The History Of Vaccines Series

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Least We Forget

Suffer The Children

Why Vaccines?

Dr. French noted the influences of living conditions on disease in an article published in 1888.

The depressing influences of extreme poverty, filth in all its forms, and the overcrowding of large cities, are great promoters of contagion, resulting in epidemics, plagues, and pestilences; while strict cleanliness, fresh air, pure water, and hygienic living; tend greatly to restrict its spread and prevent these results… The death-rate among infants and young children is especially influenced by the five principal acute contagious or infectious diseases—namely, measles, scarlet fever, smallpox, diphtheria, and whooping-cough.

The gastrointestinal tract is known to contain around 70 percent of a person’s immunity. With insults to a healthy digestive system from toxins, infections, and parasites in water and food, it is easy ”

“to see how myriad diseases were able to take hold.”

“J. M. French, MD, “Infant Mortality and the Environment,” Popular Science, vol. 34, no. 10, December 1888, p. 228.”

The West Has It Easy Now

Back in time, not more than a hundred years ago the Western world’s poverty stricken children as young as 4 years old worked in factories and coal mines for up to 16 hours a day. Their housing was crowded with up to 10 people living and sleeping in one room. Waste ran down narrow streets crowded by little cheap row houses that made landlords rich and the poor very sick.

There was no such thing as clean water. Water was pulled from the same river where human waste was dumped along with anything else one can think of including dead bodies.

The air was putrid as garbage and sewer were tossed out windows and open latrines were covered in flies that would fly in and out of the poor’s cheap row houses. Food would be sitting out uncovered. There was no place to keep food clean and covered.

“Mothers employed in factories are, save during the dinner hours, absent from home all day long, and the care of their infants during their absence is entrusted to young children, hired nurse-girls, sometimes not more than eight or ten years of age…”

“Child Labor in Massachusetts Tenements, Annual Report of the Massachusetts Child Labor Committee, January 1, 1913, pp. 5–6.”

No One Home To Take Care Of The Infants

Everyone from in the family had to work including young children. Who took care of the infants? The poor families would hire girls as young as 8 years old cared for and feed their infants. There was no knowledge on proper care and nutrition. This is why there was such a high rate of death for women and infants. I remember hearing how great we have it now from my history books. But when I read alternative history books. Before human’s were packed together like livestock women and children didn’t die by the thousands because of childbirth and diseases.

In the Western modern world the majority of our children enjoy a life of luxury compared to the 1700 to early 1990s. Many children throughout Europe and America worked at hard labor in crushing poverty. There were no laughing children for the poor people, just misery and an early death from injuries suffered at work to lack of proper sanitation and basic nutrition.

1700 to 1800

Machines replaced manual labor for the production of many manufactured products. Factories still needed a cheap source of labor to run their machines, which didn’t need brute force to operate. Children were cheaper to hire than adults. The children were used and abused without mercy by their supervisors. They could not defend themselves.

“Children from seven years of age upward, were engaged by hundreds from London and other large cities, and set to work in the cotton spinning factories of the north. Since there were no other facilities for boarding them, “apprentice houses” were built for them, in the vicinity of the factories, where they were placed under the care of the superintendents or matrons… They were remotely situated, apart from the observation of the community, left to the burdens of unrelieved labor under the harshness of small masters or foremen. Their hours of labor were excessive. When the demands of the trade were active they were often arranged in two shifts, each shift working twelve hours, one in the day and another in the night, so that it was a common saying in the north that “their beds never got cold,” one set climbing into bed as the other got out. When there was no night work the day work was the longer. They were driven at their work and often abused.”

“Edward P. Cheyney, An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England, Macmillan, New York, 1920, p. 233.”

Children Worked In Coal Mines

Can you imagine hauling basket’s of coal weighing over 50 pounds at the age of 10 years old? Children that worked in the coal mines had to fill a quota of 2,500lbs a day. The air was full of dust and most worked without clothing no matter the gender or age, this includes adults. I couldn’t believe this when I read this in some of the books I ordered from my library. I remember reading in high school the poor children in England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland along with their parents were forced to work in the mines after the Crown took away the commons shared by the people to grow their food and make a living. Least we forget, and I think we have, we don’t trust authority or big corporations.

“It is true we occasionally hear of a little boy in the mine run over by a coal car, or kicked to death by a mule, or fatally injured by a piece of falling slate. And in the coal breakers little boys are sometimes ground in large crushers that break the coal, caught in the wheels or other machinery, or buried in a stream of coal—the death suffered recently by the little boy in Pittston [Pennsylvania].”

