This is how to improve your sleep

in #health7 years ago (edited)

A rested body and mind equal to improved physical and psychological performance. It’s been proven that you are able to concentrate better, resolve problems and you feel much better in your skin if you’ve had enough sleep. This is why I gathered the best and most efficient techniques you can use to improve your sleep hygiene.

  1. Always to go bed at the same time. If there is something you have to be sure of in these uncertain times it should be the time when you go to bed and when you wake up. At least all the professional sites say that. Set up a system that’s comfortable for you and get into the habit of getting the rest you need at night. Professionals say it’s just a question of practice. But for this to work the right way, you need to follow this rule on the weekends too.
  2. Don’t use the SNOOZE function if your goal is to get up fresh and be up and running as early as possible then don’t expect miracles from those extra 5 or 10 minutes when you get woken up again and again. It might sound great to stay in bed for another few minutes but that time won’t give you any benefits. If you get out of bed right after waking up and have a glass of water you’ll feel awake much quicker.
  3. Rest a little before going to sleep: Don’t be too active before you’re planning to go to sleep. So don’t do sports at 10pm if you want to go to sleep at 11. And it’s not just physical activities that can make you feel awake but also strong content that gets to you through the media. So if you miss the 7 o’clock news it’s not advisable to make up for it before going to bed. Even browsing through your Facebook page can keep you up for hours. It’s not the right time to think about your problems before going to bed either. It’s better to focus on resolving those during the day.
  4. Diet tips for good sleep: There are two sides to this story – don’t overeat before bed but don’t go to bed hungry either. If you’re hungry and you can’t fall asleep because of it, have some yogurt or a banana or half a turkey sandwich. These are supposed to help you fall asleep. And I guess I don’t have to mention that you shouldn’t drink too much liquid before going to bed. Straight before going to bed there shouldn’t be any smoking and don’t drink coffee in the afternoon either.
  5. Make your bedroom a temple of sleep: don’t do anything other than sleep and sex in your bed. So if you can help it, don’t use your bedroom as a TV room, an office, or anything else. It should be the place where you go to rest. You should also check the quality of your mattress, keep your bedroom clean, make it light and noise free and keep the temperature at 18-24 C to have some really good sleep.
  6. Do some sports: This is a bit controversial to the previous point, but don’t forget – you only have to avoid sports right before bed. If you do any kind of sports you’ll sleep better, this is one of the most emphasised facts out there about sleep.
  7. Relax the way you like it: If you’ve tried everything but you’re still having a hard time falling asleep or if you can’t fall asleep for 20 minutes after going to bed, then try to create two or three relaxation routines. If you like having a bath, then indulge in it before going to sleep, but don’t stay in the bath for longer than 20 minutes. If you like chill-out music then listen to some. Or try meditating in the evening. The point is to find out what helps you relax enough to feel sleepy.

Of course if you have tried everything but you still cannot sleep then it’s time to go to the doctor. There are thousands of other things people do to sleep well at night. What do you do that helps you sleep well?
Do you use at of the tips above?



@cleverbot sleeping is a good thing for us humans.

Especially when you know you can never had it on this world.

Hopefully you will benefit from this article then ;)

Nice tips, I have tried most of these, but for me no luck, now on pills :(. I find after about 3 nights of bad sleep, hit myself a double dose of pills, and it works then. Also try to keep the nose airways open, you can buy these little strips from the chemist (these work good).

I really feel for you for having troubles sleeping. There were times when I couldn't sleep, once it got in my head that I can't sleep it was really hard to get it out of there. Luckily I managed. What helped me when I had the worst time ever was to go away somewhere hot in a different time zone. I started sleeping well there straight away and it stayed with me when I got back home. I wish you the best and hope you can overcome your sleep troubles!

Thank you for kind words, Interesting, I will see how i go next time I cross the zone.

Going to the west worked better for us (where it is later than where you are at the moment, e.g. from Europe to America)

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But the 'snooze' rule is just so hard to keep up with. In the evening it seems logical but in the morning I would die for 3 extra minutes of sleep :D EVERY SINGLE TIME

yeah I know the feeling! But it's just a matter of getting used to, once you do it for a week or two it becomes a habit.

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A few more tips:

  1. Light and darkness. Make sure your bedroom is dark when you fall asleep, but well lit when you're trying to wake up.
  2. Twilight (FLUX) - an app or software that can somewhat reduce the effect of LCD light on melatonin production.
  3. Less naps - Napping during the day might be fun, but keep it for the weekends. It'll mess up your sleep.
  4. You can't "make up" for missed sleep - don't live on 4 hours of sleep a night all week hoping that you can catch up over the weekend. That doesn't work.
  5. Stretches before and after sleep help reduce morning stiffness.

That's what works for me.

Good luck!

Thanks for these additional tips! They definitely help too. Some addition to the addition:
Buy & use "smart" light-bulbs where the temperature of the colour can be adjusted as per the time of the day.
E.g. Morning/Daytime: High temperature light (cold-white, 6000K and above) Evening/night: Low temperature light (warm-white light, 3000K and below), this makes our brain realize that sunset is due and rest-time is coming.

I also use sleep tracking with my fitness band synced with Sleep as Android to ensure the alarm never wakes me during a deep sleep cycle. I am a bit of a sleep nerd. I even use SleepPhones for relaxing sounds while I doze off.

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