Holistic Harmonics Video Session 5: ∞§∞Fireside Didgeridoo Sound Medicine Meditation∞§∞steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Sound is powerful. 

I have been using the didgeridoo as a meditation tool for a long while. I find that it is very easy to meditate and that I feel more alive, connected and at peace after a nice Didgeridoo session. 

So I am sharing it with you here on Steemit as you are important to me. 

I suggest headphones as you will be able to get more into it. Take some deep breathes and enjoy the presence of being∞§∞

I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. I share it because I find it very valuable. 

If you liked this episode you can check out my past holistic Harmonics Sessions. 

Holistic Harmonics Video Session 4: ∞§∞DidgeridooPower∞§∞

Holistic Harmonics Video Session 3: ∞§∞DidgeridooSunRiseFrequencies∞§∞

Holistic Harmonics Session 2: Frequency Of Paradise∞§∞

Solar Eclipse Holistic Harmonics Session 1: Didgeridoo Sound Healing Night Fire~*~

Everything vibrates at a frequency including consciousness. Conscious frequency is very powerful. 

As always I appreciate your support and welcome your feedback!



This is by far the coolest thing I've seen.. like ever. I have only had the pleasure of hearing short stints of this miraculous instrument and never was able to understand the concept or why such a beautiful instrument was ever created.

It has now become apparent with your epic performance that this instrument was created for no other purpose than provide healing frequencies and bring our state of consciousness closer to our natural state of being. This thing is literally a meditation inducer. Thanks for sharing.

As one who has been obsessed with harmonics, sacred geometry, phi, bi aural tones and other healing frequencies such as solfeggio .. the frequencies produced with this instrument seem to be in perfect alignment with some of the most healing frequencies I've found. Like, exactly. I can recognize the exact tone.

The deep reverberation also allows you to really feel the frequencies.. even through the video, which is amazing. I can only imagine what it feels like to actually be the one to play it for so long.. like waking up into a dream which is actually your true self and realizing everything you "were" is only a portion of who you really are. Something like that :)



You are tuned into the power of conscious sound medicine!

Thanks for sharing.

That was the best 10 minutes i had all day.. What a powerful vibration.. thank you for for sharing this

Thank you for being present for the vibrational medicine~



the way you play has the same resonant quality to me as meditation bowls so I can see how they could help during a session. Going to have to try your latest!

Yes exactly!

Amazing sounds. I love the didge although my is cracked so need to get a new one. Plus it's a bit loud in a terrace house haha. Waiting for a clear ay to go into the woods :)

Getting outdoors is good for ya anyways. Playing the didg just makes it even better!

Indeed and the fire on top of that, its a good day out :)

hahahahaha true that!

Good nice all photo uplode thank you my vote

I love the sound of didgeridoo, very cool ))

Me too!


I always wondered how does it feel to play didgeridoo, do you feel dizzy because of hyperventilation of your lungs or you get used to it?

I get high for sure but not dizzy. I used to a long time ago but my body likes super oxygenation now!

Wow, well good luck to you ) waiting for some more of your wonderful music )

Thanks I should release two or more didg tracks a week!
Thanks for tuning in and for the support.

You are very welcome ) if you have any concert in Barcelona, let me know )


I could actually stop by Barcelona on my way to SteemFest.....Any chance you could help me set up a show there or suggest contacts to reach out to?

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