“John W. Parker, Physical and Moral Condition of the Children and Young Persons Employed in Mines and Manufactures, William Clowes and Sons, London, ”

Public outcry regarding the poor working people finally became too loud to ignore. Plus the cheap labor, the poor factory workers were sickening not only their own population but also the middle class and the wealthy. The people who needed a poor workforce were forced to investigate working and living conditions of mine workers and factory workers. They were shocked to find out that their wealth was paid with the lives of thousands and thousands of children. I probably think the industry and government leaders weren't shocked but were forced to clean up their act or the growing middle class with a lot of clot would rebel and force them through the loss of the their positions to clean up the poor living conditions and working conditions.

“Children began their life in the coal mines at five, six, or seven years of age. Girls and women worked like boys and men; they were less than half clothed, and worked alongside men who were stark naked. There were from twelve to fourteen working hours in the twenty-four, and these were often at night. Little girls of six or eight years of age made ten to twelve trips a day up steep ladders to the surface, carrying half a hundred weight of coal in wooden buckets on their backs at each journey. Young women appeared before the commissioners when summoned from their work, dressed merely in a pair of trousers, dripping wet from the water of the mine, and already weary with the labor of the day scarcely more than begun. A common form of labor consisted of drawing on hands and knees over the inequalities of a passageway not more than two feet or twenty-eight inches high a car or tub filled with three or four hundred weight of coal, attached by a chain and hooked to a leather band around the waist.

“Edward P. Cheyney, An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England, Macmillan, New York, 1920, pp. 243–244.

Poverty Breeds Disease

Will Vaccines Fix The Diseases Poverty Breeds?

I think those who control the economies of countries didn't want to clean up the poor areas and give their factory workers decent housing, food, and education. I think they wanted to give them a shot and work them to death. I've been reading about the industrial revolution of the manufacturing industry and the farming industry. From what I've read so far, if the rich hadn't been getting sick too, they wouldn't give two-hoots about the poor. They wanted to keep the cheap labor alive long enough to breed more labor force and die at an early age. A cheap vaccine gave hope to the controllers they could find a cheap and easy way to fix the problem of plagues. But vaccines didn't stop the spread of diseases. What stopped the disease and when will be in my next article.

Part 3

Part 2

Part 1

Quotes and Images From "Dissolving Illusions, Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History"

some_text A link to My Blog


I didn't know much about vaccines and medicine, but my sister knows well! She is a medical student (in Final year) and hope to be here as well! I hope she is the best person and will be very interesting on this topic also!


It is truly sad to see how humans take advantage of one another and especially children. Communication and education have continued to help improve living and working conditions and the blockchain will make even greater improvements. Thanks for the thought provoking post.

It is true our life is easer and we live a cleaner life, but our abuse by authority is still happening, it has been hidden and very subtle.

Great article. Me and my wife are extremely cautious about vaccinating and we tend to catch a lot of heat for it. It's so sad how when we try to educate the people attacking us they just shut down instead of hearing the truth. They don't even listen to the truth when it comes from their doctor or nurse either. There is a lot of fog in the air that needs cleared, thanks so much for your work!

@reddust. I believe this time period fell also under deadly is not surprising from the pictures seen here the living, working conditions and the poor state of health of the poor masses had a role to play in the spread of the disease claiming millions of lives the rich and powerful included. I also believe like you said that the vaccine was just a ploy by the government and industrialists to protect their investment regardless of the health or wellbeing of its workers. We really are a privileged generation not to have lived in that era.

We are still suffering deadly plagues, obesity, cancer, drug addiction and a host of other diseases brought on by chemicals in our food and diet, food that has no nutritional value, medicine that treats symptoms and does not address what makes us healthy and the modern lifestyle.

I think we have gone to asleep in the West and when we wake up we will be too soft, stupid, and sick to do anything about the horrible abuses done to the world and our people.

Goodness, this is right on. I don't want to agree, but, I think you are right :( :/
But of course.... Now, they are developing vaccines for various cancers... and creating more drugs to fight drug addiction... etc....
SIGH :( I keep hoping there is a way out of that ugly future, where we sleep too long, the cries of those of us trying to warn others go unheard, and eventually it is too late.

Thanks for this post and sharing your thoughts, btw. I am interested in reading more of your work, I will follow you and check it out. Take care.

Some very poignant thoughts. And most people living today really have NO idea just how privileged we are, how good we have it, even in the midst of the insane system we are all dealing with.
Sometimes I don't know what to do or how to try to be part of a solution making any of this better. It is hard to have conversations about health, vaccines, pandemics, etc. and history with many people.

Amazing work

Hi @dobartim, I hope you have a lovely weekend and thank you for stopping by!

