Intermittent Fasting: Taking up the challenge

in #health7 years ago


Intermittent Fasting

You maybe saw my post from yesterday about fasting, and now you want to try this fasting thing out, so you need a game plan, well, in that case, you’re in the right place.

Even if you don’t want to get thinner, fasting it’s a great way to take care of your body and keep track of when you’re eating. I advise you to give it a try, at least for one week, see what happens and if you like it and find it convenient, stick to it.

In the beginning, it will be harder to do it because your stomach got used to receiving food at specific times every day, thanks to the three-meal a day thing so at first, you will have cravings. I usually need to get some food at around 4-5 pm, and at that time I always have cravings for some even if I’m not that hungry, but if I wait a bit more, that hunger disappears.

With time, it will get way more natural, I used to eat sometimes only in a 4-5 hour window something light like some watermelon or other fruits, and I wouldn’t have any cravings for more food, I felt good. I must say, that I had loads of energy, I was active, doing some workout, swimming, it was a good period, and fasting has constituted an essential part of that whole process.

I have to warn you, that no matter how fat you are, you will burn fats like crazy, getting thinner and thinner, looking and feeling better and better. This is probably not for everyone because maybe some just can’t do it because of their schedule but if you can, I urge you to try it out, you won’t regret it.

The hardest part is to get over those moments of cravings because that’s when the stomach is playing with your psychology but you will get used to it after a while and start to feel better.

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Health Implications

Maybe many of you are asking right now “aren’t we going to die from this Guy?” and the simple answer is no, it is a healthy thing. Most people run away from something like this because they were taught that they need to eat at least three meals every day, but that is a complete lie made up by stupid people.

Many think that they will fuck up their stomach and have health issues later because their parents told them that is not healthy to get hungry, but that cannot be further from the truth. Some people eat nothing for more than one year, and they had no health issues, and if you type “fasting for one year” on Google, you’ll be blown away.

There are many benefits for eating like this besides burning fats and getting fitter, but I don’t know all of them, you can find them on the internet, but if I know, one thing is that you will have more energy. I used to feel good and feel more energetic while fasting.

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Taking up the challenge

I am going to take up this challenge too because I like how I felt back then and I want to try it again. Food never seemed so important to me, that’s why maybe sometimes I was eating more than enough.

As in the Quit Sugar challenge, I will do this intermittent fasting for one month starting from today. I will only eat in an interval between 10 am and 6 pm, probably two meals a day, nothing too consistent, just enough to feed my body and feel fabulous again.

I’m not going to turn this into a massive challenge because maybe not everybody will be able to do it, it will just remain a small thing so if you want to join, feel free to do it because you’re doing it for yourself.I will document my sugar challenge and the fasting challenge journey in one post each week, or once every two weeks, so I let you know how everything’s going.

This means that I won’t be able to eat anything outside the 8 hour period, not even milk in my coffee. I have no idea how my coffee will taste like from now on since it will be both without milk and sugar, I will probably drink less.

Feel free sure to stick around if you want to see how the things are evolving.

The pictures are from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3, 4.



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I do this always without actually knowing the 'full benefits' of it other than it makes my body feel great and makes food 'worthwhile'.

Many think that they will fuck up their stomach and have health issues later because their parents told them that is not healthy to get hungry, but that cannot be further from the truth. Some people eat nothing for more than one year, and they had no health issues, and if you type “fasting for one year” on Google, you’ll be blown away.

This is like a new information to me. i hear people always relating not eating regularly with sickness like stomach ulcer.

You will hear a Nigerian mom screaming

come and eat. Don't kill yourself with ulcer o

Haha, all I can tell you is good luck, moms are never easy to deal with, lol.

I must say that intermittent fasting blows most lifestyle changes out of the water. Coincidentally, I am on day three of it and have already lost one and a half pounds, although I am trying to not focus on the weight as how I feel.

There is one slight change (or difference in what I am doing) to maximize ketosis and weight loss and I believe I feel so much better already! I fast for sixteen hours between the last meal of the day and the next meal in the morning. his gives your body a complete rest and has had amazing results on people I know.

I'm in and will be following you and thank you for giving me accountability! Tip!

As an aside, thank you always for the upvotes to my blogs. Always appreciated.

I'm not even doing it for weight loss; it's just the way fasting makes you feel. That's the same schedule I am on right now, and it does wonders.

Thank you, I always enjoy your pictures. :)

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I've been doing intermittent fasting for almost a year now and I absolutely love it. You get used to it really fast and it's a good way to gain lean body mass 💪😁

I've tried it before; I like it quite a lot, I'll probably stick to this for a while.

I started doing Intermittent Fasting two and a half years ago and I never looked back. I love it! I focus better in the fasted state and it made my 20lbs (9kg) of weight loss so much easier than when I tried to do so without.

It helps me focus better too. It's because when we're hungry, we tend to focus better because we have to "hunt" for food.

Lol. A lot of people are going to wonder if thy're going to do die from it, true. Lol. But like you said, they won't. It is really healthy. I've been doing it most of my life. The first time really is the hardest, but as you go the stomach starts getting used to it, so that after a few days/weeks you don't even feel anything anymore.

I actually used to think it's fucking my health up all these while; but i'm not dead yet so glad to know it's making me healthier. Most times I'm just too lazy to get anything to eat, tho.

Best of luck on the challenge.

Haha, I know what you mean, I never like to take a break from my work to grab some food, besides the times I'm bored, but that rarely happens lately. :)

So true, some people even 'eat like lions' and just have one meal a day.... going without food for 16, 20 or even 24 hours is mildly uncomfortable, but in no way dysfunctional to performance, assuming you're not an athlete.

interested in learning more about this. Thanks for the inspiration.

I've been interested in this idea of intermittent fasting for some time now - ever since I saw that it could actually boost your immune system by pruning old immune cells when fasting and then replacing them with new ones when nutrients are added back into your system.

Fasting is very challenging though. Like you said, your body tends to crave food at certain times based on your regular routines and schedules. The longest I was ever able to fast was 2 days. I found that my mind thought about food all day long and all delicious unhealthy food too (pizza, burgers, chocolate cake, fried chicken...etc) haha.

Good on you for taking up this challenge. Good luck. I'm interested in reading how it goes for you!

Huh, I know what you mean, it can be pretty hard sometimes not to think about food especially if you have all these tasty things around the house but keeping yourself busy, working always helps.

Thank you. :)

I think fasting is the best and simplest way to get overall health benefits. Better than any diet, you can boost your immune system while losing pounds.

Yup, it's sad that most people don't even try it out.

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