Steemit Community Garden Journal #3


Hi everyone,

I've been a little MIA this week; Brian's had some tough days, but he seems to be back to "normal" today, so I'm doing my best to catch up on comments and of course, write this post. I'd like to thank everyone for commenting on my last post "An update on @briancourteau"; the continued support that we receive from everyone is truly heartwarming!


This post is thanks to @simplymike's Garden Journal Challenge. If you haven't had a look at her garden posts, you really should. She is growing some really odd and interesting fruits and vegetables...even new to this old farm girl :)

Here is my little oasis, work space, little balcony. I like it out there because as you can see, it gets plenty of shade by late in the morning. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to step foot out there until evening time.

Being in Mexico, I've had to seriously re-learn what I know about growing. The heat here is continuous and relentless, even most evenings, so after killing a couple of plants (my favorite hydrangea and a little ornamental tree), I've decided to go with more green plants that need little water and enjoy lots of sun!

I've left the dead tree for now to remind me that I've got nothing on Mother Nature!


My Hibiscus loves this climate though. It has tripled in size over the last couple of months. This photo was taken a little less than 6 weeks ago. You can see how much smaller it was then, although it bloomed like crazy!

And today, it has plenty of buds still coming. Makes me so happy to see these little guys :)
The other plant beside the Hibiscus also loves the sun. I don't know the name of it (do any of you?), but it grows these shoots that continue to flower. The shoots also don't need any soil to continue growing. Perfect for this climate...and me!

We picked up this plant at a local store and unlike at home, there's no little marker stuck in the soil. So, I think it's a bit like a rubber plant of some kind; the leaves have that feel to it, but like the previous plant, this one needs lots of sun and little water. It also grows like a weed and has doubled in size over the last few weeks.

The others here I've had for a while now, but have grown plenty as well. You can see that I've had to split one of them already because it was in such a little pot. The biggest one "came" with our last apartment, and was almost dead when we arrived. I've babied it and am so pleased with its growth. It's very popular around here and also needs lots of sun and little water. Are you seeing a pattern here yet? :)

We added a lounge chair for Brian to enjoy it out here too, and I enjoy my hammock daily :) Let me just say that the locals are on to something with the whole siesta thing!!

What you don't find on most balconies are these two items and they've both helped me grow in weight haha One is an electric fry pan/deep fryer and the other a portable oven/convection oven, something I have never seen elsewhere. It even came with a rotisserie bar and easily fits a whole chicken.
We spotted this at the local Mega store (Mexican equivalent to Wal-Mart), and bought it immediately because I was tired of cooking everything on the stove top.

The interesting thing here, is that most places have a gas cooktop, but no oven. Ours has a door in front but inside is just shelves for pots and pans/dishes etc. Has anyone else seen a stove/oven like this?


This post just took a slight turn there, so I'm leaving you a close up of my favorite flower from the balcony, the Hibiscus :) Hope you enjoyed this, and I think it's time for a siesta; I can hear my hammock calling my name :)

Do you have a favorite plant or flower?



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Hummm, I think my favorite flower would be a toss up, verbena, or the little johnny jump ups from pansy self seeding. Plant wise though may favorite is Lemon Thyme, I love the smell of it, and it does get pretty tiny pink flowers on it.

Glad to hear Brian is having a bit better few days.

Hi @bashadow, I have never heard of

johnny jump ups

Do you have a photo of those?? They sound awfully cute though :) I love verbena too! I bet they would do nicely here; if I'm thinking of the right plant, they don't require a lot of water and love the sun too?

I love Lemon Thyme; Mother Nature really is our best artist, isn't she? :)

Thanks re: Brian as well. I appreciate your continued support!!

I see @donkeypong visited you as well with a lovely upvote! Thanks for the support :)

Here is a quick image I found on flicker, it was a free to use image.

not mine from flicker free to use.jpg

Their volunteer violets from pansies. I guess the seed don't hold true for the next generation or fancy pansies. So you get these little ones from the seeds of fancy ones.

Yeah, I did get a big comment vote from them. I don't know why, like me and you I guess, just goes and votes people sometimes.

Those are so cute, and now I know exactly what you are talking about! Thanks :)

donkeypong has been a big supporter of Brian and I, and he now continues to support my posts, but this is exceptionally special to me now :) I'm glad you were the recipient @bashadow!

I always like votes, one day I'll have enough vote power, and reputation to help make a real difference. I know I make a difference to a lot of people, we both do with the help onboarding new users and comments and votes on post with few comments or votes. Slow but steady growth. We are getting there.

I was just saying to someone else how nice (and smart) it is to develop a community when you first arrive, and watch and help everyone grow together. It's pretty cool to see, and all the while helping others along the way.

I know you will always be generous with your upvotes :) Unfortunately at the moment, my voting power has gone to the dogs haha

You do know they are edible, right? Puts some nice color on your dishes :0)

I knew nasturtium flowers and leaves were edible, but I did not know about the pansies and violets being edible.

I should look up what pansies are, but violets are edible for sure :0)

I think pansies are screwed with violets, because if you plant pansies you will end up with a lot of the violets in your yard, sometimes some miniature true color pansies, one year we had one of the deep purple guys that was throwing off deep purple seedlings only in a much much smaller size.

My moms favorite flower is a Hibiscus! I think they're beautiful but I'm afraid I don't have a green thumb lol and would kill it haha! Your little deck is inspirational! Makes me want to attempt some flowers whenever we get our deck here. They have cute ones that say they don't require a whole lot at our Walmart. Maybe next year I can explore that.

