Learn Something New Every Day Contest. Day 9

Did everyone have a good weekend?

Mine was pretty good.

Nothing TOO fun. I mean, other than the Learn Something Contest, which is always a ton of fun! Finally managed to get over being sick, too! I have been putting off the Intro Contest for too long, and plan on getting that running again real soon. In the meantime, let's check out the previous contest!


Contest Day 8

That's a link to the previous post!

You can check all the cool facts and bits of trivia that people submitted by going to that link and scrolling to the comment section! There were some pretty good ones, including one about the most forested country on the planet, what that "green code" from "The Matrix" really means, and that there are tribes of people who have still not had contact with the modern world! I even got sources on the majority of them! So go show them some support. Be sure to Upvote the comments that you learn something from, or laugh at (some of the entries are more comical that informational).

Rules for participation.

Tell me Something I Don't Know.

Leave me a meaningful comment below with a random bit of trivia knowledge (if you don't know what a meaningful comment is, make sure you read the post by @ogochuckwu linked at the bottom of this post). It doesn't have to be the most fantastic bit of knowledge, it just has to be true. If you post something really hard to believe, I may ask you to cite your source or link me to something that backs up your bit of info. If you cannot provide me with SOMETHING (a webpage, a news report, ANYTHING) to back up you claim I will not consider it a valid entry and I will not Upvote your entry. If you say something like "Real, the Force is, and move rocks with my mind, I can", I am probably not going to believe you. Like I said, it just has to be true (and somewhat verifiable).
All entrants will get a small Upvote for participating, (One Entry Per Person Per Day!!!) and my top three favorite will receive a 100% Upvote, a 75% Upvote and a 50% Upvote for teaching me something new that day.
Replies need to be in English or translated to English (If I can't read it, I can't judge it). You have about twenty three hours (give or take an hour depending on what time I get online that day) to make submissions to this post, at which time I will give out rewards and post the new Day's contest. Be sure to check the comments and support the other entrants. I highly encourage engagement in the comments section, and the vast majority of my Upvote power is used on comments. Earning rewards just for talking to each other is my favorite part of the platform, and I highly recommend Upvoting each others entries in the replies to this post! If the first three comments have Upvotes from me (the first one will be about a dollar), then I have already given out prizes for this contest, but the next one will be out shortly!
You must Upvote this post to be considered a "valid entry". This is not because I want the rewards from your vote. This is because I rent delegated Steempower to provide larger Upvotes as prizes to my contests, and your Upvote on this post helps me pay for that delegation, and spread more rewards to more users!

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my post!

Polish Your Posts by checking out this post full of useful tips for newbies about post creation by @ethandsmith!

Learn how to write quality comments that improve your blog by @ogochukwu

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Image from pixabay. Gifs from GIPHY

Remember to follow me so you can catch my different Daily Contests every day!! Upvoting and Resteeming this post helps me spread more rewards to more users!

I'm @gogogadgetupvote and I'm Always On Duty!


I was waiting for it. Thanks @gogogadgetupvote for the contest.
Here is my today's entry.

Do you know that, the Philippines island of Luzon has a lake. The lake contains an island. This island contains a lake and this lake contains another island.
Taal Volcano-Tagaytay.jpg

That is awesome! I would love to see that place!

Me too...don't miss it if you visit Philippine ....

First Place today!

BTW thanks for the first price...

The world is small....

It becomes even smaller when you start travelling...

Wow, this is wonderful. Thanks for sharing this

You are most welcome....

Glad to have you back @gogogadgetupvote.
What fact do I have for today? OK here it goes.

Did you know that the Miraah is the world's largest solar field project measured by peak thermal capacity. The project is a 1gigawatt solar field generating about 6000 tons of solar steam. The project is a $600 million agreement between Petroleum Development Oman and Glasspoint Solar to develop the Amal Oilfield.

Sourced from Wikipedia.

That sounds like an awful lot of power. Thanks for sharing!

My dad always had a beard and grew up in Irving, Texas. Back in the 60's my dad was in a few different bands as a drummer. In the late 60's my dad's band played in Battle of the Bands. At that time the band he was playing against had a fantastic drummer named Frank Beard. My dad's band beat Frank's band.

The irony and Did You Know fun fact... Frank Beard went on after his loss in battle of the bands to join the famous band ZZ - Top. Did you know Frank Beard is the only member of ZZ - Top that does not and has not had a beard?

I have always thought my dad would have been the better man for the job... but that wasn't in the cards. Glad you are feeling better buddy! STEEM ON MY FRIENDS!

Image Source

I love ZZ Top! Did you know that they were the "Festival Band" in the movie "Back to the Future: 3"?
I actually got to set up and tear down the groups stage equipment and watch the show from backstage at the Clark County Amphitheater back in 2008!

