Sine Mora EX Review - Ready for what bullet hell violence?

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)


Do you ever want a side-scrolling shoot 'em up? Then read this Sine Mora EX review to find out if this title is yours. The game is also playable with two people.

Perhaps you've heard of Sine Mora before. That's okay, because the game has already appeared in 2012 for multiple platforms. For twenty euros, you'll get back home for your PC, PlayStation 4 and for Xbox One. There is even a physical version available for the last three mentioned platforms! So the cover collectors are also attracting this game for the first time.

Shoot everything that comes down to you!

In Sine Mora you run a plane and can sow you through seven stages of violence and destruction with various bullets and power ups. Either: Are you ready for some bullet hell violence ?! Because there is it to do. Although there is a story, this is not the type of games for which you are following a story. It is mainly about all the flying bullets, how you can escape in that sea of ​​bullets, and at the same time can shake off everything from the sky. This kind of gameplay can be very addictive, provided it is well-developed.

That gameplay in Sine Mora is definitely well worked out. Driving your plane is very smooth . And the game has a surprising factor, namely the use of time. Once you start in a level (there are seven, with final bosses at the end), there is a big picture of a clock that begins to count down. It's up to you to play a level in this time.


Fight against time

Of course you do not have enough, take it bite, 45 seconds and there's the draft around the bend. You can get extra time by touching enemies. Think of other planes that come from you, but also shooting objects that are quiet in their place. The variation in the game is very big for enemies! Now, this sounds easier on paper than this really is.

For now, art is not to be touched. Every time you get hit, time goes by. And Sine Mora would not give a bullet hell show if the bullets would not fly you around the ears. Immediately in the first stage, the true pilot must be called in you within seconds, or you will make a break!

You must be able to maneuver over the screen, front to back and bottom up, with your left-hand poker. In the meanwhile, you have to cut down anything that's on you, than it has reached you.

Stress or no stress?

And that is very intensive! Not every gamer likes this kind of games because it causes a lot of chaos on the screen. With the clock, many gamers will experience stress as well. So Sine Mora is meant for the true shoot 'em up fans. Because in most shoot 'em ups you do not fight enemies and the clock!

Fortunately, there is a way to slow down the time a bit. This is especially useful with an end boss. Because if you see more bullets than usual on your TV screen, and in a variety of colors, it may be great that you do not even see where you fly, let alone how to avoid bullets.

Then it's nice that you can breathe with a little delay for a few seconds to avoid the violence and especially to solve bullets! And, of course, do not forget the power ups. A shoot 'em up without power ups would not be a nice shoot' em up. And Sine Mora has everything in store to change the gameplay, such as extra bullets on your plane so you can bring more damage at once.


More save points did not fail

I am therefore pretty excited about game. Although there is a disadvantage. There could be some more save points. Because Sine Mora is sometimes spicy! Now it is the case that an internship consists of several parts and an end boss. When you die, you start off with a save point (not always), but if you play normally you can only die nine times in total.

That means that if you come to the final boss and meanwhile have lost all the lives in the internship, you want to take it very well. As soon as you spray this, you can start a whole stage again! And that makes Sine Mora's fun of fun a little less fun, though of course it's just about all shoot 'em ups like that. It's the trial and error formula and eventually you overcome such a game. Just keep it in mind!

Keep practicing

Therefore, you may be well-suited to exercise. In addition to a story and arcade mode, there are options for exercising. You can even practice the final bosses separately. Definitely a good idea if you are "stuck" in a level. Then you do this for as long as you have the nips in your fingers, then play an internship.

Another tip is to play the game together with someone on the couch. There is co-op support. Very cool, this is not online. And that's a miss! Precisely these types of games are ideal pastime on an evening to play online with a friend.



All in all, Sine Mora is a wonderful game. However, you must be stress-resistant to be able to enjoy it. Shoot 'em ups are always quite intense and because you now not only have to fight enemies but also the clock, you need to come home to play this game "quietly". But once you reach a level with end boss, you're feeling crazy. And that's what it's all about!


➕ Original system
➕ Exercise for bosses
➕ Offline co-op
➖ What more save points did not fail
➖ Why not online co-op?

Thanks for reading.

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