Is global warming another apocalyptic religious cult?

in #global6 years ago (edited)

Even here on Steemit there are fudders spreading stories of "global warming"

Although unimpressed with the “facts” used to justify the cult of global warming, I usually keep out of this discussion because disagreeing with global warming is like being seen as a “holocaust denier” – logic goes out the arse, and people go into rabid attack dog mode, but what the hell, if they want to freak out about global warming, that’s their problem.

The last thing I want to look like is a defender of the American right to drive “SUV’s” – cutting down on pollution is a good thing, it just has bugger all to do with global warming.

But today I'm in the mood to wind up some Steemit fudders. I’ll just attempt to keep this very simple, and maybe it will even encourage some of the fudders to think this stuff through for themselves.


More than anything else, time is the key factor in understanding global warming. The earth doesn't run on human time frames – like most planets it runs on much longer cycles. If we look at the past 2000 years, it’s true that the temperature was at the higher end of it’s range 10 years ago. But 2000 years is insignificant to a planet – the sort of time span we need to be looking at is half a million years

The patterns of warming and cooling become clearer the longer the time span we look at – in fact over 500,000 years the temperature chart looks almost like a heartbeat. Yes, it’s been hotter, and it’s been colder, and it’s managed to do both without any help from humans…

Over this time frame the key factor in temperature change appears to be variations in the shape of earth’s elliptical orbit – when we orbit closer to the sun the earth gets hotter.

Approximately every 100,000 years Earth’s climate warms up temporarily. These warm periods, called interglacial periods, appear to last approximately 15,000 to 20,000 years before regressing back to a cold ice age climate. At year 18,000 and counting our current interglacial vacation from the Ice Age is much nearer its end than its beginning.


But here are four major temperature change cycles related to the sun that do have a big hand in changing the earth’s temperature:

  • 11 year and 206 year cycles: Cycles of sunspot activity

  • 21,000 year cycle: Earth’s combined tilt and elliptical orbit around the Sun

  • 41,000 year cycle: Cycle of the +/- 1.5° wobble in Earth’s orbit ( tilt )

  • 100,000 year cycle: Variations in the shape of Earth’s elliptical orbit


The mainstay of the Global Warming movement is that CO2 causes global warming.

They like to show a chart of global temperatures next to CO2 levels, and say things like:

“You can see almost perfect correlation between CO2 levels and average global temperature”

And indeed you can, because CO2 levels FOLLOW temperature – and this is a rare instance where the warmerists like to pull out a long term chart.

The long time frame allows them to transpose the temperature and CO2 data from the ice core samples in such a way as to make them look simultaneous.

But a more detailed chart would reveal that the CO2 rises hundreds of years after the temperature goes up.

They get all fired up and say things like:

“The graph shows that after the invention of the automobile CO2 started to increase and hasn’t stopped in the last 100 years since – I rest my case”

To which someone might ask – Was it cars that caused the rise in CO2 130,000 years ago as well? And then if we are going to be picky we might also point out that this chart shows CO2 starting to rise sharply around 15,000 years ago, which somewhat predates the invention of the car…

But I digress, it’s probably best to stick to the basics, or things can get very confusing.


CO2 is produced by ALL LIVING ORGANISMS. Bacteria and other microorganisms produce more CO2 than all humans put together could ever produce. In fact human contribution to atmospheric CO2 is less than 0.3% of the total.

Where does the rest come from? – well, from water vapour mostly.

Oceans, rivers, lakes, clouds, that sort of stuff. Not Humvees all that much.

Fox Glacier New Zealand

Just to show some evidence from New Zealand - here are a couple of photos from Fox Glacier - taken in 2007 and 2014.

Yes there was indeed a lot more ice in 2014 than there was in 2007 , and there is a lot more now - that is not a sign of warming!



If you would like to see a bunch more information about the global warming fraud I have a web page here:

But like links to videos exposing fake American school shootings, sites exposing the global warming con seem to keep disappearing, so posting links to them can be a bit of a dead end.

"Why Invent Global Warming? – In 2004 $4.3 billion was earned by the global warming industry. Most was invested in research and development, and the media fed at the trough too. Fear is bankable. If a population can be convinced that global warming is occurring, there is money to be made. What started off as a small group now has thousands of employees drawing wages" - Ken Ring



Hello there, @sift666!
For years I never questioned the whole 'global warming' argument. People like James Corbett had done such a good job explaining the farce that is the CO2 driven model, it's easy to see that 'their' narrative is about making money and gaining more control.
Then one day I was thinking about it. I looked into it the effects of icebreakers and the globalist push to make a new crossing, free from pirates and with a time/money savings for shipping goods around the world.
I wrote a post about it. You might look, my thought is explained more in depth there.

