Cold Night :: Haiku of Japan #89

in #haiku6 years ago

kazuki fusu futon ya samuki yo ya sugoki

lying covered
under futon—yet
the night—so cold

—By Basho
(Tr. David LaSpina)

Wintery Moonlight Evening at Tsukiji Akashicho by Kobayashi Kiyochika.jpg
(Wintery Moonlight Evening at Tsukiji Akashicho by Kobayashi Kiyochika)

The breaks in my translation in the second and third lines are the same as Basho uses. Normally cutting words come at the end of line 1 or line 2, but in this case we get two of them right in the middle of line 2 and line 3. It is a bit unusual, but Basho purposely did it to give the feeling of stress.

It's not Basho who is so cold, nor is it the winter temperature that is causing the cold. He wrote this haiku for his student Rika, whose wife had died the previous year. He imagined how lonely and sad Rika must feel without his beloved wife on a cold winter night.

I'm sure you all know what a futon is. Unlike the Western couch-bed thing we call a futon, a Japanese futon is a nice and comfortable mattress laid directly on the ground for sleeping covered with a thick, warm blanket. The mattress is called a shikibuton and blanket a kakebuton, but confusingly either mattress or blanket by themselves can also be referred to as futon.

At the time Basho wrote this, in Edo, futon covers were not a common thing. Typically poor people slept around the cooking area (irori), which was warm, and slept close together to warm themselves with each others' body heat. On especially cold nights they might sleep under a quilt of seaweed or other cheap material.

So when Basho says sleeping under futon, he isn't referring to a kakebuton—it is literally sleeping under the futon. A cold night for Rika—colder still without his wife.

Don't miss other great haiku in the Haiku of Japan series!
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Who is David?
Hi thereDavid LaSpina is an American photographer lost in Japan, trying to capture the beauty of this country one photo at a time.

really nice place thanks for sharing....

Oh I remember the love affair I had with my kutatsu. It got pretty cold for out my Hiroshima way come January.

haha yes, pretty much everyone in the country loves their kotatsu. In winter it is just about the best thing in the world. No need to sleep under the futon these days when we can sleep under the kotatsu instead!

I got pretty hefty in the behind when I was there from all that sitting ... lol.

Hah. I'm sure all the mochi I've eaten and sake I've drank while sitting at one hasn't done much for me either.

I was a grapefruit chuhi and rice and sesame seed girl:)

Ah, one of those girls ;) Chuhi is good, esp the strong 9% option, but a bit too sweet for me. Still—they make a cheap buzz at only ¥100, so one can't complain.

LOL ... I have been type-cast. But I agree, chuhi on the whole is too sweet ... that is why I specified the grapefruit flavour. It had some bitterness to go with the sweet ... the lime one wasn't bad either, if I recall. I can get a lot of Japanese products in Vancouver ... we have a Kobinya, but due to its alcoholic content, I cannot get Chuhi. One day I may have to go back to Japan just to get one.

What an appropriate Haiku. I am much inspired by the way poor people used to sleep! Friday night my central heating packed in! No hot water, either. Fortunately no wives have died. Just the tops of my fingers. Great idea, though: I shall be crawling under my mattress tonight.

They still sleep this way mostly in Japan. No central heating and no insulation in houses makes for very chilly nights. Fortunately we use very thick blankets on our futons these days, which makes them so warm that it's not unusual to start sweating even on the coldest night. No crawling under the mattress required.

wow that nice, did you just notice the red moon ,its like eclipse... ;-)

@adityajainxds #thealliance

Good eye. I'm not sure what that is suppose to be, maybe just for effect or maybe a red full moon like we got a few days ago.

heart teaching photo graph& special thanks for searing...

Looks like a woodblock print? Lovely artwork.

Good guess! It is.

not as striking as yesterday's

haha maybe not, but they can't all be as dramatic as that one. I try to balance the haiku I post, giving something for everyone.

Exquisitely done! So much packed into three lines. UV Resteemed

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