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RE: Is global warming another apocalyptic religious cult?

in #global7 years ago

The climate is changing. There is no denying that. the proof is in the weather patterns and temperatures we are seeing.

What is causing it is irrelevant. Plant and animals will still die, and we will still have to change how we live in order to survive.

Who's to blame, is a childish game played by those who are too frightened to look into the future and plan for the inevitable.

You can deny climate change as much as you like, the climate doesn't care. It will still change.

Natural, or man-made makes no difference. It's a moot point. The discussion / argument should be around how do we adapt to our changing environment to make the best use of it.

i.e. should I get some land north of Wellington and start a banana plantation? Or would Gore be a better place for it?

Do we need to start growing sheep with less wool on them?

Or should we all shift to the South Pole?


The climate changes follow a fairly predictable pattern once viewed in a suitable time frame (130 000 years)

For the next few hundred years Wellington should be fine, although I recommend installing a good heat pump!

But in about 2000 years it could get to be colder than Gore is now..

so not a banana plantation then. Maybe turnips?

I have to say I'm not keen on turnips :)

Maybe sprouts?

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