More and more it just seems to me the CO2 theory driven conversation might be just another distraction. Maybe another example of controlling both sides of the story.

I'm not the only one talking about icebreakers being a cause for concern. I linked to one conversation in my post and I've since read another.

Consider the record ice growth that is often spoken of in the Arctic, is that first year ice, forming over the winter only to melt in the summer? I want to know the state of the multi-year ice.

I don't know really. I've never been to the Arctic. But it seems to me that there may be something going on up there that they'd just assume stayed a conversation controlling joke until they have it all sorted out.

That's a great post - I've seen your name on Steemit, but somehow even though you joined the same time I did (James Corbett?) I've never followed you - have now, and will check out your posts - thanks

Thank you. I was excited about it. It's kind of funny, I was pumped because the little eyeball count kept going up and up, every time I checked, so many people were seeing what I'd shared, more eyes on the problem that I perceived... and then my mom suggested, I do believe correctly, that it was going up for each visit I made. I did hit refresh a lot.

I joined just before James did. If you watch his first video about joining Steemit you might hear a little poke at me. I'm assuming of course, but I'd written to him about Steemit maybe days before his video and in my intro post I said I signed back up for facebook to get on here. Silly me.

I appreciate the follow and your time.

Exceptional post and only one thing I would like to add. Do you not think that the Global warming movement is being forced to judge that CO2 is the main culprit, so then they can Tax the public for their CO2 production. As you say we all produce CO2 and that will always be. If the gov can make us believe that CO2 is lethal and our own fault, then they can Tax us for it, much like they did with fuel. Worse still I think that rather than tax us they will control us with it. "Oh sorry you have only 20 miles travel time left before you exceed you carbon expulsion limit. Any unauthorised travel after this will be charged to you account at the higher rate".
Had to laugh when you mentioned about being classed as a holocaust denier. Ha ha I've upset a lot of people before I realised this. They are ignorant beyond belief. Great post matey. Up-voted and re-steemed!

Thanks for your support and resteem.

Yes I think that global warming is all about power and money. So it's perfect politics. Sometimes they really nail one of their scams and the public fall for it hook line and sinker. And sometimes they really stuff one up, as they are doing with their latest fake school shooting.

But as they own ALL the media they can usually keep control of what stays in the headlines. And there is already a lot of evidence that they are trying to do the same thing here on Steemit. But maybe we have a better chance of fighting back here.

By "them" I mean the zionist, deep state, new world order, globalist bankers who own and control all the governments.

Steemit is an odd beast... I haven't got a clue who is behind it all and whether it's a serious operation or just a pen to trap people into digital currencies. Digital cash goes hand in hand with carbon rationing. Yes the School shooting is a messed up case but you're right, they will bend the truth to fit whatever they want. I really don't think they give a fuck whether we believe it or not. As long as it gets documented as a version of the truth they just move on to the next slaughter-house.

I know what you mean - that is exactly what I've been thinking about Steemit too - but it's safe to say nobody (including me) is discussing this too publicly.

I'm a big Steemit fan but there is some suspicious shit going on with accounts I dare not name...

No kidding, the fear-factor on this site is really fucked-up. I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of one of these whales. I've heard a few rumblings from a few concerned steemians. Suppose it is bound to happen(Not saying it will succeed) and I will never forget when Rupert Murdoch ruined ITV-Digital, when it was released. He paid a guy to reverse engineer the card/chip and then he made a fuck-load of copies and sold them on the black market. No more ITV-Digital and no more competition for sky-tv. The big dogs, if not involved already, are not gonna let this site steal everything they have built up. My guess is a buy-out or web-site fraud/crash. Hope we are just being too suspicious as this site is amazing.

Following you now - I don't usually follow resteemers but you just nailed it with that comment!

Thanks bud. Not sure if you agreeing with that is a good thing, lol. Fingers crossed and make hay while the sun shines... Speak soon bud.

good comments
i appreciate your comments

The climate is changing. There is no denying that. the proof is in the weather patterns and temperatures we are seeing.

What is causing it is irrelevant. Plant and animals will still die, and we will still have to change how we live in order to survive.

Who's to blame, is a childish game played by those who are too frightened to look into the future and plan for the inevitable.

You can deny climate change as much as you like, the climate doesn't care. It will still change.

Natural, or man-made makes no difference. It's a moot point. The discussion / argument should be around how do we adapt to our changing environment to make the best use of it.

i.e. should I get some land north of Wellington and start a banana plantation? Or would Gore be a better place for it?

Do we need to start growing sheep with less wool on them?

Or should we all shift to the South Pole?

