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RE: My newfound joy of running and some of the benefits.

in #health7 years ago

Hey Jamie! This is a great way to kick off your fitness journey. I'm not satisfied with a workout unless I'm EXHAUSTED. The runners high is a real thing and it's a addicting! Make sure you eat foods high in antioxidants to help heal your muscles. And omegas for your joints. In my running career the only pain I've run into is some muscle pain. I know some others that have experienced ankle or knee pain but the pros of running definitely out weigh the cons.

Fit in some strength training as well to build up your leg strength to be able to endure longer distances!

Congrats Jamie! I hope one day we go on a run together!


Thanx Marie for sharing your experience! I am definitely eating a more balanced diet. It just feels right to be eat better! I say that as I am thinking about the cakes we have in the fridge, shaking my damn head at myself! Lol! Also doing small workouts at home to build up more muscle! Little by little it's happening and holy beegeezes does it feel good.

DO NOT be ashamed. I just finished my daily 3 at the gym and you know what I want for dinner? Some pizza! You're almost at 10 min pace a mile. That's awesome! Super proud of you!

I get everything I need for my body in my morning smoothie. Put all those berries and greens and then some flaxseed! Done! Keep us all posted!

This is the best comment I could have gotten right now! You are so right! Get all the good stuff in then we don't have to feel bad for eating the things that makes our hearts sing! Right now that's cake and hot dogs. Lol

And I just ate my pizza! Lol I've learned that the number on the scale means NOTHING. It's all about balance!!

I don't weigh myself! It doesn't do anything good for me so I just say no! Now all I can think about is pizza.... and cake! Lol! I think that time of the month is approaching faster than I thought! Every time I get this overwhelming desire for sweets! Yum!

I am a serial weigher! It's so bad... Im not sure if you read my blog about the cons a losing weight. If I gained just a couple lbs I go into depressive mode. It's rediculous. Then people who haven't seen memfor a little while ask me if I lost weight. Which I haven't. But that made me realize that I'm getting more tone. So that made it all better.

Oh yes I get so munchy when I'm premenstrual! Hence then pizza. I was gonna post of pic on Facebook which probably won't help your craving 😋

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