Ever Wondered How to Channel Healing Energy? - (@EcoTrain)

in #healing7 years ago (edited)

You may of heard of people using 'Healing Energy', 'Power of the Universe' or Reiki to do healing, so how does this mysterious way of healing actually work?

Whatever name you use or however you do the energy healing, it is all based on a similar principle and that is of tuning into and a higher power and using that higher power to facilitate healing.

The easiest way to explain how this is done is to actually show and walk you though how to do it yourself, so in this video I will show you 3 different methods for channeling energies for healing.


These energies can be used to heal:

  • People who are either physically ill, emotionally upset, in trauma or needing emotional healing
  • People feeling stuck in their lives and not being able to move forwards, live their passion and feel happy
  • Places, towns, cities or countries that have or are having issues with severe weather, war and conflict
  • The whole world and raise the vibration or frequency of human consciousness

The 3 Methods Are:

Feeling and sending through your hands

Sending through your intentions

3rd Eye

So let's get to it so you can  try this out for yourself! 

There is no right and wrong and you can't do it wrong or do any damage as long as you have good, Pure intentions, so no need to worry!

Do notice what you feel when you watch the video, this is all about feeling with your mind and thoughts turned off!

                                         Watch Video!


The more you have fun with channeling the more you will feel the energies, so enjoy experimenting!

Channeling energies for healing is a skill and like any skill it takes practice to improve the skill and find your own area of expertise or particular talent. It is very much about trying and noticing what happens and adjusting from what you feel and experience. 

Please do comment below and share what you feel!

© Copyright Michelle Carter - Original Work



Hi Michelle, That was so nice! Thank you for sharing. I feel a lot better now then when I started watching.

Thank you Clara, so lovely to hear this. I do love when people can feel the energy and feel better at the end than when they first watching! :)

Hello @michellecharter !! I cam e here through a link you left on my post !! Very nice video and information ! So I totally believe that energy is within us all, a personal charge of thoughts and experience given to us through the many individual soul lives !! But again do you not think that these enegies of which you talk will be themselves lost or derouted by the negative frequencies now being trasmitted by theses wifi routers !! Or are they working on another level ?

Hi @gomeravibz, thanks for watching my video! So pleased you've enjoyed it.
There are many negative and low frequencies in the world and off it that can affect us and our ability to channel and share Light and higher frequencies, so it is an on going process to keep filling ourselves with these higher frequencies and energies to be higher than all that is around us.

The 'Highest' frequency has the power, so we need to make ourselves the 'Highest' frequency so wifi and all lower energies cannot affect us. It's like a life choice to eat healthy food over junk, and to fill our energy with high frequency so the lower can't 'disease' our energy.

I hope that makes sense, because the more people who do this the 'higher' the frequency of earth and the less power evil has over us! So yes they are working on a lower level, and if we stay above that level it cannot affect us, bit like reputation and flagging on Steemit!!

this is such a wonderful video @michellecarter ! I love what you say and how you say it.. you come across so naturally and with great wisdom. What you say is really spot on in my view and very heart based..

anyone out there who is feeling a bit stuck in their head.. please give this video a watch! There is so much great advice, so many jewels in one video!

Thank you so much @eco-alex for your lovely comments and appreciation.
Doing videos is on 'avoid and put off list' so it's only because people love them that I do keep making more! :)

Energy healing is so profound that I do feel that video is a great way for people to really experience and know what it's all about, so I do hope that people choose to channel energy after watching it! :)

So many tingles while watching your video! How beautiful is it that our energies are not limited to time and space, if the intention is there, the energy can be sent.

Thank you for your post! Sending lots of pure love energy right back to you :)

Great to hear you felt tingles when watching my video! Yes the power of energy and channeling energy is pretty amazing!

You're welcome, thanks for your comment and Pure love energy! :)

Looking at what you said, now I know I have always had the ability to heal. When I had my Kundalini experience I was bombarded with negative energies which at some point were so strong I could actually hear thoughts. As time passed my system got stronger and I could consciously see how I was picking up the energy from people and feel their issues. Now it's quite easy for me to clean these negative energies and I think I actually have a radiance around me when I'm clean happy and blissful :)

Yes some people are natural healers and they usually do get bombarded with negative energies when they start to use their healing power. I'm sure that mental issues are people being attacked by negative energies, it really is enough to make anyone act crazy, constant voices in your head etc.
It does take awareness, knowledge and some good tools or methods, done regularly to keep our energy clear. So pleased you've found ways to deal with this and feel happy and radiant! :)

nice post..

There is a lot of higher energy that you can tap in the universe in bountiful in all different ways. I enjoyed reading your post. Tapping the Crystal energy is also veru powerful. I like to play around with my Crystals and bring them to good use for people. Reiki energy is also very beautuful. Universe has gifted us so much we just need to tap and grab it. Thank you for sharing. Do review my below post and provide your feedback if possible. It may change the life u lead. https://steemit.com/philosophy/@nainaztengra/how-to-cultivate-awareness

I'm glad you enjoyed reading my post. The point of the post was to share the experience of the energy work in the video though, where I share 3 different ways of channeling energy.

Thanks for sharing this video Michelle, i could feel your energy, so i wanted to thank you for your energy <3

Thanks sensistar, lovely to hear you could feel my energy in the video and you're welcome. <3

great post. follow me and see the post I posted @luisquijada2697

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