[The Infamy Series] Let's talk about geoengineering and health issues

in #geoengineering6 years ago


Some of you may have read some of my posts before about chemtrails when entering The Daily Dose contest. Some of you may think what is she posting about? Because when I still lived in Holland, this was one of these things that I was not aware of myself either. When moving to Spain, we used to get pretty bored in the evening as we were somewhere deep in the mountains, and when there would be no guests in the hostel, we just sat on our private terrace to look at the sky.. And then you notice these skies being not bright and blue but greyish and blurred... filled with white skyart before it gets that blurry.. You see the plains making art like the picture above.

Ever since I read more about chemtrails I see them on a daily base

It's quite disturbing actually, that a normal sky with real clouds are the exception, because geoengineering seems to be the new "normal" looking up in the sky. In the past years I've made many pictures, but not all the clear as the one above, unfortunately. But when you know what these trails are, you get the point of my posts...
I have spent quite some time watching them make the trails, seeing the trails cross each other and then evolve to the most crazy sorts of arts in the sky.
In Spain my boyfriend had lot's of health issues, and with a lot I actually mean a very very horrible cough. A cough that he sometimes would almost choke on, and he also had much trouble with falling asleep. We noticed there was a pattern when they had been "playing" making skyart a lot, that his cough was much worse.

When we moved to Budapest, we weren't really paying too much attention at first

Simply because we didn't have the time, and were really focussed on finding a house the first months. But now we're settled, and I do spend more time outside , I can't ignore what I'm seeing there... The good thing was that when we arrived in the fall, my boyfriend could actually sleep here. We were quite happy, that his health issues seemed to be disappearing slowly. He has been really ill due to a bad cough a few months ago, and could not work for two weeks, but after that the cough disappeared again. But now summer has arrived, and I noticed a very high increase of chemtrails every day. And I don't even notice a difference anymore between sunny weather, rainy weather or even the time of day. It seems to be their daily dose of spraying poison on us here. So the daily dose contest is quite a good name @inthenow !

Take a look at these pictures that were made yesterday right above our heads


Let's zoom in a bit, nothing blue about that anymore...


And now see what the sky looked like only a few hours before when we were walking on the Margret island.


Only hours after this was visible in the sky my boyfriend started to have the worst cough again

Before he was not having a cough at all, but he started having that pain in his lung once again, like he did the last time he was ill a few months ago. I heard it right away when he started to cough. He has been up all night and I can only hope this will not be that horrible as it was last time. Personally I notice an increase of severe headaches when these skies are filled with chemtrails, and I am convinced it's caused by those things (whatever they are spraying on us).
I have been paying attention a lot, and analyzing our health when there are just a few or lots of trails in the sky. And there is nobody that can convince me that I'm wrong anymore.
I don't know what it is they're spraying, because I read many different things about what they can spray on you, but it's usually not the pretty for your health. A few weeks ago I even saw some kind of shiny things falling from the sky after a plain had crossed over our heads, but my phone was not in the neighborhood and I couldn't capture it unfortunately.
The people doing this to humanity are villains in my opinion...

Do you ever pay attention to what's there above your head?

And do you also see these trails, and observe this in combination with your health, or the weather before, during and after they put them out there?
For those that will say: "these trails are normal they are from normal plains" please first go and observe. I live in Budapest, we have our own airport nearby, so I also see the normale passenger plains crossing over daily, and guess what? They don't have these trails. And these chemtrails sometimes will be going like straight up in the sky, normal passenger planes don't go up in the sky that way... So please first observe if this is new to you, another thing that I notice is, that when the sky is extremely filled and greyish, the weather gets very muggy. Today this is also the case here.. Only 24 degrees but feels like 29 or something.

If you have pictures you want to share, please do!





Thanks for your entry! R&U. :-) That first one is just insane looking!
Have a great day.

Thanks that was a quick reply lol.. were you actually sitting on your keyboard? :) That first one is a great one right, but I am more worried about the other ones.. my gosh it feels not that nice .. You too!

Actually yes! LOL Yeah that 1st one is a doosy, totally awesome of them to share with you.

That's why I wanted to share that one.. it's from a while ago but found it in older documents.. but says enough right :) dailydose worthy lol

Hooooly fuuuuuck! My thoughts exactly - the first one is absolutely mental.

i am with you on this, me and a good friend of mine,have been saying this for decades, well were not that antiqueish, but your absolutely spot on, excellent post, just excellent...will pass it along...and thank you so muck for the pink Hodl...

Lol not that antiqueish I guess it's been going on for some decades indeed though, but I never paid attention while I was still a sheep
Thank you for resteeming! what do you mean for the pink Hodl ?

that is a funny story, hetty-rowan, that you presented on one of your post's...is in a discord channel, Easydex, she did a kind deed for me in the group, i asked for her steem ID, did the search,and landed on you, I'm not that heavy, as well, truth is...i thought you were her...just busy to edit, as well...i did forget...lol...so I'm leaving it, as what is meant to be is meant to be, how time does fly in here...i did enjoy your article, really...and as i said so true...ill keep an eye out for more of your articles...and thank you, and do say hi to hetty for me, in discord...we enjoy are time there, but see her talent is elsewhere as well, so god bless...have fun...and HODL!!!

