The Moral Dilemma... But it's not real!

in #uk6 years ago

Yippee Free £150, Nice one...

Today I checked my bank account, one of my weekend tasks; just to make sure I sticking to budget. To my satisfaction I was £150 pound over. It had come from my old bank ummm bonus.

Now a little background before we start!

A few months ago I rang my energy company; who are very good I might add. I rung them as I was £150 pounds in credit and with the winter chills slowly becoming a memory this backup was not needed. My energy company surprisingly said they would happily send me the £150 into my bank account BONUS, happy days I thought! After a week when I had not received the money I called back, they assured they had paid the money into my account. Eventually it transpired they had paid it into my old account which was now closed. Then they offered to pay it again into the right account as they had messed up and reclaim it from my old bank. Great job hey!

Now when you open a new account in the UK at least there is an option call Switch which basically switches you account over (it in the name really) direct debts etc. But apparently it also for a certain period of time transfers anything paid into the old account. This is clearly what has happened here!

The Moral Dilemma... 

  1. My old bank did try and scam me £230 when I closed the account, when I checked thay apologises and stated it was a oversight. 
  2. A bank has an endless amount of money they won't miss £150.
  3. The energy company said they would get the monies back from the bank, they ha not mentioned it in months so I assume their happy.
  4. It's their mistake and i'm sure if it was the other way round I would lose out.

But there is Kama to consider!!!

My question to you is will I get bad Kama for not mentioning this to the bank and basically taking the money. I mean who would I call to report it my current bank would not be bothered my old bank account does not exist and the energy company would not be able to undo it plus move than likely have got their money back. 

Personally the way I see it the banks just create money from nothing so would this be classed as stealing?

Help me out Steemit, what would you do?

Previous posts by me:

The Reign of Terror...

Walk stopped due to narcissism ....

The Dance of the Spring Hare...


Do what feels right :) xo

That's a loaded answer haha! I don't feel any guilt for the banks thats for sure but moraly i'm torn haha 💯🐒

HAHA I know right! I just didn't want to tell you what I'd do because I don't need you blaming me for your 'bad karma' lololol :)

Cheers! So your saying its bad kama then! My thinking is it ripping of the banks so surly thats not bad Kama 💯🐒

No, not saying that. Just saying if I tell you to keep the money, then the next bad thing that happens to you you will think it's bad karma and perhaps blame me lololololol xoxo for giving the advice.

Haha I know! Way I see it it will stop the banks spending it on bombs, every little helps 💯🐒

Even Monopoly has a Community Chest card that says "Bank Error In Your Favor" - keep it! lol

Haha like it 💯🐒

What a pain in the —— banks have become. Plenty of money they make off things like credit cards. Just do the right thing . 🐓🐓

Umm maybe I should. But who to call the bank say I have no account with them, the energy company it is then 💯🐒

Everything I do, and I do mean everything that isn’t straight down the line, comes back to bite me in the ass within days. Maybe it doesn’t work that way for you! 🐓🐓

Yer best to be good hey! I will call the energy company at the weekend. Do the moral thing, if I act like the banks and rip people of then I have no place to criticise them 💯🐒

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