Gridcoin Whaletank rough transcript Friday 8th Aug. 2017

in #gridcoin7 years ago

Fuzzy's intro

I'll get customminer / @CM-Steem to step up and talk about grid coin because they were the first uploaded today and I will say consider adding your coin because someday somebody might be first place in front of you because you forgot that link.

intro @CM-Steem

All right hey how's it going guys so I'm customminer from the grid coin community eh a little bit of information BOINC and gridcoin.

So gridcoin is a cryptocurrency which securely rewards BOINC computation on top of proof of stake right so what's BOINC? BOINC is an open source voluntee distributed computing platform which utilizes the spare resources of hundreds of thousands of computers in the world and in attempts to cure diseases map the Milky Way search for extraterrestrial life and virtually any other kind of distributable computation right. So anyone who needs a serious amount of distributed computing power, think hundreds of thousands of CPU cores, pretty much almost entirely for free can create a BOINC project to create a distributed cloud service of their own desire with fairly low effort.

Whilst the gridcoin community are well sorry the gridcoin network will reward you projects volunteers on your behalf once you're witness if you do get placed listed so you get free computing power and the grid coin network will pay your users so you know whereas our competitors will have you pay upfront you know which is counterintuitive so I'll be discussing some topics today a giveaway of great coin some trading information some information about the community development and yeah that'll be worth talking about so start off with the giveaway so I've sent $100 worth of grid coin open GRC to fuzzy on the for distribution on the bitshares network so that'll be for anyone that's attended and anyone at speaking so yeah enjoy.

Moving on a regards to trading so in the last week our two gridcoin has been trading approximately 3 cents USD slightly under at the moment but that seems to be our floor gridcoin is currently listed as ranked 41 on coin Gekko and when you filter coin market cap by non preminded / non mineable gridcoin is ranked 52nd with regards to grid coins community so I teamed grid coin that BOINC team has now achieved the first place ranking for all time historical BOINC computation and so it's taken team gridcoin approximately three years to catch up to the last two decades of completed BOINC computation so you know were a massive team and we're crunching you know several orders of magnitude more than you know some of the teams in the top ten so we're quite back a favorable market cap so I

Likewise we've also increased ou formula BOINC ranking significantly o way ahead in the lead so it's very good eh despite our slightly reduced market cap we're continuing to observe growing user base in the telegram, slack and steemit communities is great see new users constantly you know both investors and crunchers you know people that have been crunching BOINC for over a decade when along like a school forever we've also got a new chat room on WeChat for the eh the Chinese community do please join that if you do know Chinese or if you want to interact for our Chinese counterparts straight cool to see them getting active in other news regards to the community

2017 BOINC workshop

As the 2017 BOINC workshop has been announced this is going to be held in Paris at the Institute for Astrophysics for physics it's held on September the 6th 7th and 8th so it's being attended by many key BOINC members you know people to run BOINC projects it'll be incredibly valuable for the community and for a BOINC future development so I'll be attending that if anyone else was attend because see you there. And we have also continued holding our grid coin community hangouts on a front line 8 places this is inspired by fuzzy and beyondBitcoin hangouts and I think we're coming up to a year since we began doing them so it's our 47th hangouts on the 19th of August okay tomorrow at 9 p.m. British summer time so compare your timezone with the link and my RSVP post and the RSVP thread itself still needs to be created so don't worry about the post non-existing.

Development news

And moving on to some development news so let's straight off the bat let's talk about some security issues that were raised so a team of security researchers published a paper on the security of grid coin and it was presented at the WOOT 2017 USENIX workshop on offensive technologies several days ago so a just some background so the results slight breaks down on communication which led to security researchers publishing the paper with full development teams awareness of the issues they'd find right so they kind of like kept themselves a certain degree so we're changing the official website to improve the ease of reporting security issues so that you know there isn't a breakdown in communication in the future and will better handle these scenarios in the future so the issues mentioned are they demonstrated the ability to steal point rewards basically someone was all it is crunching a certain amount of BOINC work and they were able to direct the rewards for themselves so this vulnerability was discovered separately by one of her own developers and patched prior to the release of this paper so it's not an issue in production at moment so you don't have to worry about that.

