in #health7 years ago (edited)


If someone would ask me what are the most annoying Lyme-related symptoms that I ever experienced, I would have a list ready within less than a minute. As a late stage Lyme disease victim I experienced a lot of symptoms, mostly because my illness was not discovered on time. Thus I ended up developing neurological symptoms, muscles and joints problems, heart and circulation and digestion.

Let’s start the final countdown and see what are the insidious symptoms. Keep in mind that the list below starts with the less annoying symptom and ends with the winner, the most disturbing symptom of them all.

  • FLOATERS. Floaters are a common visual disturbance of the eyes. When exposed to bright light, a Lymie may see in vision dots, lines, or streaks ranging in colours from blue, green, yellow, or red. Floaters can prevent you from performing some activities that require using your sight. That covers a lot of the basic daily activities, from reading to driving.
  • BRAIN FOG and COGNITIVE PROBLEMS aren’t fun either. When you find yourself stopping in a middle of a sentence without knowing what you were trying to say, or looking for your words makes you feel like you are either a toddler struggling to talk, or a lost person with no idea of what’s going on. Both scenarios, you feel awful. Needless to add that forgetfulness is your daily companion.
  • CHRONIC FATIGUE. Imagine your energy levels are completely depleted and a long night of peaceful sleep can’t help you reach a state where you feel better. Somedays the fatigue is so bad that you can feel it in your bones. You are totally zoned out and incapable of doing anything but dragging yourself from the bed to the couch.
  • PARESTHESIAS (electric shock sensations in the trunk or in the limbs). The electric shocks are far more disturbing than the numbness, tingling or itching. If you have to think which leg you put down first when you get off the bed, in order not to experience a sudden electric shock going from the lower back to the tips of your toes, then you must know what I’m talking about. Regular people, wake up and don’t have to worry about which foot goes down first. Some even jump out of bed. This Lymie can’t afford that risk, as I may crumble to the ground, unable to sustain my bodyweight while facing the unexpected shock and the pain caused by it. Experience makes you more aware of your own limitations and teaches you how to avoid certain triggers.
  • JOINT/ MUSCLE PAIN. The migratory pain is an unpleasant reality of Lyme disease. When you wake up in the morning, before leaving the bed or even before moving the feet or arms under the covers, you wonder what will start to ache first. Where did the pain move? Is it going to be on the knee as the previous day? Or somewhere else? Will it shift to the neck or the shoulder? There are endless variations.
  • MIGRAINE HEADACHES. Another annoying symptom is the headache. You’d say: “Come on! Everybody gets headaches!” I agree. The only difference is that a Lymie has to handle a throbbing migraine headache on top of other disturbing symptoms. It requires a lot of self-control and determination to stand and perform a normal activity like washing the dishes or preparing dinner while experiencing a combo of symptoms.
  • BURNING UNDER THE SKIN. The “famous“burning sensation mentioned by all Lymies, refers to the sensation of having your body on fire. The fire can migrate from one area to another and change its intensity. If you want to read about about this read my previous post.
  • SHORTNESS OF BREATH. Walking up one flight of stairs without gasping for breath? It’s not due to the lack of exercise! Feeling like you are running out of air is not an unusual symptoms among the Lymies, especially those diagnosed with Babesiosis co-infection. That can trigger shortness of breath, chest pain, vascular headaches and so on. Lyme gets you the whole ordeal.
  • HEART PALPITATIONS. Most of the chronic Lyme sufferers have learnt or experienced that any sudden move, small physical effort, even a good laughter or a bigger meal can make you feel your heart is about to pop up, come out of your chest.
  • HEART PAIN. There’s nothing fun in feeling or going through the symptoms of a heart attack. When you lie in bed (that’s if you made it all the way to the bed, otherwise you may be lying on the floor) with your hand clutched to your heart, trying to miraculously make the pain go away or at least reduce its intensity, offering your poor self some comfort, you know that it is by far the worse symptom you ever have experienced.

