Winners of the Daily Dose Challenge, Phase Three!

in #geoengineering7 years ago (edited)

The Daily Dose Phase Three Winners Are?

Insert Theme Music Here....

@andyfishman @choosefreedom @anouk.nox!

Congratulations! You are the winners of the Daily Dose Contest, Phase Three. Your photos had the best details and clarity of the "sky art" in this phase.

@bethalea ... tell them what they have won...

Yes, @andyfishman you won 5 Steem, and this very cool Chemmy Award!

2nd place winner @choosefreedom has won 3 Steem. Congrats!
3rd place winner @anouk.nox has won 2 Steem. Congrats!

And we have two honorable mentions, and those are @chelsea88 and @zedikaredirect who receive 1 Steem each.

Thanks to everyone that submitted your photos, we appreciate the time and effort you put in to help spread awareness of this huge problem! And get ready... Phase Four is tomorrow, so get some more shots of that fabulous sky art and post it up!

You could be the next winner of the Daily Dose Challenge!

Look for the new post coming tomorrow. Thanks again, have a great day.


This message was brought to you by your CT Sponsor, Mr. David Keith We are not responsible for Mr. Keith's opinions or his outrageous, and often insane behavior in any way.


Thank you. Plenty of action to keep us all entertained. So good of them to give us all the material to work with :)

Another Chemcloud Sunset

Y/W and Congrats. LOL I hear ya, I just love their daily gifts that keep on giving.

love this one!

Thanks, I have heaps. They give us plenty to photograph. But of course, all the photos are made in photoshop because they are not actually spraying us with anything.


@andyfishman, hope your realize I think your photoshop statement is funny, and not the pic or seriousness of chemtrails.

  • That's the problem with the Internet, it's easy to misinterpret things like that.
    • Facebook's like button is notorious for that.
      Fer instance, If I see a pic of one of the grandkids smiling and having a good time,
      I chose the "Laughing" Like Button.
      ...That doesn't mean I think they are funny looking
      ...It simply means it made me smile to see them having a good time
      • Anywho <<< I did not misspell that, it's the way we say anyhow around here sometimes..
        Thanks for helping raise awareness that "they" are manipulating our weather.
      • There are too many who deny this fact...
  • Congrats on your win!

photoshop maybe for the coloring right? But yes they are spraying us.. daily..

No, I was joking about photoshop. These are unedited.

I know / thought so :) lol

Thank you for the mention and for hosting this contest.

Y/W Thanks for submitting, and hopefully next time your post won't get pummeled by the drive by shooter.

No problem, your initiative will help raise awareness ;)

Thank you, what a nice surprise :-) congratz to the other winners!

Y/W & thanks for submitting. New post will be up later.

Wow SO cool. Thanks very much for the honourable mention!!!! Much appreciated. Congrats to All other winners it can be hard to get cloud shots at times:)

Thanks and congratz to you too!

Thanks for submitting my friend,much appreciated! :-D New phase coming in a bit.

Congrats to all the winners, it sucks this is going on and people are so oblivious, keep telling the truth.

Look up people “The truth is out there”!

Indeed! Shame that people cannot see what is right in front of them. All one can do is show the way, and hopefully get a response besides... oh look... pretty! :-D

We will just keep plugging away to raise awareness. I don’t know how to act today, second clear day thanks to the high winds. Loved the Chemmy Award!

Right! Enjoy, they will probably double down on ya in the next few days. Thanks, yeah I had fun making that award, and putting David's ugly mug on the tail LMAO :D

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