The Dangers of Artificial Sweeteners: Obesity, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and Heart DiseasesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

Diets are all the rage, and it's big business. Practically each year (for decades now) some new diet shows up claiming to be the best one, because they say so. But does it actually provide a healthy nutritional profile?

Whether you're on an actual diet or not, there are plenty of so-called "diet" foods for you to buy and consume. There are all kinds of diet foods that take out fat but replace it with sugar, which isn't much better, maybe it's even worse. Refined sugar can become an addiction and it's not at all healthy for us.

I think one of the oldest forms of diet manipulations has come in the form of "diet" drinks, like soft drinks or other liquids that have artificial sweeteners replacing refined or processed sugars. If you're worried about your diet, then you better pickup and Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi, or diet something else, at least that's what this marketing hype is trying to convince you of. Buy artificial sweeteners because those are better than sugar. Is this really the case? No.

Artificial sweeteners are often excitotoxins and can alter your brain chemistry, overstimulating neuron receptors that can become exhausted. They make your taste buds go wild, making food taste better. But all that brain overstimulation can result in brain cells burning out and dying. This is something I knew before.

I know that some people are taking diet drinks with artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose or stevia in order to combat being overweight or having diabetes. People are convinced to stay away from sugars, even thinking that natural fruit sugars are bad for them, yet they still want something sweet so they run for the artificial sweeteners. But artificial sweeteners have been linked to increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

I knew about this before too, but there is a recent study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal that brings this back into the news, so it's another chance for people to wake up and stop taking these dangerous substances that are "FDA approved". A systematic review of 37 studies that followed 400,000 people for 10 years. Only 7 studies were randomized, with about 1000 people followed for an average of 6 months.

It's clear that artificial sweeteners do not show a consistent effect on weight loss. Furthermore, longer observational studies show a link between artificial sweeteners and a higher risk of weight gain, obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and other health issues.

Aspartame has been in the news for years about how harmful is. You can go research this on how it was discovered, and how evidently harmful it is an large doses, yet in smaller doses it doesn't have an immediate demonstration of how harmful it is. But go look into it yourself, and raise your awareness of how you are being poisoned by the food around. Aspartame has even changed it's name over the years to avoid being identified (NutraSweet, Equal), even now being marketed as a "natural sweetener" under the name AminoSweet. Lies, lies, lies.

Many years ago, I tried to help someone who had diabetes, yet was drinking diet soft drinks as a way to "mitigate" diabetes, because diet soft drinks and artificial sweeteners are "better" they believed. I tried to explain to them how not to trust the marketing of these food industries, that artificial sweeteners were worse than sugar and made diabetes worse. But they just told me that if it was true that they were being lied to they didn't want to know. They said they were going to keep buying it because that's what they prefer to believe. You can't help people that don't want the help, esepcailly if they don't want to face reality.

This is the insanity of the world we currently live in. People don't care about what's true. They just want to believe in whatever fantasy they want to believe in so they can keep doing whatever they are doing.

Companies can market and advertise things to people. People believe it, and the companies make money by making people unhealthy. If you want to pay someone to give you something that damages your body, then that's all "good" in our society. Education to know what you're actually doing? Nah... just let people stay ignorant and support bad food companies that don't give a shit about people, just the money.

I can tell you that I have never liked diet drinks. They always tasted like shit to me. It's not a good tasting sweetener. I don't drink soft drinks at all anymore, and haven't for years.

Do you drink regular soft drinks?
Do you drink diet drinks?
How do you like the taste of artificial sweeteners?
Did you know about any of these issues with artificial sweeteners?
If you have been drinking diet soft drinks or the like, will you learn more in order to stop "poisoning" yourself?

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.


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The hypothesis that artificial sweeteners are excitotoxic is mostly a myth.
Aspartam might be excitotoxic in a cell culture, but in vivo you have scavangers in the GI mucosa and a very tight BBB. I do not buy the hypothesis that artificial sweeteners are neurotoxic in vivo. However, I really do not like artificial food products. I think they should be banned.

We live in a world where the manufacturers of food have made everything sweeter and sweeter and now everything is toxically sweet.

Since my diet has slowly changed to natural, away from soft drinks, I find that the food out there is almost candy. Cereals often have more sugar in comparison to flour than cookies.

When the safe quantity of sugar is about 9 teaspoons a day, everyone in america is 1000% to 10,000% of maximum sugar intake. No wonder we have diabetes. Instead of healthcare reform, we should start a company to provide mass quantities of insulin at the cheapest possible costs.

