Daz Studio - Different types of Export data Michael 5/Genesis, Michael 6/Genesis 2, Michael 7/Genesis 3, and Michael 8

in #gamedev7 years ago

In this tutorial I am exporting from Michael 5 (built off of Genesis), Michael 6 (built off of Genesis 2 Male), Michael 7 (built off of Genesis 3 Male), and Michael 8 (built off of Genesis 8 Male). It is my thought behind this tutorial to show the differences in what is exported between the generations, as well as where some additional texture information is available for these.

Michael 5 (Genesis)

I will add simple hair and simple clothing to each figure.

When exporting it is important to remember to select everything.

From this we can see that the base figure is 18,872 polygons. Though we can also see how crazy and inefficient the hair is. The hair here is 127,614 polygons which is insane if we wanted to use this in a game. These are both things we will want to optimize if we are going to use them in games.

I dragged the FBX file onto a Michael5 folder I setup in Unity.

The materials it created for this were 13. If we were to leave it like it is this would take 13 draw calls to render this character. That is for one character. When making a game you want to get the number of draw calls as low as possible. We will not be doing all the tricks to do that in this most. I only mention it here as it is going to be the focus of one or more future posts.

It doesn't always handle the materials ideally for Unity as the following image shows, especially around the eyes. Hair and eyelashes can also be an issue too with default shaders as they are not double sided. So you can see that back hair looks off here.

Yet if you were to look at the back of this figure the back of the hair looks good here. This is because the shader is not double sided so if you are going to use this hair you will want to use a double sided shader with it.

If you look at some of the shaders related to the eyes you'll notice that no textures were actually applied to the shader.

The Tear is the simulated moisture at the bottom of the eye. It doesn't actually need a texture since it is just a transparent color.

I changed it from a very light gray to a red here so you can see it better.

Cornea in this case is the section where the iris should go. I have changed it from white to red in the following image.

The eyes can be tricky and don't import correct into Unity. I will make a tutorial focusing just on the eyes. I am not going to show anymore about the eyes in this tutorial as that was beyond the scope of what this tutorial is about which is primarily to compare the different generations of models in terms of poly count and Unity.

At this point I am going to use a tool known as SimpleLOD on the Genesis.Shape which is the body. I went ahead and disabled the clothes and hair.

I select just the Genesis.Shape.

LOD 0 - 37,744 Triangles, 18,872 Polygons

LOD 1 - 18,664 Triangles, 9,332 Polygons

LOD 2 - 10,542 Triangles, 5,271 Polygons

LOD 3 - 6,097 Triangles, 3,049 Polygons

We will use SimpleLOD more in later tutorials to merge a lot of meshes and reduce the complexity and number of materials required to optimize the figures more for game play.

As to the eyes, I will do a tutorial just on them, but as for my own games we'll likely delete the eyes and use our own version of them.

Michael 6 (Genesis 2 Male)

I have setup Michael 6 with the same quantity of clothing and hair as I did with Michael 5.

We can see from that export that Michael 6 is 21,098 polygons where as Michael 5 was 18,872 polygons. I fully expect to see the polygon count to increase with each generation as they offer more and more detail.

Let's drag it into a Michael 6 folder in Unity.

I turned the clothes and hair off again.

the I selected the Genesis2Male.shape to use with SimpleLOD.

LOD 0 - 42,162 Triangles, 21,081 Polygons

LOD 1 - 19,367 Triangles, 9,684 Polygons

LOD 2 - 10,853 Triangles, 5,427 Polygons

LOD 3 - 6,288 Triangles, 3,144 Polygons (definitely some artifacting here fortunately this would not be noticed far away)

Michael 7 (Genesis 3 Male)

We move on to Michael 7 with a hair style, and three pieces of clothing.

This one actually is more efficient on polygons than past models. This one is 16,828 polygons which is less than both Michael 5 and 6.

LOD 0 - 33,656 Triangles, 16,828 Polygons

LOD 1 - 17,596 Triangles, 8, 798 Polygons

LOD 2 - 9,890 Triangles, 4,945 Polygons

LOD 3 - 5,732 Triangles, 2,866 Polygons

Michael 8 (Genesis 8 Male)

This time we do the new Michael 8 figure with hair and three pieces of clothing as we did with the others.

This appears to continue the trend we saw with Genesis 3 of actually reducing the number of polygons and triangles required by the figure. This one only has 16,196 polygons which makes it the least amount of polygons so far.

LOD 0 - 32,292 Triangles, 16,146 Polygons

LOD 1 - 19,497 Triangles, 9,749 Polygons

LOD 2 - 11,503 Triangles, 5,752 Polygons

LOD 3 - 6,961 Triangles, 3,481 Polygons

Past Daz 3D/Daz Studio Tutorials


Hi, @dwinblood, Thank you for sharing things about Daz Studio. I am a 3D artist too but never communicate about that on the platform. Also, I never used Daz Studio it is may be time for me to take a look at it, especially there is a free version of it. After using some of the biggest programs for years I have to take a deep look into Blender and really I love this program even more than other. Thank you for posting 3D tutorials and reviews.

We sometimes will bring our DAZ creations into Blender for some additional tweaking an optimization. DAZ is essentially kind of like Make Human.

There is quite a lot of basic stuff for DAZ that is free, but most of it you have to pay for, though my introduction post linked in this article I explain how to maximize what you get for your money. It is overwhelmingly worth the cost to purchase as far as I am concerned. Though it also can be pretty addictive.

Jesus Christ,this is very interesting article, thumbs up to the publisher.. Steem on

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