Sonic Forces Review - A trip down memory lane

in #gaming7 years ago


Dr. Eggman is once again in a malicious plan to conquer the world, but as always it does not work... or maybe this time? We're going to discover it in Sonic Forces! Sonic Forces is the second part, after Sonic Mania , to celebrate the birthday of Sonic the Hedgehog. The razor-sharp blue hedgehog is 30 years old this year, and of course SEGA must be celebrated. Whether this birthday is one that stays with you or if you want to forget about it quickly, please read below.

If it's not broken...

Sonic Forces includes two playable Sonics, namely Retro Sonic from the classic SEGA Megadrive era and Modern Sonic, derived from the newer 3D Sonic era. The levels with the old-fashioned Sonic play in 2D, with the camera from the side, with a classic control. The levels of modern Sonic are played back in 3D, with the camera behind you, but sometimes the camera may change at a time to a 2D perspective.


There is not much negative about the classic Sonic levels. The setup is still the same as you know of the very first Sonic game of 30 years back. You run from point A to point B and try to reach the finish with as many rings as possible. The control is also very nice now and the pace is as high as ever. It is clear that SEGA still controls this as an artist, because it is supervised and is very entertaining.

Automatic pilot

Wherever the traditional 2D levels play very well, the 3D levels unfortunately did not succeed very much. On the one hand, this is because the combination of switching between two perspectives does not come to fruition. The change is felt to be too forced, and is a bit overlooked as to make the modern levels more interesting. As if SEGA knows that their power is in 2D gameplay.

On the other hand, the control of modern Sonic is quite woody, because flying out of the bend or miss a jump is all too common. At times, on the other hand, it seems like Sonic is on the automatic pilot. This means that Sonic will clean itself and take turns, which reduces the steering to the right button at the right time. Also, the design of the 3D levels is not optimal because they lack a certain charm and atmosphere, which is clearly present in the Avatar and 2D levels.

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A trip down memory lane

During the game you run through many levels based on different zones from the rich history of the Sonic franchise. These newer levels often contain a twist or a new element, making them feel fresh again. Also known characters like Tails, Knuckles and Amy are again from the party. Also, fewer known Sonic characters, such as Espio, Vector, Silver and various bad guys, are present. With all characters, goodies or baddies, and references that make it happen, SEGA nevertheless notices that they have not forgotten Sonic's roots.

In addition to the story you can play, you also play extra and bonus levels. You also regularly meet so-called SOS missions. This will return you to a previous level to save another player. It's a fun way to replay older levels, which benefits the replay value. What is also a positive point is that all levels know a good length. Sonic Forces quickly picks you up to play a few levels, even without having the feeling that it lasts forever.

Soni-... Avatar Forces?

Sonic Forces not only has the two Sonics as playable characters, because you can also start with a third character. Who is this third character, you decide entirely. This is a character that carries the name "Avatar", which you can create. This way you have the choice of a cat, dog, bird, bear, rabbit, wolf and of course a hedgehog. Each animal species has other skills. For example, the bird can double jump, the cat retains one ring after being hit and rings when your hedgehog is automatically hit back afterwards.

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These skills make it possible for you to walk through the game several times with different species as the basis for your avatar. You can also customize your own avatar using different accessories. These earn you by playing levels and completing challenges in the game. There are more than 500+ accessories for your avatar in the game, so there's plenty to play free. In addition, you can equip your avatar with a weapon, a so-called Wispon. The Wispons are also very varied; You can choose from a flame-trigger, electric whip, drill and more.

In addition to using a Wispon offensive, you can also do this - provided you collect the correct color 'wisps' for your Wispon - take a special action. This allows you to jump extra high with the flame razor and climb the ground into dives or walls with the drill. This will ultimately lead to more variation in the gameplay and that will be beneficial to the game. In total there are 7 Wispons available and you can release stronger variants by completing challenges, just like the accessories.

You also have the option of renting another avatar - a so called Rental Avatar - through the online network before you start an Avatar level. This means that you can temporarily use someone else's avatar next to your own avatar. Although it's a nice idea, the Rental feature can also bring the game a little in balance, because you can alternate between two powerful avatars, each with its own Wispon with associated attacks and special actions.


Together we are strong

The Avatar itself has its own levels that you should not only run through, but also as a true Spider Man through your Wispon wings from level to level. Precisely because Avatar misses the speed of Sonic and leans on technology, you're forced to calm down. However, that does not matter in the gameplay, because the difference between running and platforms in these Avatar levels is well balanced, which also makes it very entertaining.

But this is not all, because Sonic Forces brings together some of the playable characters by presenting levels that together with Avatar and Sonic must go through as a team. Where Sonic is the duo who drives the speed, the Avatar can in many cases turn off the many enemies faster or easier through its Wispon. During the level, unfortunately, you automatically change fixed points between the two characters. Nevertheless, the levels you need as a team must contain a good distribution between races and platforms. Unfortunately, the classic Sonic is out of the boat because the retro hedgehog has to go through its levels without help.

Sonic Generations 1.5?

Sonic Forces aims to build further on the basis of Sonic Generations by re-casting the nostalgic feelings of the gamer. Unfortunately, this has not been achieved, due to the fact that Sonic Forces leaves the principle of 'life' behind. When you die, you automatically start again at one of the many checkpoints without serious consequences. Now, for the current market, it may be wise, but the fan of the first hour could undoubtedly appreciate it, as an option.


Apart from the control of modern Sonic, the game is not graphically impressive during the cut scenes. Now this is not a disaster, but the graphics of the cut-scenes are in stark contrast to what the levels look like. There are too many on the screen too often, so you often react too late in 3D levels. Part of this problem is due to the fact that the control does not work optimally. This makes some sense that the game feels unpolished, and that's a pity for something to be a jubilee celebration.


Sonic Forces tries to bring the magic of the past to the present, but unfortunately this did not work as well. Where the classic Sonic levels resemble those of the past, SEGA has not learned of its mistakes when it comes to 3D levels. Modern levels are clearly the weakest point of Sonic Forces because control does not work and can be too chaotic, causing you to lose the wire. The addition of an avatar as playable character, with all its accessories and the Rental feature, feels like a fresh wind, and this also adds a good working and fun platform element to the whole. It could have been a nice party, but it does not matter if the game is as good as anything else.


➕ Classical Sonic plays delicious
➕ Avatar system works
➕ Nice platforms with your Avatar
➕ Levels have the perfect length


➖ Woody Controls of Modern Sonic
➖ Automatic pilot in levels
➖ Variable perspective does not work
➖ Modern Sonic levels lack charm
➖ Graphics of cut-scenes
➖ No more lives

Thanks for your precious time.

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