Are Germs The Cause Of Infectious Disease? - Part 2

in #health6 years ago (edited)

What Is Toxemia?

The Toxemia Theory was stated in detail by Dr. John Henry Tilden (1851-1940), an American naturopath. Tilden recognized the role of stress in the cause of health problems long before this became an accepted idea. He noted that health is altered when nerve energy is dissipated and the body is no longer able to properly remove the toxic by-products of metabolism.


Tilden considered the sole underlying cause of deterioration of health as the result of a state of self-intoxication, or toxaemia. In his view, each disease is an effort by nature to eliminate toxaemia, or toxaemia crisis. Nervous energy could become toxic by consuming the wrong foods, by overeating, taking into account also many stimulants such as coffee and alcohol, and also by other sources of stress, such as emotional and mental tensions.

He developed his model of The Seven Stages of Health Loss, from a physiological point of view. His concept served as a starting point for the elaboration of later models of naturopathic intervention. Tilden defined the stages, as follows:

1. Enervation: deficiency of nerve energy = vital force
2. Toxaemia: less elimination of toxins produced by our metabolism ingested food, absorption by intestinal bacteria, chemicals in food, air and water and drugs
3. Irritation: caused by pressure due to water retention, lack of oxygen and nutrition, cells start to send signs of pain; tissue is irritated
4. Inflammation: caused by the stagnation and toxins
5. Ulceration: degeneration of cells and tissue often opened through skin
6. Induration: tissue got hard and encapsulated as protection
7. Fungus: parasites, cancerous proliferations

There is but one cause of disease, poison toxemia, most of which is created in the body by faulty living habits and faulty elimination, Sir Arbuthnot Lane M.D.

Viral and bacterial illness have a terrible reputation for a good reason and has been used to push the vaccine theory, based on superstition and fear. Natural health and hygiene are the real antidotes to disease. How disease develops in the body and why some people get sick, and others don’t will be explained in this article.

Natural health explains the underlying caused by infectious diseases. Toxemia is a condition caused by the buildup of toxic waste in the body. Elimination is the process by which the body removes toxic waste and if the process is incomplete gives rise to infectious diseases.

The body produces waste every moment of the day. The putrifying matter is removed from the body’s tissues and fluid and shunted through the body’s waste disposal system. The lungs, kidneys, and skin are the central part of our waste disposal system. The body’s garbage is from byproducts of our standard metabolic processes along with unnatural chemicals in our environment, our food, drugs, medicines, everything we come in contact with that the body does not need.

Our metabolic and elimination systems work efficiently if the body is clean of dead and rotting matter. How healthy our body is, and anything that stresses the body will impair waste elimination processes. Poor diet, harsh medicine, polluted, dangerous work environment, polluted air, and water reduce the bodies ability to remove waste. If the body isn't disposing of its waste efficiently the buildup of dead cells, chemicals, and other rotting debris is called toxemia.

The most critical piece of information regarding our ability to avoid infectious diseases I have come to understand is the proper removal of waste from the body. Just like removing and dealing with waste in our environment prevents diseases so does eliminating waste from the body. Removing the breeding ground for germs is the most crucial piece of data I have found during my time researching Toxemia.

A body of an unhealthy person is full of toxic waste material. There has to be a breeding ground, a sick body full of garbage, decaying debris for germs to feed and multiply.

The Toxemia theory explains why disease follows wars, famine, poverty, and poor sanitation. You can read about the history of vaccines; my articles are full of examples. European and American people were driven off their hereditary common lands by the industrialization of farming. They were crowded into filthy row houses, families from children to parents working 16 hours a day or more without enough rest or healthy food, water, and clean air. Poverty and squalid housing, poor nutrition, unclean water, and stress provide the perfect environment for plagues!

Promoting Health in the Human Environment’ the World Health Organization writes:"

"The world's biggest killer and the greatest cause of ill-health and suffering across the globe is listed almost at the end of the International Classification of Diseases. It is given the code Z59.5 -" extreme poverty.

