northern climates, take the time to walk at night during this bright period of the wolf moon. It’s absolutely magical!

Indeed it is! Looking forward to that tonight with the Full MOOn!!

This post was inspirational! I love winter already, and the thought of embracing it more is so exciting! The idea to spend this season to reflect and let the things that need to die...actually die so that the new can come was such an awesome perspective. I completely agree that each season has a purpose, and I feel like winter certainly has a bigger one than we realize.

@freedomtowrite I am so glad you found it to be inspirational! Indeed we agree. One very tangible thought I also had about winter is just how wonderful it is for pesky bug control. Last winter here was too mild and we found ourselves overwhelmed by a boom in garden pests!

Agreed! Ticks were so bad this past summer because of the mild winter we had the year before...I'm hoping the negative digits will help!

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