Daz 3D - Figures - Different figure appearances - nude also will show anatomical add-ons NSFW

in #daz3d7 years ago

I have done a few Daz 3D reviews and tutorials in the past and I indicated that large portions of the tutorials could potentially reveal nudity in the figures and thus require the #nsfw tag. This is the first of these. I own a lot of DAZ figures in various generations and I wanted to go ahead and render different generations and show you the different appearances. I will not tweak any morphs in this one but will leave them at default appearance. I may show off multiple-skin variations.

Most of these I will leave default, but for each of the generations I will show the anatomical add-ons that come when you purchase a Pro pack. For information please see the following previous tutorials which did not require the NSFW tag.

This will be an image heavy post and is mainly intended to give some ideas of which figures you may be interested in purchasing if you are going to make 3D still images, videos, or perhaps export them as 3D assets for games. Since this one is very revealing I will share other information I've found for those of you that actually DO want to use these in adult, porn, etc type situations. I do not own any of the poses and other things I'll point you in the direction of but they will turn these characters into the tools to make most of the CG porn related stuff you are likely encountering on the internet. I myself don't even need the anatomical elements for my purposes, but I do have them just in case and so I could make complete reviews and tutorials...

Base Figures in the Genesis Line

The base figures are typically free with DAZ Studio with no purchase required. They typically come with the starter essentials and other things for the product. They are basic and the foundation that the Genesis series build upon.

Genesis without male/female morphs and no skin texture

Genesis Basic Male

Genesis Basic Female

Genesis 2 Male

Genesis 2 Female

Genesis 3 Male

Genesis 3 Female

Genesis 8 Female

NOTE: Genesis 8 Male has not been released yet

Victoria Figure Line

Victoria has been the most popular female line from what I read for a long time. It predates the genesis line, but Genesis has corresponding Victoria figures with 5 being genesis, 6 being Genesis 2, and 7 being Genesis 3. They put them in sequence when the latest Genesis line is being called 8 rather than 4 so it is in sequence with the actual figure sets that are based off of it. This section I will show the Victoria line from before Genesis as well, at least the ones I have. I will also show with and without anatomical elements when appropriate as well. I will show the ones I have access to.

Victoria 2

Victoria 3

Victoria 4.2 with default skin

Victoria 4.2 with Astrid for Stephanie 4 skin

Victoria 5

Victoria 5 w/ Female Genitalia (comes with Victoria 5 Pro Bundle)

Genitalia is usually a geograft type thing and it looks like this until you apply a material/skin with it, so though it came with Victoria 5 pro bundle and it will come with any female 5 pro bundle it can be used with any 5 figure or Genesis 1 figure. So if you want this you only need to purchase a single pro bundle. There are also some morphs that can add this type of appearance to female figures without needing this geograft add-on for the genesis 1 series. This geograft approach is used throughout the product lines so I will not necessarily show it without a material/texture in the future.

Victoria 6

Victoria 6 w/ Female Genitalia for Genesis 2

Victoria 7

Victoria 7 w/ Female Genitalia for Genesis 3
Victoria 8

Victoria 8 w/ Female Genitalia for Genesis 8

Michael Series

The Michael figure for the males is one of the more popular male figures. I am going to give it the same coverage I gave Victoria above. There is no Michael 8 yet.

Michael 2

Michael 3

Michael 4 default skin

Michael 4 Nick Mat

Michael 5

Michael 5 w/ Male Genitalia for Genesis

Michael 6

Michael 6 w/ Male Genitalia for Genesis 2

I do not own Michael 7, and there is no Michael 8 out yet. I will instead use one of the demonic figures I have for 7 that I have a somewhat normal skin for.

FW Aran HD for Genesis 3 Male

FW Aran HD for Genesis 3 Male w/ Male Genitalia for Genesis 3


That covers the different detail levels of the various figures. Though these are all caucasian based. The system is not locked to that at all. I am going to make some mixed images of a lot of the other figures so you can see some differing ages, body shapes, ethnicities, etc.

Female Collages

These are some collages of various female options.

I have a lot more of those I can do but, that is enough now.

Male Collages

I needed to make some male collages as well. I have a lot more figures and variations than are in this post and with morphs there are infinite variations.

That is going to wrap up the actual figures I am going to put in this post. Hopefully you start to see the varieties, the difference in detail, etc. There are a lot of things that could be done with a post like this. I wanted to start here.

Closing and Info for Serious Adult Content

I spent some time looking on Google last week to see how it is that people actually are likely making the porn and very graphic adult videos, and still images using what is obviously this content. You cannot get anything beyond these figures, clothes, basic poses, hair, etc at Daz 3D.

If you want more graphic poses, and animations to the extent that you could likely remake the Kama Sutra using these figures then I can point you to some websites where you can get the adult poses, add-ons, animations, etc that you cannot get from the official site. I have not tried any of them as this is not the purpose for which I purchased and use Daz 3D.

www.renderotica.com seems to be the site you will want to visit.

The above are some of the more tame images I could find on that site and some examples of products and the things they offer to extend Daz 3D. If this is your interest I recommend you go there and if it cannot provide you what you need then I am fairly certain whatever community may exist around that site can help you find what you are looking for.

I will not be covering anything beyond just the basic nudity in any future Daz 3D NSFW posts that I may make. I only covered it here so I could get the inevitable questions about porn and such out of the way at the outset.


I'm a simple man... i see NSFW, i click

Yep, I simply believe it is always important to give people the option to NOT click.

Those are some really realistic models and Game Art. Can probably be used in more graphic heavy games

Can be used in non-Graphics heavy games as well. There is a product called Decimator which let's you set LODs and such in DAZ Studio before exporting them and they can be exported in FBX and a couple of other formats. They actually work without optimization as long as there are only a few of them, but if you want to do a lot of them you would want to tweak them with Decimator and/or bring them into a 3D program like Blender or Maya and tweak them there. You can also specify what textures you want atlased and with what detail inside of Daz 3D so it can definitely be used for games. That is why I spent so much money on it over the last year. I can pretty much make any humanoid type of character, NPC I want. Dwarves, Elves, Orcs, Werewolves, Zombies, Vampires, Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, Aliens, etc.

If they are bipedal most of my needs can be handled with Daz and morphs...

Furthermore, with some careful work you can get the morphs to actually work inside of Unity or something like that.

I plan to be doing more tutorials on the Game Dev side in the future as that is why I have it.

This is very interesting. I was not aware of that. I will look forward for your future posts then. Thanks you :)

I was building up wish lists of the stuff from Polygonmaker, and many other assets from the Unity Asset store. You are pretty much stuck with whatever they give you and the price climbs quickly. Then a friend I knew from the past recommended Daz studio and I was skeptical at first.

Yet for Humanoid figures I really don't see much reason to buy such assets as long as I have Daz... there are tons of very cool things...

Maybe I'll write a post about that before I jump into doing some on getting them into Unity. My plan was to just do a post on getting them into Unity without optimization, show them working with Mecanim, etc and then do some posts about optimizing them within Daz, and within Unity using things like Simple LOD, Mesh Baker, or things like that.

I definitely should check out Daz then. You are right. Human models on the asset store is really expensive


That is one I am messing around with at the moment. Working on finding an outfit that the pants are not poking like that as this guy is pretty bulky. There are some tools to help with that called Poke away that can help tweak it so you can get pretty much any clothes working. I haven't purchased them yet, but will do so fairly soon...

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