I have read throughout the material I’ve researched poverty, poor hygiene and sanitation, overcrowding, and malnutrition are the conditions that breed disease. An individuals health and energy are weakened when the body’s ability to remove waste is impacted by its environment. Filth attracts germs like a decomposing body attract flies.

Social reformers like Alfred Wallace and the Leicester Method were successful in their campaigns to clean up towns, isolate those sick with infectious diseases like smallpox, and educate people about personal hygiene. The movement reformed the slums, improving living and working conditions and improving nutrition for the working poor. Mandatory vaccination programs didn’t halt the spread of infectious diseases. What stopped the spread of infectious disease was and still is improving living conditions for everyone removed the conditions which caused infectious diseases in industrialized countries.

Toxemia starts in the mother’s womb. When we look at our polluted environment, there is no doubt women in our industrialized nation are carrying a toxic load from the fluoridated water, medical drugs, and chemicals in our products, from hygiene, food, and materials we use and wear. Again I quote Dr. Henry Bieler who wrote (Food is Your Best Medicine) stated:"... the average baby comes into the world with his body full of toxins from the mother’s blood and an intestine full of meconium (black oxidized bile). He is, in fact, so toxic that even with the best care it usually takes three years to eliminate his inherited birth poisons!'. In the past, it was war, famine, poor living conditions that caused infant diseases and death. In our modern society, it is toxic products that build up in the mother’s body that cause infant diseases.

The mystery of latent viruses like herpes from Time Magazine 3/11/1986 discusses how viral genes hide out in our cells becoming active only on occasion but can remain hidden throughout one's lifetime.

What triggers latent viruses, stress, fatigue, sexual activity, sunburns, and certain kinds of food, our immune system can no longer suppress the virus. The Toxemia theory explains how a virus is triggered by stress, diet, poor working and living conditions, which impair our body’s ability to remove toxins and waster.

It is easy to see how these latent viruses are like a seed, which needs the proper conditions to sprout. Bernard Jensen who wrote Beyond the Magic Bullet has written:

"Infection is more the result of the conditions within the body than merely the presence of a microbe!’.

From my understanding we can catch infectious diseases from other people, we can “pass on” a virus through close contact through touching an item that has been infected, through the air from sneezing or coughing, or through drinking contaminated water, or eating contaminated food. However, there is a glitch many times a person will not become sick after coming into contact with an infectious disease. An exposed person becomes ill because of the health of his body. The Toxemia theory states that disease needs nutrition and a place to breed and only a toxic body can become the proper host.

M.O. Garten wrote in Tomorrow’s Health: "An average healthy person, with an uncontaminated bloodstream, need not be concerned or apprehensive about being subjected to a contagious disease.... However, this is not true with a person of low vitality and a high accumulation of metabolic waste products... Bacteria or germs of such a person stimulated into activity by the devitalized elements upon which they thrive, when transferred to the mucous membranes or tissues of another person equally toxemic may be assumed to begin work immediately and in the same manner, as in the first carried.

The Toxemia theory explains why vaccination is not safe nor is it useful because it does not address the health or toxicity of an individuals body. It does not improve the health of the body. In fact, vaccines make the body toxic by injecting poisonous chemicals and foreign proteins. The vaccine theory is based on warfare, kill the germs and ignore the health of the body. At all cost, the germs must die, like carpet bombing a village to kill one "suspected" terrorist.

The question I have had for a long time because I see our modern medical system studies disease rather than health, makes enormous profits from illness rather than health is:

Why do we vaccinate when we could improve the living conditions of a sick population? Why do we treat the symptoms rather than the underlying conditions? Vaccines are full of poisons; you cannot argue that fact. An example is the DTap vaccine which contains formaldehyde, mercury, and aluminum phosphate.

The Polio vaccine uses monkey kidney cell culture, lactalbumin hydrolysate, antibiotics and calf serum.

Vaccines are not safe for the simple reason that the very materials the vaccines.

The MMR vaccine, mumps, measles, and rubella, contains chick embryo, neomycin, a mixture of antibiotics.