And Aspartame... if the FDA was doing its job at all, it would have pulled this from food long ago. Its list of side effects is bad.

Totally, sugar addicted society. Not insulin, but provide fruits, good natural sweet fruits for people to get their sweet tooth lol. ;)

I agree, however, I have been unsuccessful in changing people's diets that their life literally depended on doing so. So, my pragmatic thought is insulin prices are way to high. We need to remake the insulin producing industry. To, super-size the insulin producing industry.

Anything artificial worsens my fibromyalgia symptoms, artificial sweeteners and preservatives are one of the worst for causing me joint, muscle pain and migraines .

Good to know. My mom has that too. I got her to go vegan and she says its the best for her. Raw food moreso than cooked for her. Thanks for the feedback.

I tied organic vegan with supplements but this diet made my symptoms worse and I had to start eating at least one serving of red meat a week. If I don't I get fatigue and brittle hair and connective tissue problems, even my nails thin and start splitting. If I stay away from chemicals and sugar I feel really good. I read where your lineage comes from may have something to do with nutritional needs. My people come from the cold north and lived on animal products most of the year. One side of my family comes from the Blackfoot tribes living up by Canada and Montana. The other side is Northern Europeans. People from the Southern areas have an easier time living on veggies, fruit and grains. There are a few studies out there regarding diet and genetics but not enough for me to posit a good argument. I know some cultures have lived off mostly animals, fish, berries, and sea veggies like the Inuit. But I don't know of any culture that was strictly vegan. This would be an interesting subject to write about. Are there any traditional heritage vegan cultures that didn't depend on the modern food system?

In general, for me, any processed food product that has "Diet" in the label is a red flag for me because they would have to substitute major ingredients to something artificial and I can never catch all that might be contraindicated to my condition or my meds. So I stay away from them. Haven't had any softdrink in about 7 years. I only ever have water for a drink as it's the safest bet. And I'm not pushed to drink/eat anything I say no to because people know I have "something" and don't want to be responsible for anything happening to me. I'm trying to get my dad and siblings to quit their softdrink addiction but I'm guessing no amount of medical books would get someone to stop if they don't want to stop. Coke is almost like water here in the Philippines really.

no amount of medical books would get someone to stop if they don't want to stop

Yeah, if someone doesn't want to be helped... they just want what they like, even if they do accept it does harm... That's being driven by lower consciousness modalities from the 5 senses affinity for pleasure. Taste buds of the body and unconscious subconscious drives vs. higher order thinking to direct life and living.

Thank you @krnel! I am a food coach and personal trainer. The first thing I do with my clients is visiting to a supermarket and check everything that they sell. Conclusion is always tot 90 per cent of what they sell is bad for your health. Too much additives, to much processed, to much toxics.

You should go for products that have the least ingredients!

Within days I can see my clients change: they have more energy, they are less hungry, they shine and are more overall happy.

Yeah, whole foods. Single ingredient

Terimakaih, this is a good post and useful for many people. Especially for those who suffer from diabetes. Maybe here is among us who suffer from diabetes or there sodara or our families who suffer from diabetes. I think it is very useful and useful. Thanks a lot and I wait for the next news from you @krnel

You're welcome, many can benefit indeed from cutting the diet soda.

It's best to just sip that good ol' water... But there are much more products that feature that shit, 95% of protein powders contain a multitude of those sweeteners, and they are sometimes not even required to state so on the packaging. This is why I now avoid everything that's packaged in any way. Only water, produce and fresh local quality meats for me.

I've never liked the diet drinks either. I didn't know how bad they actually are but I thought they could be, I just didn't believe in these drinks. It's a shame that some people refuse to believe the truth even when it's in front of them... Brainwashed, that's all there is to it. They will always live in their own reality.

Yeah, bad stuff. Brainwashed is right, seriously, some people...

I use Stevia in the Raw and have not noticed any side effects. Aspartame gives me headaches.

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Yeah, sorry, I included stevia as an example of artificial sweeteners, but it's derived from a plant, so it's not an excitotoxin I don't think. Thanks for the feedback.

My husband flat out stopped drinking diet pop with aspartame. I was not aware he did that, although living an organic lifestyle myself, Joe not drinking that poison is great. Anyways he got so ill and not knowing why I even contemplated a trip to the ER which is an absolute last resort for me.

Damn, good that he quit.

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