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RE: Is global warming another apocalyptic religious cult?

in #global7 years ago

Exceptional post and only one thing I would like to add. Do you not think that the Global warming movement is being forced to judge that CO2 is the main culprit, so then they can Tax the public for their CO2 production. As you say we all produce CO2 and that will always be. If the gov can make us believe that CO2 is lethal and our own fault, then they can Tax us for it, much like they did with fuel. Worse still I think that rather than tax us they will control us with it. "Oh sorry you have only 20 miles travel time left before you exceed you carbon expulsion limit. Any unauthorised travel after this will be charged to you account at the higher rate".
Had to laugh when you mentioned about being classed as a holocaust denier. Ha ha I've upset a lot of people before I realised this. They are ignorant beyond belief. Great post matey. Up-voted and re-steemed!


Thanks for your support and resteem.

Yes I think that global warming is all about power and money. So it's perfect politics. Sometimes they really nail one of their scams and the public fall for it hook line and sinker. And sometimes they really stuff one up, as they are doing with their latest fake school shooting.

But as they own ALL the media they can usually keep control of what stays in the headlines. And there is already a lot of evidence that they are trying to do the same thing here on Steemit. But maybe we have a better chance of fighting back here.

By "them" I mean the zionist, deep state, new world order, globalist bankers who own and control all the governments.

Steemit is an odd beast... I haven't got a clue who is behind it all and whether it's a serious operation or just a pen to trap people into digital currencies. Digital cash goes hand in hand with carbon rationing. Yes the School shooting is a messed up case but you're right, they will bend the truth to fit whatever they want. I really don't think they give a fuck whether we believe it or not. As long as it gets documented as a version of the truth they just move on to the next slaughter-house.

I know what you mean - that is exactly what I've been thinking about Steemit too - but it's safe to say nobody (including me) is discussing this too publicly.

I'm a big Steemit fan but there is some suspicious shit going on with accounts I dare not name...

No kidding, the fear-factor on this site is really fucked-up. I wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of one of these whales. I've heard a few rumblings from a few concerned steemians. Suppose it is bound to happen(Not saying it will succeed) and I will never forget when Rupert Murdoch ruined ITV-Digital, when it was released. He paid a guy to reverse engineer the card/chip and then he made a fuck-load of copies and sold them on the black market. No more ITV-Digital and no more competition for sky-tv. The big dogs, if not involved already, are not gonna let this site steal everything they have built up. My guess is a buy-out or web-site fraud/crash. Hope we are just being too suspicious as this site is amazing.

Following you now - I don't usually follow resteemers but you just nailed it with that comment!

Thanks bud. Not sure if you agreeing with that is a good thing, lol. Fingers crossed and make hay while the sun shines... Speak soon bud.

good comments
i appreciate your comments

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