The injection of these substances into the body is not natural, and the immune system does not know what to do and goes hay-wire, into hyper-mode trying to remove or neutralize the toxins.

Leon Chaitow wrote Vaccination and Immunization stated:

"The consequences of this sort of overstimulation, and excess commitment; of immune functions is unknown. The chances are that impairment of immune system will result, leaving the individual more susceptible to infections of other sorts, more prone to allergic response, and with greater chances of disturbed immune function diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, AIDS etc)”.

The immune system becomes overstimulated, which places a burden on other systems to produce enough energy to keep essential functions online. Adding more poison for the body to handle adds a significant burden to an already beleaguered system. The body has to work even harder to remove toxins leading to more garbage piling up in the body. Vaccines increase the body’s toxic load and cause disease for many people rather than prevent diseases. Most people’s body can remove the vaccine poisons, but there are many people whose body becomes overwhelmed by the vaccines toxins, which results in adverse reactions, illness, and even death. However, vaccines are a waste of energy for the organization and our society.

The vaccine programs carried out in nations with populations that are undernourished and living in poverty do not address the underlying cause of infectious disease. Most if not all of the individuals in these groups are susceptible to infectious diseases because of their body’s lack of energy. Vaccinating vulnerable undernourished populations puts another burden on their body’s overburden systems. Many of the malnourished population have latent viral infections such as herpes and AIDS. Hannah Allen states:

"Such infection or contamination will only be aggravated by the administration of serums, vaccines or drugs, which add to the genera! Toxic load, and can result in serious harm to a person who is already in trouble. Vaccination programmes in 3rd world countries are why vaccination campaigns aimed at the sick and starving children in Africa (as described earlier by Dr. Kalokerinos) can have disastrous consequences.

When healthy populations are vaccinated, most healthy bodies can eliminate vaccine toxins. However, in communities experiencing displacement due to war, drought, famine, vaccines can be a trigger that wakes up underlying diseases. Herbert Shelton has written:

"This picture of vaccination is a black one, but it is by no means the whole picture, it is almost impossible to exaggerate the evils of this filthy, superstitious practice and any physician or vaccine propagandist who asserts that vaccination is harmless is either an ignoramus or a liar."

Toxemia manifest through inhuman living conditions, and lack of proper nutrition is the cause of most diseases Dr. Lindlahr a medical doctor who has been a proponent of natural health writes in 1920:

"The primary cause of disease, barring accidental or surgical injury to the human organism and surroundings hostile to human life is violation of nature’s laws. The effect of violation of nature’s laws on the physical organism is; - lowered vitality, abnormal composition of blood and lymph, accumulation of waste matter, morbid materials and poisons!'

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Firstly I’m gonna talk about why some people get sick and some people do not get sick but I must say I agree to this totally

Natural health and hygiene are the real antidotes to disease

Different people exposed to the same condition under the same circumstances falls sick at different time, rate and heal at different rates

• Different body system which comprises of the genes, the blood group, natural immunity, immunity etc. All these contributes to the level of infection of different people under the same condition

• Vaccination, some had been vaccinated against some certain sickness and others do take preventive drugs eg antibiotics and anti malaria the common ones

• Genotype is another thing, the AA are less likely to get sick unlike the SS

Just my little contribution, thanks for this informative and educative posts. Keep steeming and touching lives

I am impressed with your knowledge @olumideolowoyeye, however I don't think it matters what type of blood we have or genes if your body is stressed by war, famine, or poor diet and habits...

I have a question, in Africa before Europeans came to took over your lands, and westernize your culture, changed your way of life, did the native population suffer from Malaria? Has it always been a problem?

Thanks my friend, you inspired it... so to your question.

