My newfound joy of running and some of the benefits.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

I spent most of my life not understanding runners. They seem to really love it! But how I always wondered. For me running was something I did occasionally but not for the enjoyment of running. I ran because it is good for me and my health and my body. I'm sure we have all heard about how good running is for us so I'll just stop and share my experience. It's only been since becoming a mom that I found my love for running and its truly magical.


Pre run selfie... Excited to be hittin the road again.

Everyday I look forward to my time on the road. It's become my peaceful moment theough all of the chaos. My days consist of taking care of Kai and making sure he doesn't die from the numerous crazy acrobatic stunts he likes to practice, cook for my family(which is also one of my passions) blog and keep up on emails and such. I am always doing multiple things and my brain is always frantically trying to catch up. And of course I am always on alert. Running is the one time it all just stops. It's just me and my music and the road. All the clutter just melts away and I feel a sense of peace and clarity wash over me.


Post run selfies... Of course Kai had to get in on it cause he loves taking selfies now a days... Oh and he also loves sticking his tongue out! Lol.

I have only been running and doing my little home workouts for a couple weeks but already I am addicted. I haven't ever felt this good in my life. Yesterday I ran over 2 miles which to some seems really insignificant but for me it's huge! I don't think I have ever ran that far in my life! Oh and I did two push ups! Lol. Once again this may not seem like a major accomplishment but I haven't worked out in quite awhile so this is a major accomplishment for me.


My record of today's accomplishment.

Along with feeling great physically I have found that when I go to sleep at night I sleep more soundly! Now this is a massive benefit for me! I LOVE my sleep and ever since having Kai it has suffered quite drastically. You see Kai still feeds through the night which means I am up with a little monster trying to suck my nipples off several times throughout the night still and while I have gotten better at figuring out how to do it with the least disruption to my sleep as possible, there of course is still disruption. I used to toss and turn and it take me a long while to get back into my fully rested sleep mode but now I fall right back asleep between feeds with no problem which means I wake up feeling more rested which means a happier more energetic mommy! So much yes to this! Who knew!? Expelling more energy actually results in gaining more energy! Seems a bit backwards but it's the truth I promise!


My dearly beloved altras! Thanx Harry! 😍

I am basically here to say that my fitness journey has changed my life in all the best ways and it's only just begun. I can't wait to see where I am at a year from now. Let's do this! Please share your experiences running in the comments! Sending my love to you all and of course thank you all so much for the support!


Wonderful job keeping up with your activity! When you work in the fitness industry a lot of emphasis is put on losing weight or other aesthetic changes, but it's the benefits like you have expressed that make me the most excited for people! Feeling more energized, sleeping better--all those types of things will help keep you going. I love running for a number of reasons. I am very much an introvert, so sometimes that is a great way for me to just recharge on my own without anyone else around. I definitely find it helps relieve stress and makes me a calmer person. I can tell when I haven't been out for a run in a while when I start getting "prickly". With the exception of when I first started running and increased my distance without a proper base, I never have any issues with injuries. I just make sure to have a balance of strength, running, and flexibility/mobility. Happy trails to you!!

I'll admit it did start on a very basic physical level cause of course I'm still working on getting my body to fully recover from pregnancy and birth but now it's all just so much more. And yes I too find myself needing to get out for a run when I start getting prickly! lol! Love that term! Going to start using it! Happy running to you too!

I think my family adopted the term prickly once all of my sisters and I hit puberty! 3 teenage girls in one house--haha! ;)

That's how it was in my house too! I am one of three girls all close in age but we called it crunchy! lol. I think I like prickly better... or at least as a nice alternative. 😊

Hey Jamie! This is a great way to kick off your fitness journey. I'm not satisfied with a workout unless I'm EXHAUSTED. The runners high is a real thing and it's a addicting! Make sure you eat foods high in antioxidants to help heal your muscles. And omegas for your joints. In my running career the only pain I've run into is some muscle pain. I know some others that have experienced ankle or knee pain but the pros of running definitely out weigh the cons.