For you always

I'm very happy to come across your post.... This post is similar to my post tag** Defenceless/Voiceless, have not started posting it in this new year.. but throughput last I did..
Its so sad children are suffering at the earliest stage of life.. here in Africa it's very sad in some of the north africa here... It's has me cry most of the time, I read a survey it say "Word has more than enough food to feed people's in the word based on population statistics of the world, but it's so sad many children went to bed on empty stomach.... I don't really know who is responsible for this demise that is behalf children and vulnerable family in the society... You mentioned fews sickness that took children life at unripe stage; but in Africa here mosquito as small as it is... That is how deadly it was to forcefully took people's lives. The man problem or let me say major problem is starving, children barely take a meal in a day, and that can prone to many diseases ... So sad If I continue to say more... It will be as if I am posting a new post... Will be looking on your post whenever you post something like that..
It's is our collective consensus to care and provide life for children especially the vulnerable children in the society.

Follow you..

I am going to write an article on vaccinating humans that are sick from war, famine, and stress. I have read enough to say that a good diet and stressless environment should protect natives from diseases. In the past before imperialism how did you people deal with this disease? From my research most infectious disease can be fought off by a healthy body and one gets lifelong immunity. The diseases I am writing about affected the poor horribly and the rich much less because of their better diet and their clean and specious homes.

Vaccinating the poor without addressing why they are poor is an act of violence from what I know now.

Actually some NGOs are really trying for them... The truth is that there is no diet for this children, barely they have one meal per day, there's is a problem that say " when food is on your table the poverty is reduced to minimal level, lack of diet prone or expose children to diseases.. atlesast they will want to survive so there anything available is what they will go for; in West Africa is not that rampant but northern Africa where we having serious hot dessert life is very difficult for them!!!

Well as par dilling with the diseases WHO, USAID and some organization provide Vaseine to prevent untimely death and they provide them mosquito net.. but the truth remains that "healthy or hygiene environment is most important together with good meal (diet) will reduce untimely death and this children lives will be safe...

When you make the post .... Please don't hesitate to tell me.... From next week on I will starting enlighten fellow steemians the need to work together to help the vulnerable around us...

So sad millions of dollars was being stole and embezzled by greedy leather while children starving to death.. so sad..

It is beyond sadness that I feel when I write this articles. I can't sleep at night sometimes from reading about our past and seeing the past bearing fruit today and we eat it like it is good for us!

I will friend you, I usually post these articles on Friday. My memory between my art and research and my old age is full of holes. I will try and remember and you can remember and stop by and visit me this coming Friday @davidad. Thank you for the most amazing conversation.

You are welcome..the same way I feel.. when whenever I write defenseless/Voiceless post.. but I feel it's need to be shared to others as they used to say we are the leader of tomorrow by sharing with others by the time they get to power what they read and suggested should ring in their hear... I will call it a night its 2:15midnight.. gotta have some sleep
Have a nice day.

Vaccines, man this one should be more hot then it is. Personally I don believe the current 'schedule' they have for children is for the benefit of their health. You hit the nail on the head tying the poverty, poor working conditions and hygiene of people affected by these disease they created vaccine for. The fall of these diseases coincide with better water treatment and labor laws that created less free radicals to enter the frail and hungry of these days. They claim it was vaccines that was the key to this. Since I dont see these conditions as a threat to my children in this day and age I do not vaccinate them. I will never understand the argument of well my kid who is vaccinated is in danger from your unvaccinated child,lol. I have no problem keeping them home if there be a rubella/measles/mump/hepa,b,c outbreak. Thank you for sharing this.RESPECT

I will be going into herd immunity later on in the series once I cover the history f vaccines. In the past vaccines were made of horse hoof pus, cow pus and the pus of smallpox from other people. We can't imagine putting that in our body now. However, from what I've read we are putting horrible things in our body with the so called safe vaccines. I won't go into this issue now. My focus is on the base of beliefs built on to support our modern vaccine ideology.

Right on. I will continue to take in the info you offer. Hoof pus, wtf? Sometimes humans are dumb as F. I find it scary how easy the majority of people just accept what they are told by people they think they can trust. Ask questions for Fsake.

Very interested to see what comes out of this. I am highly sceptical of vaccines

I am highly skeptical of governments and allopathic medicine serving the citizens that trust them...they have forgotten the vow to do no harm and that government employees are servants of we the people.

It's just horrible. My heart almost exploded with the picture of an infant.
Errhhh, no more. Freaking sick world.

I have had a difficult time writting this series, there is a cost one has to pay when trying to see what really happened😢

vaccines are such a divisive topic

it's not approached with any objectivity

if you even question the link between vaccines and terrible injuries that result from them in so many cases you are literally considered hitler

you bring up hygiene conditions and I've read something similar - namely did vaccines get rid of certain diseases or was it better living conditions?

it certainly deserves to be researched

that's the bear minimum we deserve

Vaccines have been made to be divisive and they ruin our immune systems making us susceptible to old and new diseases. I think this was done because healthy people are very hard to manipulate as in the past.

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