In Africa we have herbs and roots before the Europeans but malaria is a killer. Though the herbs does work but not everyone knows it, say 2% knows the herb to cure Malaria and so the knowledge was limited to them as there are no communication systems to pass it around. Those who knew didn’t know by research but trials and when it worked the use the same herb to cure similar symptoms as there are system of diagnosis.
I have a knowledge about this cause I grew up in a village where if a person got sick , they try this herb and 3dAys if there’s no improvement then they use that herb and that herb and another until the person heals or dies . I lost my immidiate brother to fever... that was many years after the Europeans came. Till today in some remote areas of Africa people still die of malaria and till today we still use herbs, I still use herbs . And the herbs are now packaged and some are in the stores now. I hope you’re satisfied with my answer, if you’re not I’d take my time out to break it further down

I am sorry for your loss my friend <3 I want to know if indigenous people of your land have always suffered from Malaria...why haven't you built a resistance too it? This is what happens when we are subjected to diseases through the generations...if the population is healthy eventually the body develops an immunity...

I will take this questions to the internet search engine too! I love talking to you because I end up with some amazing questions that lead me to amazing data.

Oh it’s a long time ago, I was a kid too. You know in the days before the white came, we call it the black age and then no scienetifical knowledge or approach to anything, Black men relies on instinct and the only resistance they could build was use herbs after herbs guessing sickness but no diagnosis. I’m talking about the days where there wasn’t electricity and anything you could imagine. I’d try to find you on discord if we could share some knowledge. Especially about my race, tribe and our origin

I have learned so much about vaccines from your posts! This is such an important topic and we all must be aware and make the right decisions for ourselves and our children. One question I have - so ALL vaccines are bad? Polio used to affect a lot of people, but since the polio vaccine, it's been virtually eliminated in 1st world countries. Your thoughts?

Vaccines are full of poisons, and mandatory vaccination programs are pushing more and more vaccines on the young and elderly, which have fragile immune systems. From what I have found science and medicine have barely scratched the surface regarding understanding our immune system and our body/mind in general...

I don't know if all vaccines are bad but I question the science behind them...

Polio was in decline with all other infectious diseases before polio vaccine was introduced in the west...hygiene and sanitation practicals, proper diet and safe living and working conditions correlate with the reduction of infectious diseases.

I have noticed one thing and I have no proof that I can give for it right now.
I think with time we have grown weak, both mentally and physically. I do not believe that humans as a race decided one day to become complacent and lazy about our health. Over a period of time I think we have lost sight of what a healthy life means.
Even though people try to paint industrial revolution as the next step in human kind's progress but we already know that it was en effort funded by monarchs and governments to bring more power to them with minimum effort. Of course money was not the only fuel that went into oiling that machinery; human beings were fed into it in droves.
Now coming back to the main point. Our health was first time sabotaged when we handed over making of our food first to policies laced with corruption, then second to corporations that were bent on making profit out of feeding us. Of course we could always debate that it was a part of an even larger scheme but I think a system that believes only in churning out profit would eventually consume life and health irrespective of it doing so consciously or unconsciously.

I don't know what to think @hashcash, I am overwhelmed right now...I have known for a long time our medical system is about disease management and not about preventative medicine.

I think the number one problem is disease is profitable, if there was more profit in health I think we would have a healthier population and system. I keep thinking science and medicine are war machines like our governments...

I know there are many good doctors who follow natural medicine, Dr Hyman promotes a healthy lifestyle and food as medicine first and foremost.

He is a little too commercial for my taste but Dr Hyman is part of a larger group of medical professionals that promote a healthy life to prevent disease.

As far as conspiracies...I know my history and the common people have always been at the mercy of the elites who have committed democide and genocide throughout our history.

My cousin has been in the medical industry for last 15 years. He started at the bottom by selling medical equipment and gradually made his way to the top. I have seen his progress over the years. I have also seen that he has lost all respect for the present medical system and that includes the doctors. I mean that man cannot speak about the doctors without uttering a profanity and I assure you that he does it with good reason.
Some of the stories has shared with me are...........................let's just say only if somebody wants to loose faith in humanity should listen to them.

Very interesting. I'm curious suddenly of if and/or how this related to allergies. After being in Japan for 15 years I have finally started to get allergies. I say finally because it seems like most Japanese have some form of hay fever, usually to the cedar trees, and the "common wisdom" is that all visitors to the country will eventually get allergies too. And it seems like I finally have. Could this be because of other toxic stuff in my body has piled up to the point where my immune system is going crazy, thus the allergic response? Hmmm... Reading through the other comments I see you mention this idea. If an unhealthy body is the reason for the rise of allergies, then the modern Japanese are very unhealthy, because, again, nearly everyone in this country has allergies.

