Mizu No Oto, Edition #41, English

in #haikucontest5 years ago


[photo by @marcoriccardi]

sodden night
empty village "square"
closing time

This is my entry to @bananafish's wonderful haiku contest Mizu No Oto.

Boy did I ever have a hard time with this one! I tried a new process to write a haiku, that of spending so much time with the "prompt" that a haiku suddenly spills out.

I spent hours looking at that photo, examining what I saw and felt, what I would feel, hear, smell, do and think were I there. I saw the colors and wondered if the green were green because the lights were near grass, but the blue is blue because it's in water, or were the lights actually green or blue bulbs? I imagined it was so silent because it was a movie set about to erupt in action. I wondered if it were real at all, or not some tiny replica of a village in a museum somewhere.

A few haiku did make a tortuous journey onto post it notes, but none of them captured any aspect of the photo, or were poetically pleasing in any way. Here are a few:

skaters must come
make this virtual stonehenge
thunder and thrum

too dark and wet
for skaters to come
thunder and thrum

virtual stonehenge
where are your worshippers?
too wet to skate

In other words, meh. As you can see, I was stuck on what sk8ters would do with the place, and none of those haiku had a darn thing to do with the photo.

It was the last day for this contest. I had to come up with something. In desperation, I went back to the contest post for guidance.

If you are entering this contest, I highly recommend reading the contest post in its entirety for each edition. There are many aspects of haiku that are defined there for every edition, but often one aspect of haiku is examined more deeply. This edition had a guide for western writers of haiku which I found hightly instructive! For instance, I learned that the problem with the haikus above is that I was channeling too much the imagination of the reader. True! Totally true! But more importantly, I learned that what I needed to do for this photo was not say too much.

As soon as I finished reading the contest post, a haiku really truly popped out, quotation marks and all. It was pretty late at night, and I had shut off my computer when it made itself known. I scratched it down on a napkin so I would remember it in the morning, and here it is:


I woke up in the morning and still liked it. That's my final answer. Thank you for reading my work!

FxX5caie56yqUbvo2DTJv1i6qm8z4ixTabBTrjodFyZCPuFbZDncXQB89jd6mZkWM2QSrq2ahH2DhyyNE1pjQLgqmXzcj4F36iojmAUYgMVQ 2.png

All images are my own unless otherwise stated.


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I'm very happy that the notations at the bottom of the post helped you get out of the creative impasse. The result is much better than the first tests, even in terms of sound and feelings conveyed by words.
I just wonder one thing: why "square" in quotes?

At first I was struck by geometry in the photo; shapes are often the first thing I see. (At one point I got fixated on the amorphous drying patch in the center of the pavement.) Village square means the center of the village where people meet, but in this case it is not square at all, and has a lot of curves and parts of circles in it. So I put that in quotation marks when I first wrote the haiku, thinking I would change that word the next day. I decided, however, to leave it as is.
Thanks so much for this contest. I've probably told you this already - it is my favorite thing on steem.

You're right. This one is perfect. Sometimes, we can think too much, especially when we're trying to be creative. When it comes to my writing, I have a split personality. For my science and history posts, I research endlessly and accumulate reams of information. Then I analyze and organize. But when I write creatively, I turn all of that off. I kind of zone out and wait for a feeling to wash over me. That's where the inspiration comes from. I let my analytic self trim it and organize it, but the essence comes from someplace else.
Your napkin...how many edges of paper have I scribbled on when inspiration struck? How many times have I rushed from the shower with a thought that just popped into my head.
Your process here is almost as interesting as your poem.

What a wonderful comment! Thank you!

Thank you! Ditto!


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I don't really get the haiku thing, though I accept it's a recognized form of writing. So I will probably never try writing one, although that bot seems to think I've written a few by accident, lol. Having said that, I think yours is very fitting for the photo!

Oh you must! It is so much more difficult than it seems, and makes me think very differently. I am not kidding I spent a week writing this little thing. A full week of looking at the photo and trying to capture the mood in fewer than 17 syllables. I got this one in my target 3/5/3 syllable form. Bingo! So much fun. Economy of word is a fabulous thing. Have you tried @felt.buzz's zapfic contest? Also wonderful.

I agree, it's very difficult. I looked at the picture and tried to come up with something in the few words allowed and couldn't think of anything or even how to start it. I think the concept is a bit too abstract for me, at least at this stage. Maybe someday.

That was an especially difficult image. I don't always come up with anything, and thought I would not for this one. But when I do, it's always a rush.

Now rushes, I like! :)

Poetry wasn't ever my forte... but I LOVE how you detailed your process and trials for coming up with the finished work!

I have featured you and this post for a Curation Contest here:


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Oh thank you so much!

My pleasure!


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❤ MWAH!!! ❤

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mwah right back atcha!

Wow, that contest is a hard one!!! Well done! That looks great to me, no need for you to feel disappointed.

I had already upvoted last week but I only had the time to visit your post now. Congratulations on being featured by @bengy in an entry for the Pay It Forward Contest

Why thank you! It was nice for my post to be recognized as the quality post it was, imo. I'm not disappointed in the least. I love writing these, whatever comes out.

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