Dude that's awesome! It's been so long since i saw part three... I did not know they were the "Festival Band!" I always got to carry around my parents equipment! Another interesting fact... ZZ Top have a song called the Balinese. My dad and mom played there just before the hurricane blew it off the map. http://www.balineseroom.net/historyofBalinese.htm

Cool stories my friend!

Another cool fact about ZZ Top. The razor company "Bic" offered them a million dollars EACH to shave their beards for a commercial for them. I think this was back in the 90's when a million bucks was a lot more than it is now (not that a million bucks isn't a lot, cause it is). Can you guess what the band members answers were? LOL

For some reason I thought that he did have a beard at one time, and got rid of it. Not sure why, but third place for teaching me better!

All I could find after looking this whole time is that he stated once in an interview about his lack of beard (but mustasche).... that He didn't compete if He couldn't win! I believe he also stated that he liked being able to go out and not be instantly recognized. Another thought is that a long beard would have gotten in the way of his drumming. My dad, as a drummer, always said the little beat Beard did called the Texas shuffle was the driving sound behind their music. If i was them... I would have shaved for that million bucks and let Frank get a head start! hahahaha So glad to have participated in sharing and feels good to win.... 3rd place isn't the second loser... it's the thrid Winner!

It is the third winner! Especially when the prize is monetary! LOL

Once upon a time the magicians go to word abracadabra was actually thought to have real magic power.

The first known use was in 208 Ad when a doctor traveling with the Roman emperor to Britain documented it use in treating maleria.

Anyone presenting an older origin is giving folk etymology.

Got a source on that one?


this is googles copy of the original document written by Quintis Serenus Sammonicus in 208ad

Very nice! Thank you!

Just learned something new. Didn't know about https://steemviz.com/pendingpayouts

Nice! Feel free to participate and drop your own fun fact!

I learned this fact last year, and I don't really like it. It's about the cockroach, they said that the cockroach can still live (breathing and wondering around) without it's head for five to six days. I hope they die easily, cause I hate them. It's about their double motoric-sense or something like that. This is not cool at all for me, I mean ew... yuck!

Gross. Jeez🙀

Ewww. More roach facts. I think I heard this somewhere before. I think it is because their brains are not located in their heads. You would have to fact check that one, as I can't remember where I heard it, or if it is true or not. I could be very wrong on that one.

I don't know about their brain, I read that they have 2 motoric-senses, one in their head and one in their body, so if the head dead, they still have one in their body. I read it in indonesian post, it was a blog about the facts of cockroach

Presently people use the word "whatever". The slang "Whatever" means "whatever you say" , "I don't care what you say" or "what will be will be". It is used either to dismiss a previous statement and express indifference or in affirmation of a previous statement. It is offensive and impolite.

It has been commonly used that way since I was a kid. I used to say it to my teachers, and it was intended as very rude, lol. Thanks for your submission!

Hello @gogogadgetupvote. Good to have you back😊

My fact for today will have you performing the actual action by yourself. 😁
OK so here it is...

Did you know that when you bend your toes towards you, it forms a 90° Ish angle with your foot. Then when you bend it away from you, it forms about a 45° angle or less?

For the fingers, if you bend them towards the back of the hand, it'll give you 90°. But forward (the Palm) less than 45° and your Palm ends up squeezed anyways. So I guess it don't count😉

Have fun trying😊

@gogogadgetupvoted yes it's a fun to learn in this way. From your series i learned that news is not an acronym of North, east, west south but it's New events weather and sports. Today i add little about news fact
Do you know that on Friday 18th April 1930 BBC Reported that "there is no news." Instead, they played piano music.

It is not an acronym, either. NEWS is just NEWS. It doesn't stand for anything. The word has latin roots, like most American English.

Yes you told it to me earlier and i acknowleged you in my yesterday post,but unfortunately you missed the last paragraph of my post where there was some thing new for most people. Keep sharing @gogogadgetupvote

I think I read that fact about the BBC reporting only once, that "there is no news". Which is just about the most absurd thing ever. They actually got some jackass to go tell the whole country "Absolutely NOTHING happened yesterday".... LOL

Canada's Justin Trudeau signed on the Paris Accord with no intention on actually doing what it says. He supports the tar sands projects which makes it impossible to limit green house gases to the target set by the Paris agreement.https://www.nationalobserver.com/2017/12/11/news/environment-canada-touts-good-progress-climate-after-scathing-audit

Politicians are so underhanded... I try to avoid the topic of politics. And Politicians, lol. Thanks for joining!

Well, I didn't know what underhanded meant and I had to look it up. Where are you from ? No one ever use that word in Canada. In my mind, the topic was the future of our atmosphere, not politicians.

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