Time to Play Video Games: The CrewsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #gaming7 years ago


More video game fun.

I love playing video games, which I have mentioned a lot this week. I have finally had more of a chance to jump back onto my XBOX ONE so I have been having fun playing them.

This time I actually want to talk about the game I got, to kind of change up the games I usually play to make it a bit more diverse, which is a racing game called THE CREW.

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I had read the reviews online for this game as I didn't want to take home something I wasn't going to like. I read reviews and ratings and decided I wanted more of an open world type of game as I do tend to like those if I end up playing the campaigns. So, I purchased it and took it home to test it out. To be quite honest, within the first few minutes I was already rolling my eyes. I was immediately put off by a very predictable type of story so I knew this campaign might be a little painful for me to play.

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This time around after my initial pictures I was able to utilize in-game screenshots and replay's which is immensely helpful as I cannot really capture much on a camera while I am also playing. I assure you all the in-game pictures and clips came from my own gameplay.


Nonetheless, I do have some good things to say about it, although this is not a game I am constantly wanting to play.

Open-World game

That pretty much says it all. This game is open world play. That means you can pretty much drive where ever you want in the game. Of course, you are limited by borders within the game but it is a pretty large map.


Customize your own car

I don't know about you but I love to do this. I get to make the car my own by choosing the hood, the spoiler, the skirts, the rims, the color, stickers, you name it. Most good car or racing games will have this feature, and it is pretty cool that you get to do it fairly early on in gameplay.


This is the early stage of my customization. I changed and added a lot of things, but the first thing I did was change the color to this fantastic shade of Red.

The world elements make it onto your screen

So, this one is interesting. If you have noticed, you drive the car like you are behind it, so you see the car completely in front of you. This is interesting because the creators of this game decided to use that view and depending upon what your car that you are controlling is driving in, dirt, rain, etc., those elements will hit your own screen (the gameplayers screen). Let me show you what I am talking about:

If you look closely, I am choosing to drive beside a railroad track. Why? I don't know, I just felt like exploring. So, here on the bottom of my screen, you will see splotches of dirt. Dirt that would be picked up by that car in front that I am drying and then of course thrown and whatever is behind it, which is my actual view.

On this picture, you will notice that there are what appear to be water drops on my screen. Of course, this is due to the fact that I am driving outdoors in the rain.

I thought this was a pretty interesting part of the gameplay as it made it more realistic, especially taking into account the view you have throughout gameplay.

Enjoy some open-world driving clips

Since the most fun, I have with this game is honestly driving around, and then of course doing missions here and there, I wanted to show you a couple of my in-game driving gameplay. It is just so you get an idea of how the game looks, how the driving seems to be, the graphics, and lighting, and the speed. I hope you enjoy it.

Would I recommend this game?

Honestly? No. I was quite disappointed in how the story was presented, the overall lighting of the game, and I just felt I did not have that much fun. I had more fun playing many other games that had a driving component and a better storyline than I did with this one. I will continue to give it some more time, but right off the bat, it would not be anything I would rave about to anyone.

I hope you had fun reading this post. I always have fun playing games and making them. Keep tuned for more game coverage.

Are there any games you want me to try out on the XBOX ONE?

What is your favorite car/racing game?

As usual, Stay Awesome Steemians!



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Come play with me. Video games that is. Part 2


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Hey, I didn't know you were into video games. I myself suck terribly at racing games... but I love a good survival game or MMO. ^_^

What other kinds of games do you play?

I just saw this, sorry about that. Yes, I am indeed into video games. I currently love to play The Division, Overwatch, and Halo 5. They are all so fun and a good bit different.

Really cool to se... I use to love those kind of games with cars. But was nothing like this. Sorry this game turn out to be a disappointment.
Good to hear your opinion about the games though as I'm buying that badass wii u or Nintendo switch its great to know a little. You know I'm a little 🙃😕 on this... Lol
Great reading. Cheers darling!

I think you will love which ever of those systems you get, although the switch since it's newer might be the better of the two right now. I will probably upgrade next year to it sometime, I still have some games to try on the Wii U. That's ok, sometimes games just disappoint you, wouldn't be the first time I didn't like one I tried.

Yes I think you are right, switch is the better choice 😎 can't wait... Lol
Yes we can't like all games and of course there will be disappointment.. Lol
But good to share your thoughts and opinions so others can get good tips.

Thanks for the review and sorry you didnt like it, this was one game I had seen somewhere and was thinking abut if I get amy games for over winter, but from your review I now know it is not a game I would like

hope your weekend is going well

Well I am glad that my review could help. It definitely looked and sounded interesting but just fell flat. I probably have a few good recommendations for you though depending upon what you like 😀

if I decide to get a game over winter i will sure bounce ideas off you :)

I love driving games!

I do too, usually. This time around not so much, at least for the story part and whatnot.

I bet you always sleep late.... Your love forever r games is really amazing. You are one of the few ladies that I know love playing games.

There are days I sleep late, although the days of sleeping late because of games are not often as much anymore, now it's sleeping late because of steemit :)

Am looking forward to playing this game. Nice one @topkop

What was the predictable eyeroll story line?

#teamgirlpowa :P

Ahh well I mean it would be spoiling a part of the game but it had to do with helping a brother out one time with something as this person is a great driver, it was a meet up with someone else and of course that went wrong (typical) and now it is time to work together and drive up the ranks to get to the culprit (eyeroll). I love stories that are surprise me at least a little, but when I can sit there and go "that person is going to get shot" or something else like that, I get bored. I have a little bit more patience if the whole thing would be exceptionally acted, but if the actors kind of fall flat and then the story line is so overly predictable, you lose me.

Ahh, games are too awesome, you don't need a drawback. However, this was extremely fun to do as well and super helpful :)

I am not a gamer at all. Have played a few games like tarzan and Harry Potter on playstation when I was like 11 to 12 but nothing big after that. I mentioned once before that my brother has an xbox and plays GTA and lots of other games on it; however, that has become occasional too so sometimes I play for a minute or two with him. That being said, I just thought to read a purely gaming based post just to see if it could intrigue me. Honestly, you know how to engage your readers. I usually give up on a post that doesn't align with my interests quite early, but with this one, I just kept reading word after word. You really write well. I found the 'elements on your screen' feature quite cool. I am sad the game turned out to be a disappointment but I am happy I enjoyed this post haha :)

Well, thank you so much for those words! I am glad I was able to captivate you with both my words and my pictures, that makes me quite happy. Yes, games are not for everyone, and often times it can be hard to find the time especially as a parent. I am quite happy you enjoyed this post, and about the game not being good, it happens so I don't worry too much about it :)

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