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RE: Two large green tomatoes got chewed up yesterday -- who knows about electric fences?

in #garden7 years ago

Open 'er up! :)

We got another large chewed tomato on the ground today, this time half-eaten! The new position of the camera didn't detect anything either -- but it's at the back of the garden, and the tomatoes are at the front. I'll move the camera towards the front.

It had been watching the squash, as I kept finding blossoms on the ground and thought a critter was eating the developing squash and leaving the blossom. I even spent $200 on an A24 rat trap (thankfully, they've said I can return it) but that wasn't the case for the squash -- I looked it up, and the male flowers fall off; it's only the female flowers that turn into squash. So, no wonder the camera never found anything back there...

Considering keeping the trap, as it might lure the woodchuck in as well. Don't like killing things I don't eat, but then, don't like them taking things I'm supposed to eat!

Oh, and neat hashtag, it converts it into a link to that topic -- but there aren't any liberty professional posts! Think we'll need to rectify that. :)


Dang, @libertyteeth that's a wise move placing a camera out there. What kind of support are your using for your tomatoes? With a typical tomato cage
I use a bird netting mesh to wrap the lower portion of the cage, once its set up. I have a similar problem with robins nesting in the tomato plants! And they peck holes in the tomatoes. I don't really know if raccoons eat the fruits, but we have them around here too. I use a combination of things because I haven't really found anything that works 100%. It also makes some of the pruning and picking obstructed - which wouldnt be all that bad if it worked better! I laid chicken wire across the ground when I had some ground-critter issues. That seemed to slow down the problem because animals don't like to step on chicken wire. But, neither do I! And when weeds grow through it - forget about it.

Are the tomatoes that are half eaten - green or ripe red? I find overly ripe tomatoes will fall off the vine sometimes if you look at them funny. I was picking yesterday and had a few fall off as I reached for them - simply from moving the vine a bit. If the tomatoes are overly ripe - collect seed from them. (if they are not a hybrid variety of tomato.)

The squash can be tricky, but the bees usually take care of the flowers. I know at least for a femal pumpkin flower to produce a fruit it takes 10 or more trips of a bee from a male to a female flower! You can also try hand poliinating the female flowers with the males that dropped.

The #libertyprofessionals tag has been having issues for some reason. We have a few posts on steemit regarding our plans, but @finnian explains it much more eloquently than I - Liberty Professionals: Friends Who Are Fighting To Further Liberty's Cause

As the "communities" feature becomes a reality for Steemit - we are preparing to gather. It is an open group, similar to a guild, that we hope will further provide networking for those who support liberty. We are still in the very early stages here on Steemit, but the concept is one that we have been tossing around for a few years. As I can free up some time towards the end of the growing season, I will be focusing more on this platform. Thanks to @finnian, we've got a channel - Liberty Professionals Steemit.Chat if you ever care to join us there.

As far as the garden goes, maybe setup a decoy - pile some tomato scraps near the camera to see what has the most interest in those tomatoes of yours. That trap might just have to be set. I agree, "Don't like killing things I don't eat", but I'm not a fan of being starved either 😉 I was a graphic artist starved into tomato farming, so the next thing to try starving me goes on the grill.

LOL loved your ending!

Yeah we're using cages right now, the kind you showed and also the square type which hooks to itself. Next year I think I'll use what I saw at my friend's landlord's this past weekend! Of course then netting becomes more difficult, but we've got time to figure something out. :)

Perhaps netting would keep both birds and walking critters out?

The chewed ones are green, both the one with a bite that I saw today, and also the three we've found on the ground.

We have some extra chicken wire, so I could put that around the tomato plants -- they're all at the beginning of the garden, first four or so plants in the right-most three rows, so I could surround them without using too much fencing. But now something is attacking our pepper plants! Removing leaves and flowers but I didn't see any missing peppers. So I need a solution to that as well, which just might be that A24 trap I haven't returned yet...

Yeah I've been seeing bees hard at work on the squash, and we have several now developing and took one zucchini last week for a salad!

I'm actually following @finian, I recognized the name -- but I haven't seen much from him. I don't like the feed, I've followed too many I guess... :) I'd like the ability to make categories for those I'm following, e.g. "close friends", "liberty-related", "gardening", "abstract art", etc, and then have each of those categories appear in the top menu, e.g. "home new hot trending promoted" would have the extra groups I create, to the right. That'd give me much better interacting capabilities, and interacting is why we're here, right? :)

I liked the hand pollinating article -- it didn't mention that after removing the male blossom to pollinate the female with it, you can bring it inside and fry it up! :)

Neat to see your artwork on finnian's post!

I just took some time to read some of the #steemgigs, and found a disabled graphic designer in the Phillipines who I most likely will have do an intro for my videos!

Just joined Steemit.Chat, and said hi on the channel (but nobody was there it seems :) ). Now I can't seem to get back into that room; I have three, that one, and "general" and "postpromotion". Any idea? I just see a blank page to the right, when I click either #libertyprofessionals, or the link in your comment above -- do I need to be approved, or something? Here's a screencap:

Steemit chat doesn't show #libertyprofessionals room, 2017-08-31 Thu.png

Thanks for your help and friendship.

Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment, @libertyteeth. I am dealing with a hot water heater issue here at home base, but I will absolutely give this a proper response as soon as possible. Thanks again, my friend! I've got to shop vac some water 😬

You're welcome! While you're running the shop vac, enjoy Jonathan Coulton singing about it! :)

That song is great, but accompanied by the graphic art video - It really kicks ass! I can appreciate the talent involved and the musical notation on the guitar solo was super creative! It was all around well done. I'm going to bookmark this 😆 I hope there's more like this @libertyteeth

Yeah I love almost every one of his songs; I think there are two that I skip, out of hundreds.

A good intro is his movie/concert, "Best. Concert. Ever.", which is also on YouTube:

And, I believe the same artist who did the Shop Vac animation also did Weird Al's "Word Crimes":

JoCo's "The Presidents" is another favorite, and I'll stop here! :)

Wow, he has a really awesome story! About to have a baby and quit his job to start a music career. LOVE IT. No guts, no glory buddy!! A song a week is intense - I have recorded music and just getting the band members to be sober at the same time, once a week, was hard enough..

I have been coming back to this post all THANKS! Really loving the new tunes, I needed something fresh for the playlist.

Nice, thanks! I did a fireworks video with two newer JoCo songs today. Those are from his 2011 album "Artificial Heart" which has been my garden-watering companion for the past few weeks. :)

I also did two other posts today which I think need your expertise -- one on white spots on my squash leaves; another on a woodchuck the camera caught. Thanks!


Haha...yep...just the female flowers on squash, melons, pumpkins etc.

As for rat traps.... I set two old fashioned wooden spring traps(rat size).... And after a couple days, caught two big rats.... But now they all avoid them. Have had a couple springs, but no catch. Rodents are pretry smart with good memories!!

That's funny, that was similar to my experience. A month or more ago, I had set the 8 $2 rat traps I bought out, with half a grape on each I think, and the next morning one trap was sprung but nothing was in it. No traps ever sprung after that!

I'm ambivalent about the $200 A24 rat trap. I want them to stop but I don't much like killin'...

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