Hijacking of beacons

The second issue is the raised was the hijacking of beacons. A beacon is a user's registration transaction that confirms they are the owner of a BOINC identity right so we've reduced the ease of performing this attack in several of the recent leisure updates before this paper was released at the attacker does still have a small window of opportunity to steal a beacon however it's only when your beacon expires is once every six months and you know we hopefully plan to eliminate the need for beacons in the first place so hopefully we can just bypass this you know attack vector entirely by removing beacons potential in the future and

email addresses in public on the blockchain

the first issue which is actually the the most long stated you know probably worst to a certain degree is the ability to extract users email addresses from the blockchain so unfortunately this is still present to a certain degree and we hope to remove the per code and favor of more secure code in the future while this isn't great you know as the team founders did have access to the list of emails in the first place unless you explicitly hid it of which 99% of the users did not so these email addresses have been somewhat public to you know the core admins for a while it's just that now your email can be grabbed from the blockchain to certain degree so yeah step up your anti-phishing defenses and I sincerely apologize for the leaking of email addresses on behalf of gridcoin community. So yeah it's worth reading the net the security paper is very high quality it is slightly behind in terms of her freshness is like you know several of the attack vectors that they've they described were patched you know a month or two ago a and it was good to take away from this as the so one of the main researchers has joins this the grid coin a you know community and the with it slack yes like chatroom did so you know but on going back and forth with them and hopefully will bring them into their communities developers of possible and future.

superblock issues

So moving on with regards to the superblock issues that were mentioned in the last couple hangouts so basically a super block and grid coin helps track BOINC user statistics which we use to base the reward mechanism upon so the problem with during July was that we encountered several blocks at super block issues which interrupted the reward mechanism so after several leisure updates in the last month or so we have significantly improved the stability of the reward mechanism and the super block generation mechanisms and we are continuing to investigate additional improvements which will come with a mandatory upgraded in your future Hey and just some updates regarding the leisure of these that just can I mention there so we've got fixes to thinking and startup crashes some users were experiencing we've got improved RPC commands you know additions and in absence and multiple Duty improvements is an ongoing effort by the multiple users some dependency upgrades you know so open SSL C++ stuff being upgraded to latest versions improved translations for a Lithuanian Russian Swedish Chinese some overflow protections some removal of unnecessary code to make the code base clean and improves thread safety reduction in CPU utilization some more computing power goes towards the point a projects in the first place rather than you know the grid point client likewise multiple ongoing staking mechanism improvements are being a developed and you know

ARM builds

the ARM builds have been optimized so it's easier to build back the great point claim on ARM devices you know like your old droids and stuff and finally the gridcoin developers are working on new features such as improved staking mechanism which is a named v8 if anyone's interested in helping out testing this new staking mechanism please do head into the development channel on slack and run a testnet node and see if anything goes wrong and we are working on an improved beacon and email security mechanisms regarding the you know the recently published gridcoin security research papers we're also working on improved GUI and branding as well as the introduction of Auto tools for improved gridcoin builds and finally the removal of the mandatory team requirements and the gridcoin Network so that's everything I had to mention today some of them are quite high job importance topics so does anyone have anything to ask regarding you know as the trading community of the development part gridcoin, BOINC in general?


I did about one question customminer sure about the about the process involved that you highlighted when discussing about the security research paper and that you were discussing that there was actually a change that that that the community was taking in terms of improving the communications could you could you add any more about that? about either what was problematic and o what was in amps and in an improvement?