The level of pain experienced by a late stage Lyme sufferer can vary from short-term and mild to excruciating long-term or any combination in between. People experience pain differently. The above list is based solely on my experience.

What are the top 3 worst symptoms of your condition?

Here are some of my latest Lyme-related posts:





If you would like to learn more about Lyme disease, visit A-ZLYME.COM

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@2018 LaviPicu aka The Lyme Poet. All rights reserved.

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



What's scary about Lyme's disease is that you can have it and not even know it! Is there any cure for Lyme's disease? @ironshield

There is no cure for Lyme unfortunately. If caught in an early stage, meaning you found an infected tick on you or you developed the specific rash Erythema Migrans (bull's eye rash), you can treat it with antibiotics. The length of the treatment is debatable due to the controversy around Lyme disease.

If you suspect having Lyme you should ask your doctor to get tested for Lyme, though the current tests are not reliable, as you can get a false negative.
When left untreated it leads to Chronic Lyme where the symptoms get worse as the bacteria wreaks havoc through your body.
Since not everyone is developping the specific rash, many people who have been infected have no idea that they are having Lyme. It is very challenging to diagnose it cause it can mimic the symptoms of so many illnesses.
In most of the cases, people get a proper diagnosis only later on, when the disease has already spread and caused multiple symptoms, making it harder to treat.

If you are interested in finding more information about Lyme, check out my website:

Having to deal with any one of those would be bad enough but dealing with them all must be so frustrating and debilitating

I am learning so much more about Lyme thanks to your posts

It makes me happy to see that my posts help raising awareness about Lyme. ;-)

They truly do
I actually am keen to learn and talk to a friend at work whose wife has Lyme so I can now relate with him and help at times

I wanted to read this for a few days now, but it was open in a tab and just arrived at it now.

I'm sorry you have to go through all of this. It sounds horrible and will take a lot of your energy day to day.

I've head daily heavy headaches for almost a year, so I know how that feels, and you will (I did) put a smile on your face while all you want to do is relax and close your eyes and for it to go away. Can't even image heart pain.

I have a damaged bone in my left foot and some arthrosis in both feet. On my worst days I literally can't put weight on my foot and therefore can't reach the toilet without help. Or I can't sleep because there is no way I can put my foot on the mattress - I will turn every 20 seconds to find a way to lay without feeling the pain, but that doesn't always succeed ;-)

I can only sympathize on a certain level, but to me it feels like it is present in your whole body including your brain. I wish you strength!

I am sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope that you would be able to find some comfort. You how it is, what does not kill you, makes you stronger. ;-) Thanks for the read and comment.

Haha, yes, it does! Hope you will find some comfort too <3

this sucks, I have all those symptoms! the chronic fatigue, joint and muscle pain, and the migraine/cluster headaches are the worst! I miss out on most of my life when I am bedridden for days at a time...

I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing so many symptoms. Have you been tested for Lyme?


Yes (a few times, a few years apart), however, I have never had a positive result for Lyme. Yet.

I have been diagnosed with degenerative disc disease, post-traumatic osteoarthritis, and fibromyalgia. I have been tested for numerous inflammatory disorders, and other things, but with no luck for any cause or relief to my persistent misery.

About 10 years ago, I had a minor spinal cord injury that left me with many of the same types of (or similar) symptoms that you listed in the post, and they are progressively getting worse. on top of that, I have really bad G.I. issues, acid reflux, tremors in my hands, and floaters in my eyes.

And to make things really complicated for my docs to figure out my problems, I previously had a tick removed that had burrowed under my skin for a few days, I also had bad poison ivy at the time so I didn't notice the possible rash from the tick bite. This was a couple of years before the neck/back accident I mentioned above, and while I was a landscaper in upstate New York, so... anyway, my health care sucks, and i'm told to just deal with it...

I hope you are doing well today.