Nice meeting you @johnskotts and @hetty-rowan is very talented indeed.. completely agree with you there.. Funny how things sometimes go, it's all good lol .. now getty my morning coffee yum! need it.. lol

yummy,indeed, like wise!!! yes very funny, she should meet my friend, @boyerobert as well...surly they will get along, as am i,and he, lovers of animals and especially dogs, we can all go for a stroll...hopefully, no cloud planes above...ciao...a little Italian to spice up your morning...you kiss that beautiful, terrible doll of yours, enjoy her while it last, they grow up too fast, wondering if C.E.R.N. has to do with speeding up our time, something to look into...but will keep it LTC...(liteCoin) DoDropIn...was a coffee shop I use to go as a student...so were building one on Easydex, so DoDropIn for a cup of coffee...its very yummy, and sprinkled with pink...

Lol I like your humor! :) Have a good night (at your timezone right?) for now.. C.E.R.N. I actually have to google, as I have no clue what that is .. put it on the endless to do list for today ..
My little beauty woke up very cute, and only 2 minutes after I started speaking english to hear she said a new word: ham :) lol and she actually answers in english when saying yes (instead of ja in dutch lol)
Very nice, we'll have fun today ! Have a good pink night sleep lol

All above. Done...

Chentrails ...

and then check Google HARRP


CERN is messing around with space - time, some people believe this is where the “Mandela Effect” comes from.

@johnskotts Resteemed ;-) we are not sheep

HAARP I read about before.. but CERN not.. so thank you for providing me the links.. I will check them out.. I guess it is something that fits in the same scentence as Chemtrails and HAARP if I see you post all 3 of them in 1 comment.. lets have a look .

Thanks! No we're not.. I am listening the CERN video now..


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I completely understand what you are saying here, and I do believe the same thing ...

Pretty bad thing though :( these damn things are not helping any of us being healthy

Interesting .. I did not know that. Perhaps this is the reason why my cough. I liked the sharing thanks

A topic near and dear to my heart. Errrr I noticed these first in '97 and knew something wasn't normal with them. I'm glad that more people are aware now.

Have you ever seen this bill? It specifically names chemtrails under Section 7. https://www.congress.gov/bill/107th-congress/house-bill/2977/text

It needs to stop and I think the only way it can is if we hold our governments to task for it. Nothing like this can happen without government approval. And the fact that it is worldwide and most don't admit to these programs, probably says that it is not good for us or the planet.

Hey, I really think you made a good point there and your post is nicely written but uhm how do I say that xD
I don't really think that chemtrails are real. For me this looks like a normal cloud formation. Have you ever heard of the german saying: "Der Glaube versetzt bekanntlich Berge" (If you believe you can move mountains). Maybe your boyfriend is coughing harder because he believes so much in chemtrails and the harm that they do, that you know his body physically reacts to him. It is also proven that the strong believe in something can have an effect on the physical world.
I would be very interested in discussing this topic with you!


Hi! even if that is the case, that the coughing is not caused by whatever is in the sky.. then it's still defo not a normal sets of clouds. Far from it even so. And yes I know the law of attraction, but this is not how that works.. because the situation is not like this: Boyfriend looks in the sky en believes in chemtrails and he feels the trails will harm him physically . With the LOA you believe in it BEFORE it's happening. Before the coughing we weren't thinking about having a bad cough! Why would we? It's 25 degrees here and summer time..

We know more about the believing in something and making it happen than you think, done lots of reading about these things too, not only on chemtrails :)
And booked plenty of success too with that believing it's already there, and feeling it...
So no need to convince me of that..

But if you believe this is a normal sets of clouds, then it's really time to do some of your own research before you are jumpin to conclusions and waving it of as maybe he believes so much in it, that it's happening. Because you would be actually have to feel that feeling before it's true, and knowing it is...It takes time and effort to accomplish things trough those ways of thinking (of life when you master this really good)

If this is your normal sky view (so not that one in the park!) then you might think it's a normal set of clouds yes.. but it's not.. pay attention and actually observe first.. Not just because you don't see anything weird above your head, saying this is normal to me. There's even a contest here every month look for dailydose ... and see how many others post pictures of this..

Have a good day!

Hey thanks for your informative reply, although you seem a little bit offended, that was not my intention! I am actually just trying to understand what chemtrails are how they are created and how other people think about them. Therefore I am trying to create a rational solution and the easiest would, of course, be the law of attraction. Furthermore, I see that you know much about this law, can you link me some Source because I am highly interested in that topic too. Or maybe you want to create a blog post about this law ;) I would definitely read, upvote and esteem it!!!
I am sorry to still tell you that I still not really believe in chemtrails. When I look outside now, all I can see is crystal clear blue sky some contrails and some cumulus clouds far away, so I don't really know what to watch out.
Anyways, thanks for answering me!
Have a nice day!

I will reply short only because I still feel not 100% after a few days being ill.. and I am here on Steemit only to post what I can produce today .. so I will get back to you later on that.. have a good sunday!
ps it may seem that I was offended but it's more likely that I chose the wrong words because I was not feeling well that day.. so wanted to say that I'm not ;)

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