Okay sure so the main problem was that we had the contact us link on the grid coin website directs to the contact at email. This e-mail is only handled by Rob the lead dev so it's basically contacting an individual rather than you know the core development team right so there was some back-and-forth discourse team Rob and the security researchers which led to one of their main vulnerabilities data schools being patched at one point last year basically improving the CID mechanism forever the subsequent emails between Rob and you know the security researchers the communication broke down basically Rob was very busy your real life priorities and stuff like that like a kid whatever you know and basically the security researchers took the lack of response as like significance due diligence they just crunched on with doing the research you know have been trying to reach out and I mean fair enough to them they're focused on their research and they're like we got some juicy stuff here you know okay so and what we're changing is that when you click contact us and contact us it will take you to a separate page where both basically have like alright what you want do you want to just contact the community you want as secure you know a security issues reporting kind of process basically pointing them towards email but also towards quite you know informing them to contact like the admins either through you know telegram slack IRC what have you so that you know it has the security researcher reached out on telegram or slack basically hey can I talk to an admin note that we would have had a very in-depth conversation with these guys and you know the tone would have been different currently if you go and do the white paper is very much like the developers don't care about security and stuff and that's certainly not the case it's just the case that a communication broke down between and then two individuals and the community at large was and didn't have the opportunity to get involved which is unfortunately where they can actually propose that's helpful to know

Thanks perfectly stated because that's most times that's what happens it's communication air sac and allegations well real quick G chicken would like you to expand on the removal of mandatory team requirements and what that means to ensure like explain it like I'm five essentially

So the mandatory team requirement basically means the only team grid coin gets is eligible for earning rewards right whereas there's over a hundred thousand point teams right so by removing a team requirement be potentially face scaling from you know we've got 12,000 graduates registered users in grid coin with about 3,000 registered on the blockchain and probably another 3,000 to prevent tools right growing from that to hundreds of thousands of active users and potentially the millions of registered users so you know it's a matter of how to restore hundred thousand users in a daily superblock also how do we make sure that the calculation of who's owed what you know and the you know that isn't too taxing on the big client so it doesn't you know take resources away from boink likewise we don't want to accidentally DDoS the bank projects by you know scraping them too much you know if you've got 100,000 people running the client theoretically in the future we don't want 100,000 people downloading a hundred mega file every day you know I would it would crush some of the the project servers so it's basically a matter of scaling back how many people are responsible for the you know super block creation process basically it's the downloading and processing of the point statistics for the reward mechanism well you know expanding the grid coin network to the entire point community so you know we are getting towards there's just the in the last month and the next month there are higher priority development issues the rural yet developments that we are working on that once a couple mandatories are readily upgrades that is we will be focusing on the scaling and removal as a team requirement that way we will we will cease to be a team cryptocurrency and will be a Boinky cryptocurrency you know so we'll remove the hostility between ourselves in a BOINC network at the moment the rest of boink network two-degree ceases at as a competitor rather than as a mutual kind of beneficial beneficiary yeah but it's all it's largely didn't because you am I correct in saying that it's largely been because you kind of have to start out a little bit more centralized to to ensure that things move forward in a and a reasonably structured way and where you know you can you can deal with the attacks or the the any big things that come along instead of HAP being like a disorganized herd of cats not sure what to do you know you have to almost have that kind of process into moving into the central innovation of the entire and a protocol being in control of the entire thing essentially is that is that fair to say yeah to a degree we have limited our growth right but it's given us the ability to work upon improving the client so that you know when we do focus on growing to the entire point community we are in a more production ready and secure state a little easier for them to use it certainly we don't want you know every single point user to run like a old client version o whatever and get off we want to have them run the client you know and they'll be sleek and perfect and stuff yeah and somebody asked for a URL wing for the boring projects and I recall you guys have like a bounty page and you also got you also have a list of white listed projects you guys currently have thank you yeah just likes you there so the white list is just basically a folded upon list of projects that the community wants to reward users for right so if you create a point project you've got works being distributed and it's secure like you've got HTTPS enabled and stuff today all you need to do is make a thread and crypto coin talk and basically a couple up if you do thus fa projects don't really have a problem getting wait-listed unless they don't have SSL you know so freaking free computing power more water users guys you know and the tasks we've got over a hundred tasks for the community to work on if they're interested well you know what I always like to boil it down into if no one else has anything I'll say it but I'm not going to say it right now does anybody have any questions or comments you have about two minutes and 30 seconds I'll say this finding aliens if anybody is a newbie and they want to care and they care about anything that's connected with grid coin I don't know of a single cryptocurrency that pays you to help try to find aliens so I administer going to drop the mic on that and let you guys do whatever talk yeah and and agree that's a good point G chicken to crack the Enigma codes from World War two pretty dang cool project - yes actually pretty spelling some of these projects do you have a really important and ultra sztyc kind of aspect to them I mean what if you are the one to solve a work unit which proves the existence of aliens or first contact you know and great coins one of the first names out there in relation to you know that'd be crazy and the mainstream news likewise dude world one