It's funny I came across this post! That little oven that fits the chicken in.. along time ago I had one but literally burnt everything! (face palm) haha I gave up and eventually got arid of it.
Thanks for sharing your lovely garden with us! It's beautiful.

hahaha @squirrellyma! Your oven comment is funny! I have to say that this thing cooks sooo fast, I really need to watch what's in there. Perhaps that was your issue :)

My mom's favorite is Hibiscus too!! Perhaps that's why it's mine as well. Oh, I've had my fair share of plant killings over the years haha, but I'm starting to figure it out....go low maintenance...little water, lots of sun or lots of shade (whatever you have) and leave nature to do its thing!

Thanks for an awesome comment!! And I see that @donkeypong popped by too...thanks for the awesome upvote :)

That very well could have been it! I was horrible at keeping track of things back then.. and then I learned when our microwave capooied, I still always forget to set a timer! haha. I think I've burned or made more crispy items in the past 4 months than I'd rather admit too. But it's definitely getting better so hoping after we remodel our kitchen I can find one. I hear its great for pizza crusts (personal size). I think my little would enjoy learning how to use it for his special pizzas.

Definitely low maintenance.. I seen someone had little cactus's.. I was thinking i could probably keep those alive. Their picture was so tiny and cute of it.
And you're welcome! your post was too awesome to pass up:)

haha burnt everything! Remodeling the kitchen; that's awesome :) A bit of a mess whilst going through it though! I've been there.

I love those little wee cactus. They are so cute and some flower nicely too. I'll have to look for those. But yes, best maintenance :)

LOve your little Oasis and beautiful plants

Glad Brian is a little better and sending postive energy his way

Hey @tattoodjay, thank you so much for stopping by!! Thank you for the nice compliments as well. Here is Mexico, there seems to be color everywhere; something we don't tend to do very well back home (Canada). I love it!

And thank you so much for the positive energy sent to Brian; it means a great deal to me :)

@lynncoyle1 Its the least I can do for Brian, you both seem such caring people and you deserve the best going forward

Aww that's very sweet of you, thank you @tattoodjay :)

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I think I have seen stoves like that in rustic old hunting cabins. My favorite flowers lately are some irises in my backyard. They are gorgeous. They've been there since we bought the house but I did some serious tree trimming that gave them more sunlight and they are really loving it.

No kidding? They'd be perfect for a cabin that's for sure! I too love irises, and yes, they do love the sun. Their flowers seem so delicate to me, but they're actually a pretty hardy plant!

Thanks so much for stopping by @steven-patrick :)

Aww, your plants are doing so well! Good call on switching to green ones that really like the sun. The hammock looks very welcoming.

I really like lilies when I can get them. The smell reminds me of something, but I'm not sure what. Maybe I was an Elf king or something and had lilies all the time, but then I was cursed and became human, thus losing my place as king. Now I wander the Earth as a human, but my mind still remembers the sweet smell of my kingdom. One day, one day, maybe I'll return. 0.0

You'd love the hammock I think. Elf Kings are used to relaxing, from what I remember. The smell of lilies are my all time favorite flower smell!!! Perhaps I too lived among the elves, enjoying the sweet smells of the kingdom. Why oh why wouldn't something like this happen to us? sigh One day maybe...

I wouldn't mind getting to relax in a hammock by the ocean. That sounds lovely. Of course I would want to be in the shade and have a sweet drink in my hand.... maybe a Kombucha. Ahhh, I'm relaxing already.

That sounds pretty perfect actually! By late morning, my hammock is all shade, and I hooked it up high enough that there's always a nice breeze too. A cold drink in my Bubba Keg and I'm good to go :)

Sounds like you're set! Enjoy. :)

Thank you...I did haha

Hmm not sure if I have a favorite flower, I used to help my mom do her Orchids before when I was a kid.

No kidding Mave?! Orchids are one of the most difficult plants to keep. They're very picky about where they sit; light, water all of it. Your mom had patience and a green thumb.

I've killed every orchid I've ever owned lol

This makes me think about doing a post like this. You told a nice story about your plants. Her garden was so big I was like hmm I have flowers and a tomato plant that is about done.

hahaha I looked at my balcony through the eyes of her post as well and thought, 'well, this is lacking' haha, but decided to spin a little story into it all and bingo, gotta a post :) You should totally do the same, and come back here and let me know when you do :) We little garden guys have to stick together :)

That's a beautiful little outdoor space you have their. I like the flower arrangements too.

Thank you so much @jonnyla08; I appreciate your compliments!

You certainly have created a peaceful space, @lynncoyle1 - Nice feng shui feeling.

I've definitely not seen an over like that before but that extra pot space is a nice idea ;)

My favorite plant right now (if that is possible-I love them all) but my fiddle fig tree right beside me. My bad kitty knows that I love this plant so she will look at me and take a bite out of a leaf - I have teeth marks on nearly every leaf now. Obviously she would rather I was spending time with her than the computer....I get it. :)

Love to you both

hahaha that's so funny. My cat just nips at my ankles when he's had enough!

Thank you so much; I love this little space! It's so peaceful and bright and I love watching the world go by too!

Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words as always!

I'm seeing that through your eyes - pictures say so much.

Wishing you a beautiful day, Lynn

Your garden looks great. Especially considering your story and that you just moved to a new area and are doing it all on a balcony. I hope you have a lot of luck and a luscious garden soon.

Thank you so much @abitcoinskeptic! With the heat here, and the fact that it doesn't cool off much at night, I can't take too much credit for it all :)

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