vegan vegitarians and rabbits. plant based diet bullies.

in #hate6 years ago

Well it was just a matter of time until somebody forced this subject and my feelings to become apparent.

For full disclosure I tried being a vegetarian as well as vegan and it definitely didn't work very well. In the name of Health energine and being just amazing I decided that it would be worth giving it a try.

The food was definitely subpar!

Now I actually really enjoy vegetables but only eating vegetables all the time really got old and especially Bland.

As much as I would attempted again here in Portland there is a plant Nazi movement.

Imagine a pacifist with dreadlocks who doesn't shower and refuses to do anything with his life however he will fly into an immediate rage over the meat subject.

Now personally I could really not care what you had for breakfast. I am not going to shove my three meat plus extra cheese nachos in your face. However I would really appreciate not hearing your personal opinions when I'm trying to eat my food. Just being respectful, as I could definitely make some really amazingly hilarious comments about your extremely crappy food.

I mean the worst part is that most vegetarians I have met seem to lack quite a bit more vitality and cardiovascular endurance than somebody who has a normal omnivorous diet. But hey I smoke pot so you can't use that as an excuse. Even though I smoke gratuitous amounts of cannabis I still have energy to go explore the world have fun and go live life.

But being Native American I have an extreme need for balance in life. Specifically targeting only one kind of animal and upsetting the balance of nature is really bad. And I can't imagine what it is like for the poor carrots.

But for all of these plants to be constantly and relentlessly targeted, for them to be genocidally slaughtered. Let alone having such an elitist as well as deluded idea that you are better than other people?

Well that's kind of like somebody saying that they are going to withhold sex from their partner because of political ideas... which pretty much is a form of extortion.

However when I see somebody who is so completely wrapped up in advancing their Humanity past anybody else's, I see them for the lie they are.

By all means let gay people smoke pot while shooting guns at their marriage ceremony. While eating vegetarian food that looks the same going down as it does coming out...

However when you push your ideas thoughts and opinions upon another human being, your just another bully.

If you make horrible comments while somebody is cooking you dinner, well I wouldn't serve you!

And I will actually go out to a friend's house and eat their vegetarian meal. I'm openminded enough to try some of your food. But you won't try anything of mine?... basically we are seeing the purest form of hypocrite on the planet.

Here in Portland Oregon and the Pacific Northwest it is quite a interesting granola eating movement. If you do not subscribe to exactly what the other person wishes you to do, and I have witnessed these pacifist vegetarians actually coming to blows over what you can and cannot eat.... these people will bully you both actively and passively to get what they think is their way. And I hate bullies. Especially when it is a hypocrite. I'll try your food but you bully me about mine?

And I'm not talking about shining a flashlight into somebody's eyes hippie fight. I am talking about Fullout spastic attack from an uncoordinated completely inexperienced and totally emotional wreck of an individual.

These mentally unstable individuals are a complete walking time bomb. They definitely adhere to the premise that violence is the first option. Which the full saying is an amateur thinks of violence as the first option where as a professional uses violence as his last resort.

However this is where I find it extremely funny.

You are such a hypocrite that you claim to be so non-violent and pacifistic to the point where you do not eat meat or wear leather... however you are extremely quick to judge other people's dietary choices, have absolutely no maturity benefiting your age. And because somebody doesn't have a plant-based substitute of whatever dish was made, thinks that they can throw a public temper tantrum and act like an idiot and it's okay behavior and totally acceptable.

So warning is going to be put out there.

If you post something political. "right/left wing people need to die!" I'll mute your ass. You can't see its the different wings of the same bird. I am sure that you think professional wrestling is real as well as the tooth fairy and Santa Claus.

If your so single-minded that you can't see truth and are locked into blaming others instead of taking action?.... I'll laugh my ass off.

I am not here to cater to everybody else's desires and wishes and I hope that you do not live your life trying to measure up to other people's unrealistic expectations.

However I find it is easier to respect human beings that are open-minded about the world. I would much more respect and individual who goes out and experiences more of this world.

Now to all of the vegetarians who are amazing people without the judgement and with the mental maturity to make their own choices I do salute you. I totally don't mind going camping with people who are non-judgemental.

But if you think that a certain life choice makes you better than other human beings you are sadly mistaken and get to lose out on experiences that you will never get to experience!

But here is the mindset. Force. I want to force you into doing exactly what I say. Even though these people talk about how open-minded they are this is extremely Controlling. I have actually seen these individuals bully their partner and control their partners choices. Having so much control to bully others can be abuse. And it's not right in the least.

Bacon? I love bacon...

And slip the child next door pepperoni because his parents forced him to be vegan...

And of course please let the vegans and veggie elitists comment. I'd love to mute that crap before beginning to care about an immature opinion.

Go omnivorous life!


I see your intense emotions on the issue, and I think it comes out of a sense of guilt that you know you're hurting defenseless intelligent mammals, essentially just for your taste buds. As you learn more about nutrition and ethics, you'll fully make the connection you've already started to make.
A lot of people who feel bad about their actions become defensive. "I love bacon" is a very, very common reaction. It shows you're on the way to vegan.

Hahahahahahahahahaha! Nope I'll never discrimate against a sweet plant that can't run or hide. At least animals have a chance.

And being native? Yep I can't be veggie.

Besides the cost. Wow. That's a mint!

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