yeah likewise you know if your work unit that you complete on like an old two core computers is gathering dust help solve like you know AIDS or Ebola or the texts and asteroid coming towards earth to which we deflect because if you're computing per you know these are some very important things and it just really is a bit of a lottery whether or not you're going to solve a work unit that does contribute heavily towards science but you know it's possible and we reward your effort in doing so you guys should create it I'm going to keep saying it you guys should create a big bounty for whenever somebody finds aliens they'll get like 20 million grid coin whether they're good or bad because we have to identify what if he what if we have like a real-life aliens like we have to fight aliens and defend ourselves and pretty coin saved us are you know early yeah certainly found found an old ship in ice and Antarctica re-engineered it and create a bunch of fleets to defend with their against them with their old technology okay hopefully in that situation you know as the aliens will be interested in using great claim art that year you know let's hope that its trade let's hope they come and we get and the guy goes yeah I found you guys I got twenty million of these g see I'm not playing you guys so and that is the end that is the end of you twenty minutes today man that great how do people reach out to you guys if they would like to talk to you about finding aliens or doing any of the other amazing cool stuff that they can do with their extra computational resources on their computer and earn good points for

We're on telegram WeChat slack and mumble

I check my RSVP post everything I've spoken about today has you know a detailed links and check us out on cryptocurrency talked at the forum we've got great coin us our website we're on telegram WeChat slack a mumble obviously discard everywhere you know so we're spread out everywhere and you know everyone's welcome to come and join thanks it still is aliens body I suspect they travel through time though but we won't talk about that anyway we do have once everybody has signed that guest list we do have another pretty cool project and a group of guys who duo of guys who I've been pretty impressed with watching all the stuff fit in and how stubborn they are to and making sure that they continue getting up and keeping going on


A lot of spelling errors in this text, it looks a little bit like a machine translation, hard to read. Anyway... upvoted because... it's about Gridcoin. ;)

Yeah at the end, I tried my best just before the questions! :) I'm not very familiar so I thought it would be best if someone from the community would chip in and do some work :)) It's quite a labour!

I'll be trying to make an script to make sentences more or less automatically, @CM-Steem usually ends with "So yeah", "moving on" etc. :D

You can also watch the video and feel free to ask any files / the youtube video etc. Like I said I started fromthe beginning and ended just before the questions, it jsut should be sentence-ized :D

Have you tried doing this with my edited audio? I cleaned up the speech a lot and removed all the false sentence starts, uhms and ahs, etc.

It's great that OP transcribed the entire hangout segment (great for hearing impaired & for translation improvements) however as you point out the transcript includes my mistakes, haha!

If you know Coursera, they have transcript with highlighted text. This is really cool and you understand much better what is going on when you can click word and the video scrolls back, that's amazing! Of course you can skip too.

But basically the auto-captions from YouTube are a real good start. I can post some GNU tools shell code to upload it quickly and the rest you can see here:

No I haven't. Actually I'm trying to find sentences! The output from Youtube would make just a big one-liner. There's no punctuation or capitalization whatsoever. So like I'm doing here, Customminer actually starts new sentences with "So" or "Moving on".

Most of it I did until the questions for Customminer began.

So up to the Questions it should be more or less sanitized but not sentence-ized!

Whilst the gridcoin community are well sorry the gridcoin network will reward you projects volunteers on your behalf once you're witness if you do get placed listed

The Gridcoin Network will reward your project's volunteers, on your behalf, once you're whitelisted (if you do get whitelisted)

Don't know how the 'well sorry' part got in, CM never said that.

No sure if it is a reply to me but I did everything voluntarily out of my own incentive and mostly because Gridcoin was first :D It's a lot of work the get the automatic captions straight!

While I have not checked yet, we may be confusing the audio I edited with the raw audio? I cut a lot of double start sentences, etc.

I'll check later.

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