Gang Beasts Review - Boneloaf's brawler is ready to give a blow

in #gaming7 years ago (edited)


We have been playing Gang Beasts for a couple of years now; a look at it if it was playable in Early Access on Steam. Now the game is finished and available on the PC and PlayStation 4. We now finally give a final verdict on the 'brawler' on the basis of the game on the console of Sony.

If you have never heard of Gang Beasts: it is a multiplayer fighting game with clay figures that beat each other and throw each other out of buildings while they try not to die themselves. It is the perfect party game in many ways and can deliver hilarious moments where friends become enemies thanks to some quirky levels designed for the chaotic action. With four friends and a few beers, this guarantees the necessary laughter.

However, that is only one side of the story of Gang Beasts. It offers crazy fun, but not much more. With every player who deducts you from the sum, the chaos decreases and so does the entertainment that it offers. Our last game session consisted of two players, on several 'maps' and with different 'outfits', but even though we often had to laugh loudly while we chatted each other while fighting, we simply did not know how to enchant the same way as with a full bake with players.


The fewer fighters, the clearer the shortcomings of the game become. The biggest problem is the fighting itself, which is very loose and unpredictable. It does not matter how many times you hit the beat, you are not going to deliver the hits you hope for. That is, however, also somewhat the intention. Gang Beasts is very accessible, but that is largely because skill is of underlying importance and once you learn the simplistic control, there is not much to discover; whisk around with your arms and hope to hit something, grab opponents and the loser is cast ruthlessly from buildings and ledges.

Often you grab enemies and try to wrestle them from the edge or something, hoping they do not manage to grab something and that someone else does not interfere and puts you in a predominant position. Many of the levels are built to facilitate this kind of action and that works well enough, even though the 'sticky' controls ensure that a successful throw depends more on luck than skill.

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There are a few modes for the necessary variation. In Football players have to take a ball and steer it towards the goal; Waves is a co-op PvE mode filled with computer-controlled 'minions' that have to be switched off; and Gang let two teams play against each other for joint glory. However, the main attraction remains Melee, where players fight around on a selection of simple maps. None of the modes are complicated, but they do not have to be.

Although the camera angles can sometimes be frustrating, the loading times between rounds are pretty decent and there are enough levels to keep it fresh. Whether you are fighting on the roof of a moving truck or struggling on top of a meat grinder, there is a constant 'flow' in the action thanks to the varied environments. Some are more difficult to master and there are dangers in the environment to take into account, but in its entirety it offers a solid range of levels - many of which also have complete destructible elements.


Much of the charm of the game is due to the visual style, which is simple but effective in dehumanizing the enormously violent action. The clay models are hilarious, thanks to the uncontrolled unpredictable movements. In the meantime, more and more cosmetic items have been added, but perhaps more adaptation options could have provided even more variety. Just like the number of levels, there are a good number of outfits and styles available, but something more was certainly not out of place.


You can play online if you like, but the real charm of Gang Beasts stems from seeing your upset / humiliated / eager enemies in real life. As a party game it is a great choice if you have enough friends on the floor and you are looking for something entertaining and accessible. The problem is that, apart from that scenario, Boneloaf's brawler does not have much to offer. We would not recommend to play alone (nor for someone who wants to collect Trophy's, since there is no Platinum). If you have willing friends Gang Beasts can be a party.

✔ Nice party game that provides the necessary chatter.

✖ Limited range of modes; steering too loose; not so nice with fewer players.

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it!

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