Fall of Light Review - A game that combines Dark Souls with ICO

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)

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Sometimes combining different ideas is the ideal way to create a new and fresh concept. RuneHeads tried this with Fall of Light, a game that combines Dark Souls with ICO. Unfortunately, a strong concept is not enough to make a strong game.

Dark Souls......

Every game journalist says the same: Fall of Light is Dark Souls meets ICO. Indeed, so many games today are compared to Dark Souls, often because of the difficulty, but in this case this stamp is definitely understood.

You play as Nyx, an old warrior, who wants to bring his daughter Aether to the only place where light shines. The world is dark, full of shadows and monsters. The perspective is topdown isometric and appears initially on an action RPG. Soon you'll find out that the game is exactly the same as the series I compare it with: the rolling of enemies, a staminabar that works the same way enemies get back when you die and there are checkpoints where you can heal yourself but all enemies come back.


...This ICO

Fall of Light, however, throws something else into battle; Aether. You are literally picking up your daughter through the dark corridors and by all the creatures that are on your way. She gives bright light, which makes them a kind of lamp. They also reinforce your attacks when they are near you, which gives you a reason to keep her close to you. Alternatively, they can activate checkpoints for you: you can not use checkpoints without her. Aether also takes a downside: when you die, she is also killed. You must first get her back from where she died before she can get her back after you. This is similar to the souls in Dark Souls, but you can not level up here. In the ICO game, you had a similar system in which you take a blind girl.


Delightful, but lacking finesse

If your Fall of Light can name something, it's atmospheric; The world is dark, but very interesting. Although the story is not clear, you still want to know what's going to happen. The sounds are sometimes fantastic; The sound you hear when you activate a checkpoint is so nice to listen to. Fall of Light is doing its utmost to bring out its own personality and here the game succeeds. You do not feel like you're playing a cheap copy, but a game where developers have stopped their creativity.

Unfortunately, Fall of Light lacks the necessary finesse. For example, the game is fine from a distance, but in close-ups I was scared of low quality. The game looks like a Playstation 2 game, with ugly textures with a low resolution. In addition, the game is an important miss: the feeling that you are part of the world. What do I mean by that? Your character does not have the correct "weight"; if you roll, that does not feel right; you're floating around the world. This also has a direct effect on fighting; You never feel like you really hit the enemy. As a result, fighting is simply not interesting and does not make any satisfaction, something like Dark Soulsdid give. Also, hit detection is not too good; You never know when you hit an enemy or not. As a result, you never want to fight enemies, which is a big part of the game. Also, bosses are not very interesting; The first boss can easily beat you by chopping. The most difficult thing about the game is to master the hit detection, something that should be intuitive.

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Fall of Light is a fun game for a small price. The game is breathtaking and interesting to play, but just lacking the finesse to make itself very special. Nice try, but this is a "just-not" case.

Thanks for reading.

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