Gridcoin community hangout #038

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

Gridcoin Community Hangout #038

A massive shout out to the BeyondBitcoin community & @officialfuzzy for providing the Gridcoin community a room in their mumble server for free.

Another massive thanks to @peppernrino for editing the hangout recordings! Follow him on Steem! :D

What is Gridcoin?

Gridcoin is a cryptocurrency which securely rewards BOINC computation on top of proof of stake.

What's BOINC? BOINC is an open-source volunteer distributed computing platform which utilizes the spare computer resources on 500k+ computers to attempt to cure diseases, map the milkyway, search for extraterrestrial life, and any other kind of distributable computation.

Anyone who needs a serious amount of distributed computing power (100k+ CPUs) almost entirely for free can create a BOINC project to create a distributed cloud service of their own desire (fairly easily) whilst the Gridcoin network potentially rewards your project's volunteers on your behalf.

Where can I listen to past hangouts?

128-soundcloud.png 128-mixcloud.png 128-talkshoe.png 128-youtube.png 128-cctalk.png.jpg

Past episode details

037 RSVP & Topic suggestion thread

Why are we holding these hangouts?

  • A mumble conference call can provide significant advantages over communicating via forums and IRC.
  • To create opportunities to inform the public of new Gridcoin, BOINC and related services & their development progress.
  • To bridge relations between the cryptocurrency & BOINC communities.

How long will the hangout last?

If there are not many topics suggested then hangouts won't last longer than an hour, on the other hand if there are many topic suggested then the hangout may last 2-3 hours!

When the Gridcoin Community Hangouts start really picking up traction we can become more strict with allocated speaking time if need be (so you're not waiting hours to talk).

Want to suggest a topic to discuss?

Reply with your suggestions in this Steem post & order of discussion will be from highest to lowest voted suggestions.

Want to raise a controversial topic? You have to talk aloud otherwise the topic will be possibly skipped.

Can we discuss anything?

It's advisable to stay generally on topic, attendees are distributed around the world so they may not (likely won't) share the same views regarding controversial topics not related to Gridcoin/BOINC/Cryptocurrency.

The hangout moderators (OPs, CM & Peppernrino) retain the right to skip topics which have been flagged or controversial topics without a speaker behind them.

Proposed time for Gridcoin Hangout #038:

9PM BST 2nd Sep 2017.

Compare 9PM BST to your time zone!.

How to join the Gridcoin hangout

Step 1: Download Mumble - Desktop Client, Android Client, iOS Client

Step 2:

Step 3: Configure Mumble & join the server!

Label: BeyondBitcoin - Gridcoin
Address: OR OR
Port: 64738
Username: Enter your username
Password: w0rldCh@NG3rsUN!t3

Step 4: Join the Gridcoin channel!

Step 5: Configure your audio wizard & setup Push-To-Talk. Join 10-15 mins before the hangout starts to test your audio configuration.

I hope you decide to attend the hangout - everyone is welcome to join, especially those who suggest topics of discussion in this thread.

Best regards,

Gridcoin banner


Website overhauled!

Thanks to barton26, peppernrino & everyone in the slack web-dev channel for helping create the latest version of the gridcoin website.

Do note that the above image was spliced together through multiple screenshots, it's best viewed directly.

Change log:

  • Migrated from grctest repo to gridcoin-community repo (better organization & less centralization).
  • New logo & colour scheme used throughout the website.
  • Solo/Pool/Investor mode advantage/disadvantage section summarized in table format. This is far simpler and less wall-of-text-y.
  • New download links for Mac OS (Thanks acey!)
  • Boinc server docker repo added under 'other' downloads.
  • Header and footer contents updated.
  • Blog added.
  • Contact us page added.
  • Door.One added to exchanges header/footer (we'll have compatibility through open.grc).

Have any further suggestions or want to help development?

Please head on over to the gridcoin-site community repo on github & get submitting issues and or pull requests!

Mandatory upgrade v3.5.6.2

Went into effect on block number 1010001, there was a period of instability over the hard fork moment and the network remains in a maintenance period, another day or two of stability and we'll be in a confident position to notify the exchanges/services to go live.

quick comm coin update:

Pomegranate- has been verified as owning the CPID of block 999998 and has yet to decide what they want to do with the coin.

@dutch is working on the model and the coin, stay tuned for updates coming from him.

Input required on BOINC governance docs!

The BOINC PMC chartered a committee in July to review how the BOINC
community was operating and identify areas for improvement. The committee
is meeting periodically to talk through and produce concrete proposals for
review and discussion by the community. The work of this committee will be
continuing with additional proposals coming later.

The first products of this effort are documents around the process for
developing code. There are two documents that we would like to open up to
the community for discussion and review. After a period of discussion with
community, the final version of these documents will be voted on for
adoption by the BOINC PMC.

The initial documents are: A revised BOINC Governance Document ( and a
Development Workflow (

We would like to receive feedback on these proposals from the BOINC
community via either the discussion on the BOINC message boards ( or in the
boinc_dev mailing list.

Registered for the BOINC workshop & Hackathon in Paris?


The BOINC workshop in Paris will cover discussions on the status of the open source project with a particular focus on the experience over the past year from the contributors. Some of the projects will present their current status and outlook. Plans for future developments will be presented and how this can be best realized by the community.


The workshop will start in the morning on Wednesday September 6th and end on Thursday afternoon. On Friday September 8th there will be a hackfest for those who wish to stay around and do some hands on development with others. Please register before 29 August 2017 if you wish to attend.


The 2017 BOINC Workshop will take place at:

Institut d'Astrophique de Paris (IAP)
98bis Boulevard Arago, 75014, Paris, France.

Personal attendance progress tracker

  • Registered on the event page (Don't forget!)
  • Booked flights & accommodation (Ouch, expensive!)
  • Applied for an EU health card in case I stub my toe.
  • Downloaded the SAIP app for paranoia's sake.

Do we want to get this form filled out by October 1st for binance?

It has many sections which are likely to be included in the revised whitepaper anyway, so this is a great stepping stone for the Gridcoin whitepaper as well.

I volunteer to help put it together if anyone else wants to join.

Let's talk about it = ).

1 cryptocurrency added per month, we're going to be waiting a while..

@CM-Steem / customminer, allow me to link the transcript from your talk and the video is below in the comments:

Hey @cm-steem aka customminer I edited the automatic captions / transcript of your talk because you were first.

Here is it is:

I'd really love to see this this tech used for the Gridcoin Hangouts.

We definitely could use audio transcription for our hangouts, as we discuss very relevant subjects and important information that needs to be disseminated to everyone.

We don't think of those who require audio transcription as a norm as we are fortunate to be able to hear what is being said and we sadly do forget those less fortunate.

Courtesy of @joshoeah

Thanks then I'll look at it, @cm-steem was too late to join the whaletank but he nevertheless he talked about gridcoin during the afterparty :)

Thank you and I agree. I'd be happy to have at least an API so that I don't have to upload to YouTube. But please bear in mind that YouTube's automatic captions are very accurate! On the order of 95% and it is amazing!

Was awesome hanging out and listening to your progress and amazing project! Do you have some time ( 10 min or so to chat on discord about the bitshares gui? I am in the whaleshares channel as TheAnxiousStoner )

Bitshares gui or guy? I guess you don't mean @officialfuzzy? I need to get back to you as well @smokenetwork / TheAnxiousStoner!

situation about Gridcoin's new PoS "stake v8 kernel" blocks when mandatory came into effect:

  • why got people stuck?
  • forks
  • lessons learnt

Coin Marketplace

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JST 0.028
BTC 56570.01
ETH 3028.13
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.29