Metal Gear Survive Preview - Fight for your place

in #gaming6 years ago (edited)


From February 22, you can scour the harsh world of Dine in Metal Gear Survive. This time it is not about espionage and political intrigues as we know from The Phantom Pain, but about zombies and finding food, drink and oxygen. Simply survive! Whether it is actually that simple you can read in our Metal Gear Survive preview!

The survival genre has thrived in recent years with titles like Ark: Survival Evolved, DayZ, Rust and The Long Dark. The concept behind it is very popular and why not; the urge to survive is in our DNA! Hideo Kojima, spiritual father of Metal Gear Solid, hinted at not being so enthusiastic about the idea before leaving Konami, but we think differently about that.

Previously, Konami had already successfully gone beyond the beaten track of the franchise. Survive can also be regarded as a spin-off within the Metal Gear universe, although there are many elements from Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. The story also takes place between The Phantom Pain and his prologue Ground Zeroes, but is not part of the official 'canon'.


On an unknown planet

You do not have to be Einstein to understand what it is about; you are stranding with your self-created character through a wormhole on an unknown planet. You do not have Mother Base, no army mercenaries, nothing. You are completely dependent on yourself. At first, at least, because soon you will find some fellow sufferers with whom you decide to work together and look for a missing team of researchers and engineers called the Charon Corps.

Waiting is not included, because you have to show that you can flourish under the most miserable situation. It is that or dying and to make it easier for yourself (and supporters), it is the intention that you set up a base camp. You will eventually be able to extend this to an imposing fortress of comparable stature to Mother Base. But in order not to anticipate things: it will not be a 'walk in the park'.

Progression books are central and slow. You start at the bottom of the food chain with little more than your armor and probably a little too much courage. By means of a comprehensive introduction you will be explained the basic principles. If you have played MGS 5 you will soon have the idea how everything works, but newcomers will need some more time.


No Metal Gear Solid

Despite the fact that the period is between Ground Zeroes and MSG 5, Metal Gear Survive is separate from Metal Gear Solid. That last word is missing in the title of this game, just like it did in Metal Gear Rising. The whole setup is also different and that feels refreshing at first sight.

As a man of flesh and blood you need food and drink. You will therefore have to go hunting and have suitable weapons for it. You can still kill a panicky sheep with a spear, but with wolves you have to be more on your guard. It is therefore important to upgrade your equipment and replace that spear with a machete, bow and arrow or a shotgun!

The better weapons and upgrades can be found in special containers that you will encounter through the map. They can be opened by lockpicking or by ramming on it until it breaks down. But with that you attract zombies, so check the surrounding area beforehand. Once you have collected upgrades, you will have to collect the necessary resources before you can craf your ultimate weapon.


A new basis

Actually this applies to everything. You are constantly busy maintaining yourself and exploring the environment to collect resources before you can build or upgrade anything. This must also be done for your base, which in the beginning consists of not much more than a few workbenches, fireplaces and some fences. Building is costing a lot of raw materials, so you will constantly be busy weighing up what you want to make.

Yet you will not get far without a good base. Konami used the concept of Mother Base from The Phantom Pain and adapted it to the new setting. The more you invest in it, the easier you will have it later. Eventually you will also attract personnel who take on certain tasks, so you can focus on other things than in the beginning of the game.

For this Metal Gear Survive preview we only got to see who you accompany as a doctor. Before you get her on board your team, you will have to save her first. The helicopter she sat in has crashed into an area called The Dust and you can go find her.

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The big unknown

In addition to food and drink, you also need to collect oxygen and you will desperately need it. Do not boil your food and drink before you consume it, then fill it less and you can even get sick so you need medication. If you do not have oxygen, you can not even return The Dust without living. Necessary for your survival chances.

The Dust is an area covered in a kind of fog or sandstorm, which requires an oxygen mask. You will have to map the big map yourself by coming everywhere, but in The Dust that does not happen and you will not see any point. Where you can normally mark locations, this is not the case here. You depend on your orientation and the compass around your character.

It is in The Dust that the game becomes a lot more exciting, because you do not want to walk around any longer than necessary. Your oxygen meter slowly decreases what the pressure on you increases. If you want more oxygen, you will have to kill zombies and collect certain energy they leave behind, so-called 'Kuban' energy. With this you fill up your tank, but every time you do this it is less effective.


Co-op multiplayer

In addition to the single player, we have also been able to try out the multiplayer mode for a short time. Metal Gear Survive can be played in co-op with up to four men. Basically you do the same as you do in the single player, but now you have to stop waves from zombies that attack your base. In between, you have about two minutes to explore the area and collect raw materials.

If you want to survive as a team for as long as possible, you will have to coordinate a good division of tasks with each other. It helps, of course, if you do not all stand in the same place, but keep an eye on the different side of the base. For example, you can all place different types of fences or vary in the weapons you carry with you.

It is not known how many waves can be played in the co-op mode, but the longer you survive, the better the reward. You also take your progress from single player to multiplayer and vice versa. This makes it possible that your equipment is completely different from that of other players. You can compare and adjust these in the hub beforehand.


Preliminary conclusion

Starting from scratch we have already seen in Metal Gear Solid 5, but not in this way yet. The concept of survival lends itself very well to the series thanks to the extensive gameplay, as if it was made for it. Before you have created a somewhat comfortable situation for yourself, you will have to hunt, flee, explore and especially pay attention to your hunger and thirst.

With all its new additions, Metal Gear Survive seems to be an adaptation to the well-known formula a great survival game. Whether you're trying to survive alone or in co-op, it works well and everything has been thought about. The most exciting moments seem to take place in The Dust, where you can barely see anything and also have to manage your oxygen use. Then try to find the way back...

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it!

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