Sunday planting and the need to water ourselves too!

I have been neglecting my plants and many have been lost...

As the weather has not been on the warm end of the mercury stick I have not been watering my plant recently. This has meant I have not got into a routine resulting in a sever lack of water for some. With the sunny rays we've had the last couple of days' yep well a number withered and died.

This I feel represents my life a the moment! Alright its not that bad; I'm not withering away. More the fact I'm not giving myself enough attention, I have been neglecting to water myself if you like. I do my yoga yes, but have not done my reiki in weeks or nearly as much meditation as I should. Like my plants we all need constant attention to keep out physical and mental wellbeing up. It can be difficult to notice this neglect also as its very subtle, we become more lethargic, lazy, negative and most importantly unable to visualise. When we are caring for ourselves we control out lives regardless of what anyone does, but when we don't keep up our watering weakness creeps in our roots struggle and be fall victim to the external environment. This then drives The Reign of Terror... (as in my recent post) and the fear of everything the state try and force upon us. My feelings have been just this as the moment sucked into the negative fear of the unknown; and my life not going the way I want it to! But only I can make what I want happen!

So time to clear out the dry weakened roots and rebuild get back on the right mind set... 

Firstly I spread out some of my plant around the house. I feel I don't have enough in the house and the ones I do again died.

I moved the Christmas cactus to my room  now that's doing well, one that has thrived recently. I move a lamp as I don't need two, they only clutter the room and take space where the plant now goes. I just hope it gets enough sun here. Again if your are living in a cluttered chaotic space this will effect you wellbeing; this is down to your perceptions though of what is cluttered, some people need a little clutter for it to feel homely. 

With the other (i can't remember the name, is it sea grass or something) on the window ledge. Instantly my room had a better energy! I definitely need more colour in there but I digress.

Next I binned the dead ones and the soil. To compost at a later date as I have no composter and the council does not do composting anymore (cuts haha). The plan is to make one or a wormy not sure which is best (any ideas folks?). I then gave the tomatoes something to climb and generally tided up. Going through my seeds I realised a lot are quite old so might be past it but got some runner beans, thyme, oregano, basil, coriander, peppers and some more chillis (killed the last batch) in some soil. I checked the Morigna but no signs of life yet! Then realised again I had not labelled the pots oops, makes it more fun I guess and good for the memory; that my excuse anyway. I managed to use recycled pots and platers which is always a bonus. Cleared up and made things look ship shape.

Feeling much better I then did a twenty minute meditation! There is still a lot of work to do but todays effort changed my mind set slightly i'm feeling more focused and able to get back on my plans. I need more seeds and to sort the back yard out, but thats for another post.

What has been written before:

The Moral Dilemma... But it's not real!

The Reign of Terror...

Walk stopped due to narcissism ....


but when we don't keep up our watering weakness creeps in our roots struggle and be fall victim to the external environment.

So true.

I have been neglecting myself these days too and so I've been forgetting the routine of watering my plants. When I'm well, they ar all well-watered and taken care of. But I try my best not to forget myself...and my plants too.

Get yourself watered. I think we a re so conditioned to a busy life we forget out selfcare but when you do remember you feel great 💯🐒

A bunch of my plants died over this winter too and I literally had the same thought... the neglect of myself (i.e. work) had carried over to my plants... we were a sad sad sight.

Dear monkey man, I am glad to see you are getting yourself back into your routine. It’s easy to get distracted by life. I kind of had one of those weeks. It wasn’t intentional, just fearful about things I have never done before. Only I know how to both rock my world or make it more peaceful. Chaos isn’t my preference any more, I used to live there. 🐓🐓❤️

Thanks! :) Chaos I think we've all been there. Yep i'm feeling great, I think with a few negatives hitting me at once I faltered. But I'm up again and spreading the vibes haha 💯🐒

It is still a fruitful day for you being able to do something. The weather in our place is on the extreme here in the tropics. It supposed to be summer and time for the fruit bearing trees to start flowering of fruits but the sudden deluge of rain is destroying them. If the weather is unpredictable as this, it makes one lazy to look after the plants.

Very true the weather had been rubbish today raining. I keep the plants inside makes life easier 💯🐒

That's good idea. If only we can do that too. We'll see :D

It mainly to keep the warm as we don't appear to be getting much sun over here. I keep them in my conservatory kinda works as a green house 💯🐒

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