AER: Memories of Old Review - Fly wherever you want

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)


AER: Memories of Old has recently appeared in the PlayStation Store without any bombing, but the game is quite interesting because it reminds of titles like Journey. Everyone obviously knows the state of play of that game and so i am keen with enthusiasm in this title. The game revolves around once and for all the defeat of the evil that Auk's world has threatened for years. As pilgrims you are advised to make a long trip and get rid of the world from this danger.

Floating islands

Years ago, a major event took place, so that the once beautiful world in Auk's universe is divided into floating islands. No longer can you walk from one area to another because the islands float everywhere and nowhere in the sky. So here and there, people have an air boat to reach another island, but practically different. However, that is not the greatest concern, because the threat that the world has been in control for years seems to be becoming more dangerous.

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In addition, the chosen one is to make a pilgrimage along three temples and gain an artifact that gives her access to the dungeon where The Void is locked. The Void is the big threat that is about to escape and to this young lady's task to prevent that, otherwise the consequences can not be overlooked. That means that Auk has to do various locations in her world, initially to gain keys, so as to open certain dungeons where gods are locked up, who have a lot of artifact at their disposal.

Fly wherever you want

Winning these keys is quite easy, however, winning an artifact requires more effort. Not that the game will ever be difficult, but in the dungeons where you can find an artifact, you hit different platform puzzles, which are the highlight of the gameplay. They are never complicated or frustrating, but take some time to spend an hour or five in the adventure. In addition, the platforms are fine and you are soon wondering what the next one will offer after completing a dungeon.


The gameplay itself is not unique, but a nice twist is that Auk can change at any time in a bird. This is quite practical because you can travel from one island to another in a fast way. During the game, you are mostly flying in search of your goal, as much more than just one direction, the game does not give you a game. Very bad is not, because the game also leans a bit on exploration and you have found the location you need to be relatively quickly found. Just take good care of what people say and you are coming to an end.

Besides flying around, visiting islands to read old stories about the events, you really walk around the dungeons, and that gameplay changes continuously. With this the adventure is varied and fun enough to play all the way and what contributes to this is the fine music and beautiful visual style. All of this makes sure that AER: Memories of Old is a good indie, okay. But as memorable as, for example, Journey, it will never be.

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Just fish

AER: Memories of Old tells a story about evil that has to be stopped and gradually meet your special beings that give you more explanation. Also, the inhabitants of the world tell you something and then you can see with magic light spirits of old, occasionally provided with a floating text that reflects their thoughts. In addition, you can find pieces of text on walls and more in the world, and that has to shape the story. An excellent way to tell a story, but unfortunately it does not really matter. It is too fragmentary and there is no chronological order because the world is immediately free to explore. The result is that you will only guess what the red line is.

Also the climax, the confrontation with The Void, is something that could have been done much more, because it does not really matter. That's a pity, because these are just some points that could have been added to the gameplay to make it sublime. The gameplay itself is really fun, but it feels so empty here and there. Also, the world is so big that the number of commands - three keys and three artifacts - is limited to the game space that the game offers you. Exploring is an important element, but it hardly gives you anything and that's a sin.



AER: Memories of Old is a nice adventure where platform gameplay is exchanged in a fun way of exploring by flying. That is necessary to accomplish the goals, but unfortunately the game does not matter. With an hour or five you are ready for the game and although it will never bore it, it will still be a little empty experience. Certainly in perspective with the great world in which so much more could be done. Also the charging times when you enter a dungeon are long and the story is not always as good as the paint. Unfortunately, because gameplay is a very nice experience. In short, a good game, but much more had been done.

➕ Audiovisual style
➕ Free flying is very nice
➕ Nice platform puzzles
➕ Great world to explore...

➖ which there is little to do
➖ What long loading times when entering dungeons
➖ Story somewhat unclear
➖ End of game is anti-climax

Thanks for reading.

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