Review of the champion Ying, Paladins champions of the realm

in #gaming6 years ago


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Ever played a character and assume he/she was not strong enough or didn’t have the necessary ability to push your team forward, well that was me when I first started paladins champions of the realm. The game comes with a lot of champions each different from others and also separated into four categories.

  • Supports

  • Frontlines aka Tanks

  • Flanks and

  • Damage.

Alone they won’t be able to handle much, that’s when a team is made up of just the damage champion, they won’t go far rather they would have to depend on their individual skills to kill the opposite team as well as stay clear from fire not to get killed, well it would probably be hard if not impossible to win a match of siege with such team, unless the opposite team are made up of noobs players or made same selections.

Now the champion Ying, was actually among the first champion I got to try when I joined paladins. So, back then there were rollovers each week, meaning three different champions were unlocked to play as for free and whenever a rollover comes in, you had the option to play with other three different champions you were yet to unlock.

Then I was all about the damage champion, shooting shooting and shooting, cared a little or not about the medic/support champion as I consider them a little weak and players who played as them, did little or nothing to the match outcome until I played as Seris, she is a support champion and as the ability to vanish into thin air, move around until you decides to appear, that ability really came handy, as you could immediately leave a bad spot within seconds.

Thought she was the pinnacle of supports paladins had to offer, little did I know other champions were just as superb as her, although they didn’t have the ability Seris had, but they came with their own unique and special abilities and the right loadout would made you invisible to weapons attack and heal your allies from a safe distance, deliver little blows or defend yourself if chance presented itself.

One of that champion is Ying


The overview said she is young spell caster able to cast illusions which is able to misdirect enemies, heal allies’ wounds and smooth minds, the illusions also ease the sufferings of allies while in battle. Along the way she was captured by some bandits which she later escaped and when the war came in, the magistrate enforcing their laws and wanted to ban the use of magic by the commoners, she saw it fit to stand up and fight against them and that was how she came to be.



Just like every champion we been reviewing, she also has a wide range of skins to choose from, unlike most champions who were recently added, seems Ying have been around for quite a while, due to the many availability of skins available via the customize options, too bad most of them are limited editions, probably was given out during occasions and what have you and few can be unlocked with either gold or diamonds.

If you remember, we once discussed gold could be earn by completing a match, daily login or purchasing some via credit cards ~~just one of the many ways game developers generates money~, same applies to diamond, they can be gotten via daily reward when you login on the 6th and 7th day in a row, purchasing with a credit card and it can also be claimed via ongoing quests.



The right loadout when selected will likely change the outcome of a battle but first you need to understand what each card stands for and if it will help you while playing. I believe that everybody as their own way of using a character, although they all have same abilities but each person as the way they play when certain criteria is meant, some might depend on camp, wait and kill and others just go totally on offence invading every fire that came their way.

The card comes with different options, some increase the duration you could use an ability, other increase your character speed or ammo count and your arrangement of card will determine how far you will be able to play before getting killed.

Although the option to import top players card is also available to make decision making more easily but randomly choosing another user card loadout won’t be the best advice I would probably give to any player starting out paladins for the first time.

The below is my loadout, although I tend to tweak it here and there whenever I see something to change or try out.



Most character usually have most of their abilities locked and could only be unlocked upon reaching a desired level with them say, level 10 or so, good news for us, Ying has all abilities unlocked right from level 1.

  • Illusionary mirror, she is able to fire a continuous amount of beam light up to 8 times each dealing a damage of 90 per 0.2secs.

  • Illusion, she is able to cast a total of 2 illusions every 5 secs, although the default time is above 5 secs but after tweak the settings available on loadouts you can decrease the coll down time reasonably to 5 secs and with the application of in game purchase you can further decrease the cool down time, the illusions heal nearby allies.

  • Shatter, with the illusions activated you can send them to attack the opposite team simultaneously while you attack them or they could provide a distraction for you to escape.

  • Dimensional link, unlike Seris that came with the ability to vanish into thin air, Ying as a similar ability, although she does not vanish but rather teleport to another location where a previous illusion was activated in, confusing the opposite team to attack a dummy in place of her, the dimension links is activated for a short period of time, meaning you could teleport to different locations within that time frame.


Talents comes with four different selection you could choose from that gives you a better chance of winning the match, each champion as their own unique and different talent type.

  • Lifelike, When selected, illusion created are able to heal two allies simultaneously unlike the default 1 user per heal, although the healing ability is reduced by 20%, which I consider acceptable, with two illusions in place you could easily do without the 20%.

  • Resonance, when you create and illusion in the battlefield and if for any reason it is destroyed or it expires, it triggers an explosion that deals a total of 500 damage to any opposite team with range.

  • Life exchange, if you going as a one man team, this would come handy, when shatter is activated, the illusion deal damage to the opposite team and same team heals you for a total of 800 health points.

  • Focusing lens, who says medic can’t also do damage? When this ability is activated, it increases your beam power from 90 to an addition of 150 per shots adding 150 to 90, yea do the math that’s a whole lot of fire power.

Personally I always go for lifelike, prefer to heal my allies more cause it’s a team match and left alone I won’t be able to deal much damage to the opposite team.

Well good luck playing with the champion ying and if you ever interested playing a team match, you can add me up with otemzi

All images used was collected from the game Paladins champions of the realm

Some other games I reviewed so far

Realm Royale review

Rules of survival

Hopeless land

Paladins strike

French Resistance Enemy front

Titanfall 2

Dota 2

Far cry primal



She's the most pretty and useless champ at same time xD.

Just kidding. I have some months out of the game but is funny play with ying.

PD: Here's a top barik player who see his champ get nerfed :(

Lol enjoying playing with barik as well, plant turrent in an hidden place, then shoot with my shotgun dealing more damage same time and my loadout is also customized nicely, set it to heal from turrent when close to it and heal when destroyed

Jeje, Barik is a great and funny champion, but he was nerfed so much :(. I was the top 3 barik and get master with him (i think i'm not a really good player but i was a really good barik), but when i select the champion in ranked everyone start flaming :(

Lol rank match you either go nando, inara, makoa or torv and term on cases when the opposite team pick nando.

Barik only used when you have a good support and another tank to assist you

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Thanks for the vote, much appreciated

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