My heart went to you went I read that you got the whole ordeal. Many people get misdiagnosed for decades just to find out they were actually having Lyme.
As a landscaper, you were more exposed to ticks than others. Did you have that tick checked to see if it was infested? But then, again, the reliability of the tests for Lyme is another issue...
Getting a positive result may be like the winning the lottery. There are over 300 strains of Borrelia worldwide, but the labs test for even less than a quarter of them. Igenex Labs in Palo Alto, California are having the best Lyme labs.
Maybe Lyme literate specialist would be able to help you.


Thank you for replying,

No, I don't think they checked the tick for anything, or I didn't receive any notice of it, this happened about 12 to 15 yrs ago.

I have been on and off of all sorts of meds and antibiotics trying to chase down different symptoms. Sometimes they work, mostly they don't, or they just make things worse.

I get tested for Lyme disease every so often because I've heard it's hard to get a positive result unless you catch it at the right time, like when it flares up or something. I am also trying to get tested for "Gadolinium poisoning" (which I just heard about); it has similar symptoms to Lyme disease, and I might have received that from the contrast dye that was used during some of my numerous MRIs over the past decade because of my neck/back injury.

I wish it were easier to find a good doctor; I am limited by my crappy insurance, and also location/transportation. I cannot even exercise regularly to stay fit because I can re-injure my muscles and joints so easily all the time, and the fatigue and exhaustion I get from doing basic household chores doesn't really help motivate me... This sucks beyond belief.

I just try to keep positive though, and hope medical technology advances quickly enough to help soon. On the bright side, I love where I live; I have a couple of new hobbies I am interested in, and Steemit to keep me company.

Thank you for posting this, and getting more information out to others about this "invisible" disability that so many people have to deal with.

10-12 years ago I imagine they would have not checked the tick for Lyme. Feel free to contact me on discord, I have the same user name.

I don't know anyone personally who has Lyme Disease, but I have read a bit about it. It's scary stuff, especially the wide range of symptoms and some serious ones that could be mistaken for other conditions!

It is scary because it can mimic a lot of other illnesses, making it so difficult to diagnose in an absense of a specific bull's eye rash or a positive test result.

As far as I know, it is bacterial infection. Are there any effective antibiotics for this?

I hope you can get it over soon and stay tough!

Thank you fir your comment. Lyme is due to an infection with a bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi, but it can also come with other co-infections which makes it harder to treat it with antibiotics. Some patients are on antibiotic treatment for years.

Ma'am, you have emotional support from stemmit :-)

See if stronger doses of tree oil, ginger, garlic, lime, lemon, turmeric, spinach, berries, broccoli and nuts may help. These are good sources for anti-oxidants that can probably boost immunity.

Stay strong :-)

It was nice to see that so many people showed their support. I am humbled.
I will look for the tree oil, the rest I already I incorporated in my diet. Thank you.

Lyme is so horrible. My husband's sister has Lyme Disease and it has been debilitating for her. It's so sad. She has joint pain and basically can't function at times. She gets horrible migraines. It's sad to read the other things she might be experiencing as well that I didn't even know about. Thank you for putting the word out there about how bad Lyme Disease can be.

Thank you for stopping by. Indeed Lyme is not fun at all. I am sorry to hear one of your family members is affected by it. Lyme is an invisible illness and people tend to assume that just because you are standing or walking you are fine.

Yes it is really sad how it has sucked the life out of her. Thankfully she has some good days and bad days...

Ahh thank you for sharing this! A good friend of ours has serious Lyme and he is always in the hospital sadly. He treats it with medical cannabis though, mostly edibles, and it seems to keep his symptoms in check! Have you tried that?

I am sorry to hear about your friend being in the hospital. I did not try it yet, but I heard from other Lyme suffers that is helping them coping with pain and alleviates some other symptoms.

yeah he gets a medical licence from it and stuff too, as far as I know it is the most effective thing he has tried. Luckily he is doing well enough, but I worry about him!
I hope you find something that helps! I always think there is a herb out there for every ailment...

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