Fit in some strength training as well to build up your leg strength to be able to endure longer distances!

Congrats Jamie! I hope one day we go on a run together!

Thanx Marie for sharing your experience! I am definitely eating a more balanced diet. It just feels right to be eat better! I say that as I am thinking about the cakes we have in the fridge, shaking my damn head at myself! Lol! Also doing small workouts at home to build up more muscle! Little by little it's happening and holy beegeezes does it feel good.

DO NOT be ashamed. I just finished my daily 3 at the gym and you know what I want for dinner? Some pizza! You're almost at 10 min pace a mile. That's awesome! Super proud of you!

I get everything I need for my body in my morning smoothie. Put all those berries and greens and then some flaxseed! Done! Keep us all posted!

This is the best comment I could have gotten right now! You are so right! Get all the good stuff in then we don't have to feel bad for eating the things that makes our hearts sing! Right now that's cake and hot dogs. Lol

And I just ate my pizza! Lol I've learned that the number on the scale means NOTHING. It's all about balance!!

I don't weigh myself! It doesn't do anything good for me so I just say no! Now all I can think about is pizza.... and cake! Lol! I think that time of the month is approaching faster than I thought! Every time I get this overwhelming desire for sweets! Yum!

I am a serial weigher! It's so bad... Im not sure if you read my blog about the cons a losing weight. If I gained just a couple lbs I go into depressive mode. It's rediculous. Then people who haven't seen memfor a little while ask me if I lost weight. Which I haven't. But that made me realize that I'm getting more tone. So that made it all better.

Oh yes I get so munchy when I'm premenstrual! Hence then pizza. I was gonna post of pic on Facebook which probably won't help your craving 😋

I remember watching Harry run to work in one of @kenistyles post months ago. Gradually get your heart pumping @iamjamie like back in school running laps around the track. Give hugs and kisses to Kai and cute photos of you two! :p

Harry is a huge inspiration! His love of running has been a lovely thing to witness and now I completely understand the joy! Oh and of course he gifted me my running shoes! Really I wouldn't be running without him. Will give kai hugs and kisses for you! Thank you so much for supporting me and my family! Sending you lots of love!

Yeah Harry is a legend, he found a way to share his passion that is so pleasing to see Jamie has now embraced and found her own. It's that sweet spot where moving meditation becomes bliss. I'm glad I'm no longer the nutter who gets up too early to make funny noises LOL. Also glad you're sharing this hun, the progress and the accountability are both inspiring and encouraging for you and others to keep lacing up and getting out there. Love seeing that smile on your face and those after pics are perfect too. 💚💯

Really love your Steemit blog Jamie! You'll appreciate my Introduction ;)

I just don't get running, well for me in kills my knees oooh. My sisters are both marathon runners, I just don't get it. I prefer a nice stroll an enjoy the countryside.
I have to admit I am a keen cycler though I commute to work on the bike and in nice weather take a nice cycle around. So I guess it similar but less pounding of the knee. I guess running in the fields I enjoy but not on concrete :)

Oh yes I too love a good cycle! Me and my bike are besties! Though like I said while I never understood running before being a mom has changed a lot including running. It now is my peaceful time of clarity. Do whatever feels good for you! For me that jit's happens to be running!

Great :). I did try running a while back but as I said it killed my knee, I prefer a slow reflection time. But as you say it was it best for you and not enough people realise it and try to conform. Also they dob't realise their own ideas can change. Enjoy ;)

Not into running , but I walk a lot. More than 10k steps/day.
I think that the human body is better designed for walking and running will eventually harm your knees and ankles.

I respectfully disagree. Running is really wonderful and beneficial for our bodies and minds!

No problem , whatever suits you.
I even disagree with my self sometimes. :)

I just came across your post and really enjoyed it. Thanks..hope you will enjoy my recent post too

I agree with you running make you free !!! Keep it up

Yessss! Let's all run and be free! Thanx for your support!

Whoooop! While you're out running, you've inspired me to.... watch telly!

How come you dont make the duck face when selfie-ing?

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