Threatened about Britannia 2017 I need your Support, and competition.

in #gold7 years ago

The Royal Mint have seen my articles on the 2017 Britannia and they want me to apologise to the designer and the Royal Mint, to take down all my videos and articles criticising the 2017 Britannia and not to attack any of there designs in the future and I must sign a declaration doing this.

And in the future if I slam of do a video and articles ridiculing there products I would face time in prison for my crime, plus they would not let me buy any coins from the Royal Mint, this is something I had to think long and hard about and in discussions with the Royal Mint I told them I would

No I said go FUCK yourself,

So I need you help and I am doing a poll if you like the 2017 Britannia reply Like, and if you hate the 2017 Britannia reply Hate, and please up vote as well as I have a special prize for one of you



lol, i am enjoying your posts. Considering i bought one i had better vote like. Actually i do like it, to be honest if Britannia put on a few stone and was captured sat on a park bench eating a hotdog id still like it, its silver and its shiny, whats not to like.

In your previous life were you a magpie

I believe i can fly, i believe i can stack to the sky, in a previous life i was a magpie, im a stacker till i die, spread my wings....blah blah blah, i need to get some work done ive customers stood infront of me lol

haaha lol :)

Magpies are my favourite bird! I have been trying to befriend one recently, but their trust of us is nowhere near the level starlings seem to have. So far it just knows I'm the strange biped who throws out corned beef for it.

True, it is still a chunk of silver. I see what they did, it was them using the image of the country isle as the body for the Britannia but it has a flaw in that it makes the design look like she is sitting on the trident ... but the rest is history, britcoin has won the award for this description. If you ask me it seems that this putting a country and sticking arms and head on it like this Usually is a cartoon image. This is a little bit hasty in them just going for this design.

that's the thoughts in higher authority who are we to question why LOL


yeah shes riding her trident like a witch on a broomstick :)

What a bunch of pretentious retards , do they think they are above critisizm, its a horrible design anyway, it makes brittania look like a snail imo. That will be a NOOOO from me

hahaa yes i can see it now, snail britannia

First, upvoted

WTF seriously?!? we have such a thing called freedom of speech in this country

as for like or hate..........very tough one because im in the middle but im going to say hate - looks better in the hand that in pics but still not a good design

Freedom of speech that's a laugh, you can't say bo too a ghost without offending someone

I know, yet we have certain people chanting "death to the west" ect - that's tolerated because of "freedom of speech" freedom when it suits their agenda only

I know it sickens me to see how Britain is not for it's people but for the lodgers we have abusing our systems

I could talk all day on that one, im sick of it.

People said I am racist, I am married to a lady from Thailand 10 years, I have 2 year old daughter, how can I be racist?

Omg is this for real? Haha are they trolling YouTube and Steemit? Self conscious much haha

Did u say anythibg threatening about the designer in a post? That's the only thing I can think of for them to actually reply to u..maybe take that one down and we'll keep bashing that awful design still 😁

Over the last few days, I've seen a few references to a certain shed the designer should be taken out behind, so that's probably the kind of rhetoric they really object to. Anything else is just bad for sales, but they probably have to start talking libel when it's a perceived threat to an actual person? I'm no lawyer, so this is just speculative waffling from me.

Yes I made the shed comment, u get spanked behind the shed when you're a bad boy. Well that's how it works in Canada lol Do u think that's to harsh a critique? Idc anyways f anyone that can't take a joke. This is Steemit not YouTube, we say what we feel here aslong as it's not terribly hurtful u smell me? 😊

My association with the phrase comes from V for Vendetta "Take her out behind the chemical shed and shoot her" lol. I love that film. So that's where my mind went!

If it makes them think about what they are doing I am fine with it, they can't touch me I made no threats, they like to think we will bow down, I will not

Don't think the designers seen the post but he will soon.

I'm sorry for laughing, it's kinda hilarious they reached out to u. U hurt their feelings Regal 😂 I'll write u if u goto jail lol

can you send me cake with file in may help LOL

Here, do you think it'll pass inspection?

Bahahaha! Thx for the laugh. It would pass if the ppl they employ at the RM for quality control worked at the prison..oooh burn!

that should get by them, it will give them to beat me a put me in solitary I have seen the films years ago

hahaa lol!

Yes, I'll be sure to include some drugs too. I can buy yourself some security until u file your way out

Wow. That's quite the ultimatum. You could just buy through a proxy, a friend or family member, so it's a bit of a silly threat when you think of it. They have to protect their designer and any potential customers scared off by the criticism, naturally. But legal action against critical reviews is stepping over a mark, if that's how they phrased it. The Silver Forum has a lot of people vocally unhappy about it.. will there be deleted posts there soon too?

This is just one of the threads where it gets a critical mention:

The design has been getting panned every I go. Maybe they should just make better designs? 😊 Are ppl not supposed to share thier opinions anymore? Royal Mint is doing the damage to themselves..this won't help. While their at it they should step up their quality controls too..I seen many ppl showing damaged and spotted kings beast coins direct from the mint

I saw some terrible packaging in some unboxings as well. QC isn't their strong point at the moment.

People you say how they feel if you like it great it does not make me think any different of anybody, I hate brown sauce but does not mean I hate people who like it, each to there own

Something we can all agree on; it's a divisive coin.
I wonder if it will get a quick mention in the news or papers.

i HATE it! its just a really awkward design and it looks like shes shitting out Ireland

Are you sure this was the mint and not someone having a laugh?
I considered buying this coin, even though I hate the design. Because of all the marmite type chat about it, you know you either love it or hate it!! I thought it would be a super popular coin. Maybe the wanted video was upsetting to the designer, just take it down. They can't give you jail time for disliking a coin design, if so all the film and fashion critics better watch out!

Its going that way

It's been done before. Here's a few examples of the map coming alive:

Oh dear, can it actually be done right?

Well, here's an example of a compromise, where the map meets Britannia:

I think that last one shows it can be tastefully done.

I still think they should have made the map into a gown pattern or armor motif, this year.

I think I found next year's Sovereign Design! :P

shalinoth got it you design the next Britannia we will all buy it

What a crock! I would frame that letter haha. I really don't like the design and I'm really curious what other designs were proposed for them to pick THAT one? Stay safe, you opinion-having guy. Free thoughts are dangerous to have!

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