How to Reduce Inflammation Symptoms

in #health6 years ago

How to reduce inflammation fitinfun.jpg

I’m working to reduce inflammation in my body, and you can too. You will feel better if you do the following over the next month or two:

  • reduce the inflammatory toxins coming into your body by 10%
  • increase the good stuff coming in by 10%
    This is a 20% improvement with almost no effort. The first changes you make are usually quick and done with forever.

How can I start to fix this and not go crazy?

  • Eat in an anti-inflammatory manner.

  • Don't eat gmo's, pesticides, colors, flavors, chemical additives.

  • Do eat organic and as "clean" as you can.

  • Cook your own food.

  • Replace products you use with cleaner ones when you need to get refills.

  • Go natural for cleaning supplies.

  • Go natural for beauty stuff.

  • Learn detox protocols like Dry Skin Brushing, clays, saunas.

  • Exercise gently every day.

  • Get good rest and hydration. <<< Way more of both

  • Do the easy stuff first - don't go crazy and beat yourself up

  • Do one good thing and drop one bad thing at at time.

  • Learn, learn, learn.

We are all inflamed to a degree and can improve. In this new series, I’m going to post about each of those topics above and see how we do.

Read this list and reflect on your own situation. What are the 10 most toxic products in your life? Improve these first.

If I was coaching you in person, I would help with a lot of this in the beginning and you would see results quickly. On steemit, you can ask me questions in the comments.

My questions for you

  • Do you feel inflamed?
  • Do you think you can fix it?
  • Do you think you should bother?
  • What are some of the toxic products in your life?
  • What do you already do to fight inflammation?

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An awesome article with many great fix ideas! I would like to add to this that turmeric is also a very powerfull suppliment in the fight against inflammation.

I completely agree with you and turmeric will be one of my first topics to write about.

My son @bxlphabet is posting more on food than me and he has written a post you might like. It's old so don't vote on it.
Turmeric for Health

I eat fresh roots in Thailand and make tea from it them.

The list on this post can help if you just throw out the "worst" of each category and get something better. I'm so glad you like it. Thank you for the helpful comment.

One thing you didn't mention (and I think the most important, going off my own experience).
Ditch non saturated fats.
I didn't realize that every cell in our body is covered by a layer of saturated fats.
If we don't eat sat. fat, we use non sat fats to do the job - a major cause of inflammation.

I don't touch them now, and feel much better for it. Full fat cheese, milk butter and pork fat also taste much better!
(Which I think is your body telling you which is better for you, personally)

That is a very good food tip and one I follow too. This is a just an intro post for a big topic!

The "real" stuff is always better than the processed. Those fake oils are really chemical bombshells. I will definitely do more than one post on this area. Like you, I was shocked at the differences when I went back to full fat. So much easier on our systems!

the first time I had fried tomatoes - in lard - after years of crappy oils - it was like a taste explosion!

The lard is amazing here and some other places I've been where the people cook with it. Just be careful you don't get into the snacks of it. Addictive!

Just be careful you don't get into the snacks of it. Addictive!

Too late! lol - I render down my own pork fat now, each week. craaaaaacklinnnng!

I bet this is heaven. I would eat it. And feel better later.

....just finished some, only 20 mins ago - Monday is my rendering day! lol

Hi fitinfun! I find this article very helpful especially that nowadays there's a lot of toxins in the food we took in. This will greatly help. I love it better because it is not costly.

That's exactly right! You can do this without a big struggle. I'm so glad you like the idea. Thank you for the comment.

@fitinfun can we use medication for the inflammation of the body?
One of my friend is over weight his weight is about 125kg he started to reduce weight. He started dieting.. skipped tea and replaced with green without sugar... started exercise in the home.... skipped lunch and replaced with one or two pieces of fruits.... light breakfast ...
And now he is fit like you....
Thank you @ fitinfun to share this very important and great information with us....

I mostly use food sources and cut my environmental pollution as I can. You can do detox methods. But i'm not sure of medications. I'm so glad to hear of the success for your friend.

I find this article really useful especially for of my Aunt who is suffering with inflammation in her stomach. The tips you shared are really really useful and i am gonna let her read all these useful points.

Thank you so very much for the useful motivation Sharon <3

That's wonderful to hear. Your aunt is not alone with this trouble and I hope these ideas will help her. It will just depend upon what is causing the most problem for her and if she can reduce or remove it. I'm so glad you found this post and thank you for letting me know.

Thank you @fitinfun. You are always teaching and helping. And always in a way that impacts me.

I'll be following this series.

From Kryptonia

Thank you so much, @reonlouw. I'm so glad to have you here. The improvements will be swift!

For inflmation, try a mixture of natural turmeric (curcumin) with some black pepper corns. You can make a drink by adding them to a blender with some fresh oranage / lime juice and water, and a table spoon of organic coconut oil. See here -

That is almost exactly what I do but not with a blender. So delicious and healthy.

Thanks for additional information about health @fitinfun. God bless!

You're welcome @starzy. Thank you so much for coming by :)

Days ago I wrote a post about a Liver Flush recipe based on clinical data. This drink is also great for inflammation. My post here -

I'm certain I need this. Thank you so much :)

Welcome! : )

Good pictures, great post. Kryptonia id @grace234

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