The How...

in #health7 years ago

The How

Again I have been posting many of the health benefits of intermittent fasting, but many questions have arisen from it that I thought I would give you one more quick tip posting. Further research and verification with your Doctor is advised as he knows your physical make-up better than anyone... most likely better than you.

The very act of fasting makes you mentally, sipiritually and even physically stronger and more prepared.

  • Mentally you are incontrol, not your food... what a great liberating feeling and how empowering would that be for you?

  • Spiritually you will be set free... free from that dang clock and feeding time (like pets or livestock). You will become more attuned and aware which in turn lifts the very soul.

  • Physically, your brain, muscles and all life systems become more relaxed, productive and efficient. Bottom line you become stronger and more healthy than those whose systems are always taxed with the digestive process.

And as a side perk, think of the time and money saved in this process...over a years time and regular intermittancy, the numbers will stagger you.


Well that is in your hands,but I recommend sticking with something you can stick with.

As example if you are a big breakkfast person, stay with it and skip dinner (making that Break Fat time even better). This is actually a great timing sceme as eating before bed actually blocks your HGH and many other hormonal changes.

If you are a big dinner person,then go for it... just push that lunch off until a bit later, like 1:00pm as opposed to noon.


How long do you need to fast...well that depends on your fortitude and resolve... or desire for a goal.

Some folks will be able to accomplish skipping a meal like breakfast, which will give them 12 - 18 hours of fasting.

Some rather do a 24 hour fast, which is very difficult for some anddangerous too as many will fast for 24 hours then binge.

For most it is just easier to skip a meal or two during their day. But again if you are uncomfortable doing it, you will not last on the program and therefore not achieve your goals. Do something you can stick with.


Why does this work? Well our bodies react to eating with insulin production and the more sensitive your body is to insulin, the more efficiently you will utilize the food you eat. This will help with weight loss or maintenance and muscle creation.

This greater insulin sensitivity so a meal immediately following a workout will be stored most efficiently: mainly as glycogen for muscle stores and burned as energy immediately which aid your recovery process, and the best part is, with minimal amounts stored as fat.


  • Drink plenty of water. Staying well hydrated makes fasting easier and helps flush toxins.
  • Fast at night While you are sleeping you will not notice the hunger, get a better night sleep and help your body rebuild itself in a much better hormonal and physical structure.
  • Self Talk Think of fasting as body strengthening process, not a period of deprivation.
  • Accomplish More Starting when you’re busy is easier, we have all had thosedays when we were so busy, we did not even think about eating, wow what you accomplished was amazing (enjyand duplicate that feeling).
  • Work Out Hit the gym, run,bike, swim, do whatever activity you enjoy... you do have more time now. Intermittent fasting and consistent exercise will give you better results. Exercise in the fasted state is hugely beneficial... as your body is not fueling itself from a recently consumed meal, it is more likely to use your fat as its readily available energy source .


Do not over do anything is the common sense approach to everything. We have delicate balances and tolerances that we must strive to maintain and strengthen, not over tax. So here are a few cautions to consider (again check with your Doc).

  • Alternate Day fasting can actually lower your glucose tolerance and potentially crash your metabolism.
  • Somepeople may fall into a binge-and-purge mentality, this could trigger or exacerbate bulimia or other eating disorders.
  • Skipping meals raises your stress hormone cortisol. Short-term elevation is good because it makes the body to release fat as energy, but too much keeps cortisol elevated, which can store fat and break down muscle.
  • You can create an obsession with food, which could later influence your life.
  • There are more things that could go wrong as well, so the best caution is to use intermittent fasting.... well intermittantly.


Myth: “Want to lose more weight? Make sure you eat six small meals throughout the day so your metabolism stays operating at maximum capacity all day long.”

Reality: Each time you eat,your insulin levels escalate...depending on what you eat, they can even spike (Meat & Sweet like "Sweet and Sour Beef" dishes or Barbecue).

Intermittent fasting is not a diet, but rather a dietary pattern.


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: logic-ecomsol, buttermakesyourpantsfalloff


I will definitely give it a try, now that you provide such good and informative tips.

Makes you feel great... first that you can do it, then just in functionality as everything increases, like awareness, energy, alertness, etc.

It is like Sanchin, shock the body with extreme tension, release into deeper tranquility.

I love intermittent fasting and since I started implementing it, i have seen incredible results! I really recommend this for people who struggle to loose weight or who love to eat big meals;)

That and more of a ketosis diet will really pull off the weight.

Thank you for posting this. Very informative!

I personally do this, and it works! I dot feel the cravings in the morning naturally, I've always eating my first meal around mid day. Thanks for sharing :)

Yes it is the easiest time for most people to just skip breakfast and hustle to work... but it also gives them the most productive mindset and energy of the day.

I will try better to eat in the morning :) but i agree. i find myself and many others turning to intermittent fasting when preparing for a show, or just to loose unwanted weight. I don't think it should be sustained for a long period of time. Food = energy and so the earlier you eat the better you function throughout the day. ..... but me i'm lazy :) i turn to coffee in the morning.

@loisdove...whatever you are doing it looks to working... great dedication there, Bravo.

haha i am trying :) thank you x

Hi, have you heard of the Mucus free diet by Prof Arnold Ehret? if you are ready for the next step that is, I love it :)

No, not yet... I will look at it thugh.

The benefits of intermittent fasting are myriad, and for some, including me, it's the most effective way to drop pounds. Thanks for delving into this subject!

Great health tips.
Upvoted resteemed

Many thanks.

Fasting is good for me, I do a 3.5 day fast once or twice a year and gets all my vitals back in balance, and sheds about 4 kilos in the process. cheers

I have done it, but wow it takes commitment. Sometimes during international travel it is easier... and the food on flights should be fasted.

It gets easier the more you do it, first time was a killer.

I can appreciate that!

ALL good health and fitness tips!


A pleasure... actually a calling, we must all try to help each other in any way possible, even a blog.

Been doing it a year and feel great

i fast 18 hours and eat between 12 noon and 6pm and i find it very easy. If you get all your calories in within the eating window there is no need to feel hungry through your fasting period
I work out every other day for 15 to 20 minutes with burst sessions and weights

I'd definitely recommend it

This is tougher when those hours are spent in an office or away from your kitchen!

Yes thats true. I work at home on my computer so no problem for me eating every hour within the 6 hour window.

You have to chose the hours that suit your life style or maybe a 5:2 diet if that works better for you

And you do not get that mid afternoon slump like everyone... an edge in the working world.

Not really as i work at home. But i find i do get tired early in the evenings and usually are in bed by 10.30 till 7am

I do too... and try not to eat in the afternoon sometimes, mornings other times. If we maintain a steady schedule, the body gets used to it. Shocking the system occasionally is also a benefit.

Mixing it up is definitely beneficial. The body gets used to the same daily routine. Stressing the body makes it work harder and build new pathways

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