I don’t have allergies if I stay away from sugar and fake of asthma since childhood and hay fever from grass pollen....I don’t know enough to give advice...I am exploring theories😁

The power of our immune system is incredible, I in just a couple of weeks I got rid of psoriasis with meditaion and a vegan diet. I think drugs are only poison that is used to cloak the symptom and doesn't deal with the cause since the cause is in 99 times of a hundred is internal. Thank you for opening my eyes regarding the vaccines

I've been able to heal from a life time of asthma and hayfever through changing my diet years ago. If I eat too much sugar and refined foods my allergies come back. I can control my menopause symptoms following a strict intermenttent fasting routine as well...this all is a pain in the neck, I tried allopathic methods and became horribly only recourse was to investigate and try alternative methods. I found healing through diet, meditation (changing my mind), and letting go of negative relationships.

you call the posifit energy can be one of the antidote to poison, where we still have some people who do the treatment with shamanism method, the patient only recited the mantra without drinking or applying obat.selang several days his illness recovered,
is this just a coincidence or has something to do with positive energy ,,? thank you in advance for your explanation

Possibly The placebo effect, the belief is strong enough to trick the body into healing itself...shamanism is fascinating ❤️🙏

"Thanks for sharing this deep studied post towards the health, but i am not that good at medical terms but i will definitely want to talk about the stress because their are many things which lead towards the infections but in my opinion, stress can attract more illness and other infectious stuff as an path way means, if we stress all the time then our daily life will become unbalanced and which leads towards ignoring the self and then this ignorance leads towards the untimely activities, then our system feels unbalanced, so let's not take much stress, in my opinion when people feel stress at that moment they can chose to use the reverse mechanism, for example, i have exams and i am taking too much stress, so for that particular moment we should forget that we have any exam and we should leave the studies for some time and should do what we like and which gives happiness, that can help to some extent. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

I agree, besides nutrition and hygiene, reducing stress is a major factor regarding our health @chireerocks.

Absolutely true.

@reddust Thank you for this wonderful information. Healthy life is always necessary as you have mentioned in the article. I want to add a little note. Today, 80% of the lands of countries like America, Argentina, Brazil, South European, China are planted with modified organisms. However, the products produced by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are being investigated extensively and are still being consumed as human and animal food. Today 70% of processed foods in the United States have GMO products.

I am also concerned about GMOs, my genetic and cellular biology professor was also concerned. He said there are hidden diseases in our genes and when we cross species this could trigger diseases to jump species and cause horrible plagues. Also the pollen from GMO plants shares it's genetics with other plants even if they are different species...bacteria communicate with plants and other bacteria through sharing genetic information...the implications are mind boggling. This may be one of the reasons why many American's suffer allergies but that is also a sign of a toxic body..allergy problems are through the roof!

And don't forget the tonnes of herbicides and pesticides poured into our soil and streams...all over our food and fiber for our clothing.

I read through this all, and then tried to upvote it a 2nd time. (Which didn't work for some reason.)

Dr. Tilden is very astute, but only half correct.
(Which is a huge step up from germ/antibiotic believing doctors)
But, that is what happens when "modern science" decides to ignore 6/7ths of the body.
The emotional body needs to efficiently eliminate toxic emotions too.
The breakdown of this system is where cancer starts.

I cannot wait for more doctors to actually start studying health.
As you seek, so shall yee find.

If you search for disease, you will find more and more disease.
If you search for health, you will find more and more health.

I worked for a professor at Emory University and she told me one of the medical doctors she worked for (she has a Ph.D in nursing) couldn't handle being around healthy people. He felt normal around sick and the dying......shudder...

I had no idea about all this information, I had heard about toxemia but I did not know everything that this implied. I hope you find yourself well and without migraines

I had no idea about this topic either, but I am learning more every day!

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