The climate changes follow a fairly predictable pattern once viewed in a suitable time frame (130 000 years)

For the next few hundred years Wellington should be fine, although I recommend installing a good heat pump!

But in about 2000 years it could get to be colder than Gore is now..

so not a banana plantation then. Maybe turnips?

I have to say I'm not keen on turnips :)

Maybe sprouts?

I am your faithful upvoter, however -out of topic- I had to google fudders and it is only in the urban dictionary, which give weird definitions of it
check it out

LOL - no I don't mean stuttering like porkey pig - I mean Fear Uncertainty and Doubt taken to extremes by people who never stop freaking out about undefined apocalypses,,,

They are using global warming to push the vegan agenda. They are claiming that cow farts are greenhouse gases and that since cows eat a lot of grain (in fact they are doing so only because of monsanto subsidies) we need to put massive carbon taxes on meat.

It will be just like soylent green where only the elite are eating meat and the plebs eat soy.

It's a real can of worms!

I think on Steemit there are a lot of people enjoying the short term flush of the detox effect of moving from a junk food diet to a vegan diet, but they don't realise it's because they cut out stuff like sugar and canola oil.

And they have no idea of the agendas they are unknowingly assisting. So while if I found someone from Monsanto on Steemit I'd probably be a bit unpleasant to the fucker, with vegan stuff I'm aiming to live and let live. But your cow brain video unleashed all my years of frustration :)

They haven't cut out sugar though. All carbohydrates are sugar. They just feel different. Any good feeling is placebo, otherwise known as the most powerful drug ever, powered by their brainwashing and the high they receive off their own supply of percieved moral superiority. The perception of moral superiority (being washed of your sins) has a religious effect that also leads to zealotry.

Veganism is a religion.

There are several I'm watching on Steemit, and over time they seem to become hyper.

But I do think about 2% of the population could go OK on a well designed vegan diet.

(he types sipping his bone broth)

Nobody can do well on a vegan diet past the point where the body uses up its stored nutrient reserves, which can take up to 5 years.

The fact is a vegan diet is missing a vast amount of essential nutrients that can only be (supposedly) replaced with chemical imitations. An example of this is b12.

The king of all nutrients, cholesterol, is completely absent on the vegan diet.

So true!

If you are curious to see the strength of the vegan movement on Steemit check this - pretty small but bigger than I realised!

I do my best not to argue with them but am occasionally tempted to start a paleo/wapf/gaps board - but I already do that for a job and don't have time...

only 23 upvotes on that link. Kind of a relief, doesnt seem like it would be too hard too handle.

I already have 2 or guys that are downvoting all of my videos.

I would like to start a group to combat any vegan attacks of this sort. I dont want to downvote them at all but I think its messed up that anti vegans are scared to say anything on here. Something needs to be done.

Its a freedom of speech issue.

great website by the way. I used to get my raw milk from a wapf dairy club. I used to buy that same exact fermented cod liver oil from there. I should get another bottle.

Did you see that your biggest flagger mainly spends his time resteeming porn?

I highly recommend this video exposing the 2030 agenda - I think veganism ties right into that too.

CO2 is produced by ALL LIVING ORGANISMS. Bacteria and other microorganisms produce more CO2 than all humans put together could ever produce. In fact human contribution to atmospheric CO2 is less than 0.3% of the total."


Thank you! a billion time thank you!! I have been hammering this point home for YEARS, and yet the "global warming is caused by man made C02" programming is so thick that it's as if it sucks the ability to maintain IQ points after contamination with it!!

Well done- resteemed and following
1 unfucker badge tiny.jpg

People trust too much in the information we are fed.

I've tried to say that nature has its swings-and-roundabouts, but ... yanno.

The only good thing about this 'global warming/clean up the planet' battle cry is ... cleaning up the planet! I say anything that motivates people to treat our Earth more kindly is a good thing. ;)

I suspect it's about taxes rather than cleaning, but earth will be back to the default state of ice age in 2000 years anyway and it will all be someone else's problem!

climate change is real and that's going to be worse only with time to come

Note I never used the undefined term "climate change" because it doesn't mean anything so can't be discussed.

This post is about the myth of global warming.

And I am saying that the planet is cooling as we head into the next ice age.

So if by "climate change" you mean global cooling, then yes I fully agree.

I rarely thought about global warming, but your post is the motivation to definitely do it. Thank you for your work, this is a very versatile post!

Thanks for all the "Facts". Don't think facts will make much difference to the Global warming crowd. Like the people in Jones Town kool-aid is the drink of choice.


Sometimes I wonder which zionist puppet "president" is more fake - barry or chump...

Here he is getting cuddly with justin the tranny - Canada's head warmerist fudder

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